
Mawaru Penguindrum fucking rocks

@beginsurvivalstrategy / beginsurvivalstrategy.tumblr.com

The Mother of Harlots.

Karl Marx releases the Communist Manifesto, Circa 1848

Cause they didn’t become rich by being nice to others

No but they will die anyway. why keeping money that can’t even spend? Humanity is a fucking cancer

“Owo those wich peepo wont give me free stuff humans are a pwague”


and when they spend that 10k on the essentals? then what?

they as in the rich people 


if your talking about the poor person spending the money then you have a point. a long term solution is needed such as raising the minimum wage and taxing rich individuals more 

Oh I see punish those who work the hardest, makes sense if you’re a commie with no grasp of the world and only jealousy and sloth to drive you.

Since when did billionaires work the hardest, exactly? As far as I know it, there are plenty of jobs that are extremely hard work that dont pay millions by the year.


why does every father have the emotional intelligence of a flea

toxic masculinity

Not my dad, shut it

Okay it’s great that your father doesn’t fall into this category - my father doesn’t, either - but I don’t think that’s a very good reason for telling others to shut it.

Because it says “every father”, and I’m not here for that. I’m not here for making that an expectation, or making it normal. Some fathers, maybe. Not every father.

if your father was so great why’d he raise such a dipshit

See when it’s about POC or women or trans or anything else, saying “Everyone”/”Every individual in this group” is insulting and warrants defense, and those who do it act all holier than thou and extra snobbish about it, but then the moment somebody says something about guys, it’s totally 100% okay. If I said “All women are insane” then I’d be fucking dogpiled, so no, they’re not being a dipshit for being defensive about some fanny saying “Every father”. Go munch a seaweed cupcake, sticky bun.

it’s almost like it’s because they’re actually oppressed unlike men

Or maybe your worldview is so fragile that when someone provides experience of their own to the contrary you double down on your dogshit ideals. Also Tae Takemi is a pedophile like every other romancable grown fucking adult in P5.


“I haven’t worked with an American for three years.  I’m a union drywall finisher, and my job has completely been taken over by Central and South Americans.  All of them have union cards now.  Can you imagine being the only one on your crew who doesn’t speak Spanish?  There’s nobody to talk to.  You have no clue what people are saying.  It’s isolating.  And all of them stick together too.  My last three foremen were from El Salvador, Paraguay, and Peru.  And whenever work dries up, I’m the first one trimmed from the crew.  Always.  No matter how hard I work.  I used to get angry about it.  It felt like I’d been sold out by the mayor and the union bosses.  I even started having racist thoughts.  But that’s not me, man.  I know they aren’t bad people.  They’re just sticking together like any of us would.  How can you blame them?  My parents were immigrants.  I grew up in New York.  I’ve got friends from all over the world.  So I’m not going to start thinking like that.  I’m not going there.  That’s not who I am.”


lmfao stop being white then? Learn some Spanish mayhaps? LMFAO how you working around Latinx ppl for 3 years and never learned a lick of Spanish? and then admit that you started having racist thoughts? He deserved to get fired from those jobs

you’re really not supporting your case honestly

@novathot kill yourself


Opinion discarded.

And shit like this is why I’m against mass immigration.

I knew Tumblr would outdo itself with this post.

Some white guy: I keep getting fired for what may be racist reasons. And that’s made me have racist thoughts, even though I know they’re wrong.

Some tumblr gremlin: maybe? you should? just learn? Spanish?

Of course, he never says that he didn’t learn Spanish, but if his employers are consistently racist, it doesn’t help anyway. I suspect Thotticus up there literally can’t even register the theoretical concept of racism against white people.

I’m so confused, how exactly does one “Stop being white”???

I'd like to add that Spanish is a European language


I don’t care what anyone says, being intelligent is so fucking attractive. Like yes, tell me random facts I didn’t know. I’ll think it’s the cutest thing ever.

Carrots aren’t actually good for your eyes.  That was British WW2 propaganda to hide their new radar system.

All humans technically have heat based powers in that we can transfer our heat into another object or person and make them hotter on the part we touch. We can also take the heat from hotter objects and make them colder, but like most super heroes, we have limits.

Most greek gods have a really bad habit of raping nymphs. Zues was probably the worst.


young lgbt people would be a lot less obnoxious and better received by mainstream people if they didn’t make unfunny jokes and constant complaints about straight people a substitution for having an actual personality

but straight jokes are funny. 

Sometimes, yeah, but the real issue is the people who make em cant handle gay jokes.

Maybe because gay jokes are outdated and based on homophobia??? Straight jokes are created in response to homophobia. Straight people are NOT oppressed. So stop. 

How are gay jokes not funny? Fuck, even calling something gay is funny. As long as the person making the joke isn’t doing it to demean gay people or piss off someone deliberately then it’s okay. I think straight jokes are funny too, but sometimes they’re basically just “straights are boring” or “straights should die” and that’s not cool, in the same way as it would be uncool to say that about LGBT people.

But I think the issue is more about how often the same jokes are made by young LGBT people, both gay and straight jokes, because that’s when it becomes “my personality is gay and that’s my only interest” which is what’s obnoxious. It makes you feel like gay people have to/only act a certain way, and anyone who acts that way is gay.

And the complaints about straight people are annoying. Like fuck, what are they gonna do? Not be straight? It gets old quick, even to me, a bisexual. Straight people are allowed to be traditional and it doesn’t mean they’re homophobic for following gender roles. All the criticisms about some men who complain about their wives and marriages as if that’s a straight thing and not a bad communication thing have got to go as well.

That’s why people are pissed off.

Gay jokes started because of homophobia and along with "thats so gay". Furthermore, none of these jokes are funny and saying "thats so gay" is super homophobic because it's obvious that that phrase equates homosexuality with stupudity or something unorthidox. If you use that phrase you're like 99% probable to be homophobic. The off-chance that you're not homophobic is you've picked up a really shitty sense of humor from middle school and never dropped it.


Bayonetta: *eating spaghetti*

God, like, literally God, from the Bible, appearing from the sky and destroying Bayonetta’s house: [UNINTELLIGIBLE]

Bayonetta, flying on a shard of her roof: man what the fuck


“What has violence against Nazis ever accomplished?” 

The end of the holocaust, for starters, ya lollipops. 


I actually love this post

You mean after they shot first? 🤔

Or did you forget that part as means to justify hitting people that just spoke hateful things.

You know, I was thinking maybe this time around we don’t wait until Nazis have already begun ethnic cleansing before we intervene. Just a thought. I know, really wild. Way out there. So radical. Pretty edgy and all. 

Communist have killed more than Nazis. Are you also suggesting we intervene and attack any Marxists?

Red herring fallacy. Are you opposed to attacking nazis?

My standard ida the same for anyone. If they are harming someone they can face violence. If they aren’t then no. A free society is one where you aren’t punished for the idea yippy hold or express. Are you against attacking Marxist? If one should be attacked the other should as well for the same reasons.

Red herring fallacy. The fact that you cant simply be opposed to Nazis without trying to shift the discussion to something else is…suspect.

Because communists are worse and if the standard holds then in your book they too should be violently censored.

We are asking for spme fucking consistentcy. So answer the question

Person 1: We should punch Nazis because they’re violent!

Person 2: Okay but can we punch Commies too? After all they’re also pretty fucked up.

Person 1: So you’re saying we shouldn’t punch Nazis?

No i am saying if this river of thought which can only go off the same cliff, then all be right with the world.

But as it stands many people make exception for one over the other.

I agree political violence tends to be pretty shit but I atleast want them to be consistent rules.

The difference between Marxists and Nazis is that marxism has resulted in violence because of reasons outside the belief system. Marxism wasn't created to kill people. Nazism was. People that call themselves Marxists may or may not have blood on their hands, but thats seperate from the general view. Nazism directly calls for the harm of people. Also like, capitalism has probably killed more people than nazism too so.


saw this on instagram

exactly @erraticcat thanks for saying that because I’m not very good at explaining things. And for the people saying this is an issue with bullying and has nothing to do with guns, I do agree that someone should have took notice and done something but it is absolutely horrid reading these replies saying that they deserved to get shot. they were all just kids.

similar instance, the Columbine shooting, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot and killed 13 people in 1999 because they were victims of bullying. they were angry at the world. they wanted revenge, and they achieved it, because they had great firepower right at their hands.

claiming it would be okay if he had shot them because it’d be ‘self defense’ is bullshit. If you really think it’s justified to take the lives of others because you were going to get/had gotten beat up, please do yourself and the world a favor and maybe check yourself into therapy

Anyone old enough to stalk someone and storm their house is old enough to get plugged in broad daylight.

You know telling me that high school teenagers harassed and did property damage to a small child isn’t making want to disarm me or my future children. If anything I would have wanted my kid to walk on the porch and tell them to GTFO.

OP is incorrect. He DID have a mental issue. His only thought was to grab a firearm and kill someone because they were bullying him? I was picked on mercilessly as a child because I was the new kid from out of state. I didn’t even manage to have a steady life until 10th grade. Even then, I never, not even once, thought about taking another life. Not even when someone threatened to drag me by my collar and to shoot me in the parking lot, right in the middle of class. All for wearing a jersey of a “rival” collage football team. That’s how fucked up these people were that I went to school with, but I never once thought about harming them.

Even if there were no guns in OP’s house, he would have grabbed a knife from the kitchen and thought about stabbing said bullies. Potentially to death. Does that mean we need to prevent citizens from having knives in their houses? Of course not, how silly.

A firearm is no more dangerous than the person wielding it. A firearm is a tool. It is inanimate until used by a person. If that person doesn’t have an evil mind, the no harm will come to a single person.

Did we read the same thing? Because how is he mentally ill for trying to defend himself against people banging on his house door and threating to harm him, exactly? I mean, this is a completely different scenario than bringing a fully loaded gun to school to kill people. This is a kid facing bodily harm from people yelling and banging at his front door.


But arson is illegal. She was arrested because she committed a crime

an attorney literally said to what you have mentioned, “under this logic every cigarette in public is “arson” that is NOT how this works. THAT is NOT Arson

ARSON: arson is defined as the malicious burning of the dwelling of another. Please note that the definitions of “dwelling” and “of another” are the same as they are in the context of burglary. In order to be convicted of arson, a defendant must have actually caused some damage to a dwelling, using fire.

Lighting a cigarette is not the same as setting a flag on fire in a populated area. She was convicted of attempted arson & reckless endangerment of others. She was in the wrong

She was absolutely NOT “convicted” of anything she was arrested for the above, in which case the DA will facepalm and throw out the “arson” since arson  literally is defined as “intentionally setting fire with the intent to cause damage and having cause damage”  A flag is absolutely NOT a structure. She will be pleabargened with public disturbance. 

watching haw many fucking 19 year old bootlicker idiots on hear scream arson, makes me have 0 confidence in the LGBTQ community as having staying power to overcome this administration…

Burning flags is protected under the 1st Amendment as political speech, flat out. The police violated her first amendment rights by jailing her for expressing a political opinion that is explicitly protected though legal precedent because they didn’t like being mocked.

Where are all the Status Quo Warriors that scream about Freeze Peach when a Nazi gets punched? Not here when this is literally the state trying to silence dissidence.

she had lighter fluid in a populated area and committed arson, you fucking morons.

People burn flags at protests all the fucking time. It isn’t arson, it’s protected political speech that the cops trumped up charges to justify violating her right to speak out against them, you fucking bootlicker.

Oh my god. 

This is the worst fucking thread ever.

Heaven forbid someone bring something to help light the goddamn flag. God forbid they burn the flag AT ALL. Lord forbid that she express her disapproval of the police force.

Hey, ballsacks. Guess what they do at Girl Scouts?

When you go out to the camp, spend the weekend and on the last evening there, they burn the American flag. I don’t know fucking why, they just do. But you know what?

They’re lighting an American flag.

in a bonfire.

Surrounded by 30+ SIX TO TWELVE YEAR OLDS.

You’re gonna fucking tell me that’s the equivalent to arson?

How is THAT ANY DIFFERENT from what this lady did?


Endangering those around her MAYBE. MAYBE.

Good god I can’t imagine what you guys would think or do about people who light fireworks or start bonfire cookouts in neighborhood back yards. 

She didn’t burn down a building, she burned a flag. According to the 1st amendment THAT IS HER RIGHT. 

You can scream and cry and yell and get upset all you fucking want, chanting “BUT WHAT ABOUT THE OTHERS!!!!” rhetoric but in all honesty you’re just making yourselves look racist and uneducated, voluntarily IGNORING the ACTUAL definition of arson, and acting like YOU SOMEHOW KNOW MORE ABOUT THE US LAWS THAN AN ACTUAL LAWYER AND CAN MAKE ANY JUDGMENT CALL YOU WANT, just because YOU think she’s wrong. 

She didn’t commit arson. Suck it up.

>dumbass douses a bunch of people around them with lighter fluid

>tries to set a flag on fire in the middle of that group of people


I’m gonna go set a pride flag on fire and watch you morons lose your shit over it

Apparently you’re gonna get pissy enough to block me because you know you’re wrong

Two road flares and a bottle of turpentine in your backpack is enough evidence to arrest you on suspicion of committing arson, OOPS.

Girl scouts burn the flag? Is that a actual thing? Pretty intriguing.

Yeah apparently a controlled camp fire, in a safe setting, built by people who’ve learned fire safety is the same as wildly dousing a bunch of people in your vicinity with an accelerant and then trying to set fire to something in that crowd of people


I think they’re hanging their hats on “well, it wasn’t arson, specifically.

I’ve been to official flag burnings, it’s somber and done with a massive amount of respect, this woman tried to set a flag doused in a accelerant on fire in the middle of a crowd of people. Everyone involved in the arrest said it had nothing to do with the flag and everything to do with the fact that she was putting peoples lives at risk. If you want to burn a flag then you are within your rights to do so, you cannot endanger the public in the process. It ain’t that complicated kids.

Yall anti sjws are fucking wild. Theyll spend hours on the internet defending nazi’s first amendment rights but then turn around and try to justify a police state against a trans girl because “they could have endangered someone’s life” even though there was no attempt to hurt anyone and no one got hurt except for the feelings of a bunch of boot lickers.

did you not pay attention to any of the above you halfwit?

she was arrested because she lit a damn lighter fluid soaked flag up in the middle of a crowd.

stop being an obtuse fuckwit

Yeah yeah yeah pick and choose the opinions to defend as usual filtht fucking anti


But arson is illegal. She was arrested because she committed a crime

an attorney literally said to what you have mentioned, “under this logic every cigarette in public is “arson” that is NOT how this works. THAT is NOT Arson

ARSON: arson is defined as the malicious burning of the dwelling of another. Please note that the definitions of “dwelling” and “of another” are the same as they are in the context of burglary. In order to be convicted of arson, a defendant must have actually caused some damage to a dwelling, using fire.

Lighting a cigarette is not the same as setting a flag on fire in a populated area. She was convicted of attempted arson & reckless endangerment of others. She was in the wrong

She was absolutely NOT “convicted” of anything she was arrested for the above, in which case the DA will facepalm and throw out the “arson” since arson  literally is defined as “intentionally setting fire with the intent to cause damage and having cause damage”  A flag is absolutely NOT a structure. She will be pleabargened with public disturbance. 

watching haw many fucking 19 year old bootlicker idiots on hear scream arson, makes me have 0 confidence in the LGBTQ community as having staying power to overcome this administration…

Burning flags is protected under the 1st Amendment as political speech, flat out. The police violated her first amendment rights by jailing her for expressing a political opinion that is explicitly protected though legal precedent because they didn’t like being mocked.

Where are all the Status Quo Warriors that scream about Freeze Peach when a Nazi gets punched? Not here when this is literally the state trying to silence dissidence.

she had lighter fluid in a populated area and committed arson, you fucking morons.

People burn flags at protests all the fucking time. It isn’t arson, it’s protected political speech that the cops trumped up charges to justify violating her right to speak out against them, you fucking bootlicker.

Oh my god. 

This is the worst fucking thread ever.

Heaven forbid someone bring something to help light the goddamn flag. God forbid they burn the flag AT ALL. Lord forbid that she express her disapproval of the police force.

Hey, ballsacks. Guess what they do at Girl Scouts?

When you go out to the camp, spend the weekend and on the last evening there, they burn the American flag. I don’t know fucking why, they just do. But you know what?

They’re lighting an American flag.

in a bonfire.

Surrounded by 30+ SIX TO TWELVE YEAR OLDS.

You’re gonna fucking tell me that’s the equivalent to arson?

How is THAT ANY DIFFERENT from what this lady did?


Endangering those around her MAYBE. MAYBE.

Good god I can’t imagine what you guys would think or do about people who light fireworks or start bonfire cookouts in neighborhood back yards. 

She didn’t burn down a building, she burned a flag. According to the 1st amendment THAT IS HER RIGHT. 

You can scream and cry and yell and get upset all you fucking want, chanting “BUT WHAT ABOUT THE OTHERS!!!!” rhetoric but in all honesty you’re just making yourselves look racist and uneducated, voluntarily IGNORING the ACTUAL definition of arson, and acting like YOU SOMEHOW KNOW MORE ABOUT THE US LAWS THAN AN ACTUAL LAWYER AND CAN MAKE ANY JUDGMENT CALL YOU WANT, just because YOU think she’s wrong. 

She didn’t commit arson. Suck it up.

>dumbass douses a bunch of people around them with lighter fluid

>tries to set a flag on fire in the middle of that group of people


I’m gonna go set a pride flag on fire and watch you morons lose your shit over it

Apparently you’re gonna get pissy enough to block me because you know you’re wrong

Two road flares and a bottle of turpentine in your backpack is enough evidence to arrest you on suspicion of committing arson, OOPS.

Girl scouts burn the flag? Is that a actual thing? Pretty intriguing.

Yeah apparently a controlled camp fire, in a safe setting, built by people who’ve learned fire safety is the same as wildly dousing a bunch of people in your vicinity with an accelerant and then trying to set fire to something in that crowd of people


I think they’re hanging their hats on “well, it wasn’t arson, specifically.

I’ve been to official flag burnings, it’s somber and done with a massive amount of respect, this woman tried to set a flag doused in a accelerant on fire in the middle of a crowd of people. Everyone involved in the arrest said it had nothing to do with the flag and everything to do with the fact that she was putting peoples lives at risk. If you want to burn a flag then you are within your rights to do so, you cannot endanger the public in the process. It ain’t that complicated kids.

Yall anti sjws are fucking wild. Theyll spend hours on the internet defending nazi's first amendment rights but then turn around and try to justify a police state against a trans girl because "they could have endangered someone's life" even though there was no attempt to hurt anyone and no one got hurt except for the feelings of a bunch of boot lickers.


i think what annoys me more than thinking David Cage is a good writer is what happened after Detroit, after God of War, after Last of Us, etc. etc, which is “[game] PROVES that video games can be MATURE”

like…i think “proving” the maturity of an entire medium is a ridiculously stupid blanket statement, but if we’re really talking about it, then it’s been “proven” since the PS1 era, and for decades beyond that

sorry that you can’t take anything seriously unless it’s made by someone who speaks English lmfao

And its not like any of these games do the “maturing” in an original way. They basically just copy a plot from some movie that came out like 11 or 15 years ago and then copy AGAIN but this time from videogames that came out during the 7th generation.


I seriously have to wonder where these “games need to mature to be taken seriously as a medium” people were when stuff like Shin Megami Tensei, Metal Gear, Chrono Trigger, the World Ends With You, Tales of the Abyss, etc, were coming out. Because those games dealt with some pretty heavy themes and messages.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon anyone?

PMD still is kinda kiddy but in the sense of “tackle mature themes in a kid friendly way.”

…did we really just base an entire circle-jerk on the blatant lie he’s an American when he’s a Frenchmen and his studio is based in France? 

i was contributing to the idea of PMD being mature and the general conversation about how games have long been mature before oscar bait, the game’s rolled into town.

He's talking about op. Op made the lie that the writer in question was a native english speaker when he is not. The last sentence doesn't really make sense in its given context though since the talking point was on bad writing and not what language they speak.

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