low key considering moving jess to a side blog off my main ? like i just did that with another dying muse of mine – and it totally revived her and took some of the pressure off me ?
would you guys follow a sideblog ?

update: currently in the process of moving jess to said sideblog. link will be posted at some point later tonight. hope to see you !!

low key considering moving jess to a side blog off my main ? like i just did that with another dying muse of mine -- and it totally revived her and took some of the pressure off me ?
would you guys follow a sideblog ?
You always have an opportunity to return home, you are never too far from grace; That’s the beautiful thing about God’s grace, it chases after you, and never gives up. So lay down your pride that is masked by your fear, and return to the one person who loves you beyond your shortcomings. Return to the table, beloved, your place is awaiting you and the Father has so much to catch up with you about.

T.B. LaBerge // Go Now (via tblaberge)

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