
Murphy's Law at its Best

@clutteredhailey / clutteredhailey.tumblr.com

Writer. Lurker. NS.

So March lasted ten years and April just kinda passed instantaneously like we’re in a coma and yet I’m trapped in it eternally

holy shit youre right


True. What's May gonna be like?

...how. How is it already the 22nd. WTF.

Not a single person on my dash has posted the “It’s gonna be May” meme and I feel like that says a lot about what it’s gonna be like.


Honestly what May coming up feels like right now


sometimes i really love my fics. i wrote that because i wanted to read it. i love it. nobody visits my fics more than me. they remind me that i’m a hard worker, that i created something. it’s mine and i cherish it and love it because it’s exactly what i wanted so i made it.

and other days i’m crippled by self criticism and hate everything and can’t bear to look at my own work because i know it’ll never compare to the greats

but i live for the days i love my work. because it’s mine, and i made it. i didn’t wait for somebody else to make what i dream about. i went and did it myself.

so don’t feel like your work is awful

it’s the stuff you dreamed about. it’s the stuff you decided to make a reality. it’s not about quality, or poetry, or how perfectly your sculpt your words or keep it so deeply in character; because it’s what you dreamed and it’s what you wanted to see, so you made it.

keep writing; it’s yours, and you made it. and if you want to continue to sharpen and improve yourself? then do it. it’s all yours and you can make it whatever you want.

keep writing.


This may be a bit self-serving, but this would be an excellent time for fanfic readers who don’t normally do so to get in the habit of leaving comments on fics.

If someone’s fic is helping you get through a tough time, tell them. Chances are, the author is going through a tough time too. Knowing that your hard work is helping someone, even if it’s years after you wrote the piece, can be a bigger bright spot in someone’s day than you might realize.

Furthermore, many authors now have more time on their hands, but like everyone else, may be battling through the mental haze of fear and uncertainty. Writing can help the writer as much as the finished product helps the reader.

A bit of positive encouragement may be just what your favorite writer needs to overcome the anxiety haze and instead rekindle their joy in telling stories, at the time when they too need it most.


it’s been 6 years since the manga ended and since I completely detached myself from Naruto but can I just say

Sakura Haruno deserved the whole fucking world and instead she got mistreated and abused by some of the characters and most importantly by the mangaka/studio. what could have been an incredibly strong and well-written female protagonist was turned into an underdeveloped character stuck in an underdeveloped relationship brainwashed by her own warped sense of love.

she went through unnecessary emotional turmoil because of a character who didn’t even care if she was alive or not all for the fetishization of loyalty and the implication that a woman must remain loyal to the man she loves no matter the circumstances.

while she came from a respectable and loving family and had good and supportive friends to show her healthy affection, her notion of what love is was so fucked that she literally could not progress as a character. Sakura believed that loyalty was the most important factor of love. she thought that her role in a romantic relationship was to remain faithful to the person she loves even if that person and was extremely toxic. the toxicity of the relationship between Sakura and the person she loved do I really need to type out specific moments? you know what I’m talking about became the norm for her and resulted in an association of abuse with love that could not be broken, even after being exposed to what a healthy romantic relationship could be like her relationship with Naruto.

the potential of Sakura becoming a powerful and complex female protagonist was there, but that development was only given in small increments and came in the form of mostly physical strength. her physical strength became the focal point of her character’s development.

Sakura’s physical strength was the only characteristic of hers that was improved. and the main motive of that improvement was her determination to get that toxic person Sasuke back into her life. her small growth to becoming a woman who can think for herself and who can identify when a relationship is toxic was shown only when she was looking outwardly at other relationships. moreover, the advancement of that growth was screeched to a halt whenever Sasuke was involved.

this is where the mangaka and the studio failed her and the audience. instead of Sakura identifying that her relationship with Sasuke was toxic and making the decision to distant herself or even completely cut herself off from him, Kishimoto either delusioned by his own ideas of love and loyalty or forced to write it because the studio told him to settled with an uncomplicated character who, at the end, was the same exact way she was in the beginning of the manga. the studio failed her because of their love for Hinata, who is a great example of the perfect, ideal image of what a woman should be like— quiet, submissive, and not to mention, loyal. this isn’t to say that Hinata is a bad character, she just had a fate similar to Sakura’s because she too was underdeveloped and had an undying loyalty to love, though she did not have to suffer through an abusive romantic relationship but rather an abusive platonic one

why is it important that Sakura be a well-written, strong and respectable female protagonist? because Sakura is the female protagonist of Naruto and therefore has an influence on the fans of the manga. what kind of message is Kishimoto sending? also, it’s not just Sakura’s complacency/deficiency or her (as most of the fans like to call her) “useless” influence in the story. it has a lot to do with Sasuke’s character and how he treats her. but that’s a topic for another time. lol.

anyway, the way Sakura was written and the way her fate was sealed is probably one of the biggest disappointments of my life and Kishimoto not the studio because I never had faith in them anyway seriously failed Sakura fans in the end.


4 Days Until NaruSaku Day!

Hello my fellow NaruSaku fans! Guess what? There are 4 more days until NaruSaku day 2018! Time sure does fly. ^_^

What is NaruSaku Day?


“ 4月3日「ナルトがサクラを好きになった日 “

Every year since then, NaruSaku fans from all across the world come together to create art, fiction, or just wish express our love for NaruSaku! 

Unfortunately this year, I didn’t have time to plan anything big… except for the NaruSaku Zine pre-orders opening April 3rd!

On April 3rd, everyone can begin pre-ordering their NaruSaku zine, but more surprises will be announced too ;)

Although nothing else is planned for NaruSaku Day, NaruSaku Factory will be reblogging all NaruSaku Day posts and going back to repost some from the previous years. We’re really looking forward to it!


sometimes i want to pull my hair out because i want to see just ONE female character i can relate to in terms of their romantic/sex life

i want to see a girl in her mid twenties who has never been kissed

i want to see a girl who is confused because she has literally no experience

a girl that has panic attacks when she thinks of sex and cant stop thinking about what kissing is like while also being terrified of it

a girl who cant figure out her sexuality because she’s never gotten to try

a girl who self destructs because shes terrified of how bigger her baggage gets with age

i’m sick of seeing woman in tv and movies who date and have sex and still have relationship hangups, not because that doesnt exist but because i cant relate to those women

i want to turn on the tv and see a 25 year old woman who has never been with anyone, was genuinely not looked at for a long time and has become terrified of attention, who’s anxiety cheats them out of dating, who greets every birthday with this feeling of dread in the pit of their stomach because they’re getting older and older and it feels weirder and more wrong with every passing year

i know i’m not the only woman like this, but with the way the media is, it’s maybe the most alienating baggage i carry. everywhere i look, it’s weird that this is my experience. i feel ashamed and i feel scared that i one day have to tell a person to their face that i’m am adult who has never had a first kiss. its terrifying and consuming and confusing and awful. you start to believe it isnt meant for you - not just sex, or intimacy, but fucking love itself. because you dont turn on the tv and see people like you. “unlucky in love” means slightly clumsy and loud on dates and fear of commitment. its a quirky girl who probably has had sex with multiple people and just ~cant figure it out~!!!!!

i want a girl who feels so alone because she literally always has been

that’s what i wanna see

Anonymous asked:

Didn't I tell you they live on fillers and headcanons.

well, when pretty much everything in canon is a slap in the face to them, i’m not really surprised. ☕️

  • kishi: i killed neji for them to get together; he “died as cupid”.
  • kishi: the boruto movie is the first screenplay i’ve written – the last was “an idea from the anime producers”.
  • kishi: i “pitied” hinata because she watched naruto from the beginning, so felt i needed to “reward” her for doing so.
  • kishi: i’m too “embarrassed” to write anything to do with their romance, so i let studio pierrot and, idk, some randomly affiliated authors write their fanfiction as fillers for those gaps that i couldn’t be arsed to fill myself… but hold up, i’ll personally take the time and effort to write my final work for the series, which focuses on s/s, sarada (seemingly my true next generation main character) and team 7.
  • kishi: i literally just straight up “forgot” about hinata’s main trait when creating the kids… but i’ll retcon a byakugan ‘awakening’ joke later or something, no worries.
  • kishi: oh yeah, i intentionally made n/s parallel mina/kushi because it was, like, a “red-herring” or whatever the hell they’re telling me to say now…
  • kishi: also, my wife is just like sakura and she shipped naru/saku. she was the one who helped me write mina/kushi too! but she got hella angry at me over naru/hina; she was “very upset that naruto didn’t get together with sakura” and “complained quite vehemently to me” about it. oh, and my only contribution to ‘the last’ was our scarf gifting memory, since i tried to “defuse the situation by assuring her that she was actually the model for hinata” but she knew that wasn’t true; my wife is a “strong character”.
  • kishi: however, i assure you that n/h wasn’t the asspull that it seems – i apparently just couldn’t be bothered depicting them on more than 40 pages out of, like, 12,500+ in my 15 years of writing the story. i actually decided on s/s “early” on, but naru/hina wasn’t planned until “the middle”, somehow… idk, i liked s/s, so the other two basically happened by default later on, i guess.
  • kishi: naruto doesn’t have time for his family – the exact thing that he craved the most throughout his lonely life – during an era of peace.
  • kishi: naruto sleeps on the couch.
  • kishi: naruto’s son hates him. he hurls abuse at his father, makes his mother cry and ruins his little sister’s birthday party with a tantrum.
  • kishi: he’s the son of, like, the strongest ninja and a main-branch member of a prestigious clan, but he has to cheat to be a decent shinobi.
  • kishi: naruto’s daughter also gut-punched him unconscious and made him miss the day that he’d been dreaming about his entire life. you know, the one that was a theme of the series, which i consistently built up to showcasing the moment of for my invested readers to finally see come to fruition… psych.
  • kishi: naruto knows the significance of bento and still runs; leaving his son stuck with his mother’s unappreciated meal, still hateful of his father, feeling sorry for his mother and pissed at his dad’s lack of care for his marriage.
  • kishi: hinata is “frumpy”, “crumpy”; she “has a bland appearance” and “reduces the amount of skin she shows”. oh, and here are the numerous characters who have commented on sakura’s beauty, including naruto!
  • kishi: hinata – who has the byakugan, btw (like, 360º vision and has been trained to walk upside down & on the water surface) – tripped on a rock and gave up on personally trying to help naruto, whilst sakura performed medical ninjutsu, manually pumped his heart with her hand & administered CPR with practically no chakra.
  • kishi: naruto had feelings for sakura for 699 chapters – he develops feelings for hinata in the movie that i didn’t think was important enough to mention at all in my work. apparently it’s the result of a genjutsu and feeling sorry for her or something?
  • kishi: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What Naruhina taught me about love

1. Love is cheap. 2. Love needs genjutsu and brainwashing to work out. 3. Love is given to people you pity. 4. You realize you love a woman when she finally wears a revealing clothing that reveals her curves. If she wears too much then she doesn’t deserve love. 5. If you wait long enough, the person you love will soon pity you enough to marry you. 6. Love does not need development or conversation. All it needs is saying the person’s name over and over again. 7. Love is ignoring the person you love for years before finally giving in because you do not know you’re in love with her in the first place. 8. Love happens when you save someone from bullies. 9. The more you are obsessed with knitting a scarf for a person, the more you love a person. 10. Popular people deserve more love even if they don’t work for it. 11. A woman, without a man in her life, is nothing and deserves to be pitied. 12. A woman watching a man for years without saying or doing anything is one form of showing love. 13. You know you love a person when you find her weird. 14. Love does not need conversation to know the other person better. All it takes is a slap, a little speech or holding hands. Whether you know each other well enough does not matter. 15. You know you’re in love when you are not attracted to a person’s smile or you do not find her beautiful. 16. You know he’s in love with you when he keeps on chasing after someone else. 17. Love happens only when there is a matchmaker and not through conscious, mutual effort of two people to reach out to each other.

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