euer einziges ideal ist das kapital

@yournightfalls /


cop: has a wide range of professions to choose from including cake decorator at ralph’s, decides to go with the one where you hunt people down with guns cop: i’m just doing what i’m told. i’m just doing my job. this is out of my hands. there is literally nothing else i can do. this is my profession. i was born a cop


On average, you have a 1 in 18,989 chance of being murdered

A trans person has a 1 in 12 chance of being murdered

The average life span of a cis person is about 75-90 

The average life expectancy of a trans person is 23-30 years old

75% of people killed in anti LGBT hate crimes are poc

Think about this the next time you go crying over “cisphobia” and “reverse racism”



its weird that mostly all vegetarians and vegans only wanna fight for animals but not the underpaid/overworked people that pick their $15 organic grapes from Whole Foods in the sweltering sun for 15 hours at a time 

here, hang on just a sec, let me give you some receipts here, because ya, of course a lot of fruits, veg and grains cause a lot of human suffering before they get to our kitchens, but hang on a sec

nahh you wanna talk grapes! but wait, wait, hang on a sec, is it ONLY vegetarians and vegans that eat fruit and veg? do you meat eaters…. ONLY eat MEAT? are you exempt from contributing to human suffering because you ALSO contribute to animal suffering? do meat eaters not eat grapes?! jesus kerrrrist 


I’m ok. I’m gonna be ok. I’m gonna live a beautiful life and I’ll get to know beautiful people. I will create things of beauty and be surrounded by flowers. And I’ll love myself, and I’ll be soft, I’ll be kind. And I’ll be ok.


I love this image so much.

I’ve seen some women who are offended by this and say it’s ridiculous that her cleavage is showing and things of that sort.

Personally, I think it’s great.

Why should we have an image of a women with her hair tied up and flexing her muscles like she’s a man? (not that that isn’t great too!) In a way it suggests that when our hair is down, our breasts are visible and we wear (GASP) lipstick, we’re somehow lesser than men? We can do it! We can be feminine and successful.

You see what I’m saying here, ladies?

You don’t have to lose your femininity. Being feminine is great. Being masculine is great. Strength is not limited to one way of being.


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