
this man of mine may truly kill me.

@jessielange / jessielange.tumblr.com

REBECCA;; eighteen, lesbigay. cate blanchett is ruining my life. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

"She was beautiful, and why should her days be so empty now, Therese wondered, when she was made to live with people who loved her, to walk in a beautiful house, in beautiful cities, along blue seacoasts with a long horizon and a blue sky to background her." ~ The Price of Salt


The basis of most arguments against trans people is that we are not who we say we are, that we are always and only the gender that we were assigned at birth. And so much of that is about having a sense of certainty around gender, that when you were born with a certain set of genitalia, then that must dictate your entire life, and the reality is that that’s not trueA lot of people are not comfortable with that, because then that means they have to begin to question who they are.- Laverne Cox

Source: sassyhendrix
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