

@fuckedupmusician / fuckedupmusician.tumblr.com

archive blog.

right so basically i think i’m going to merge my blogs together and put all my muses from this blog onto my main which is intcrdire, where i am all the time rather than here. 

i’m not entirely sure yet but i’ll make another post or something later when i’ve officially decided


text ;; dickface

Hunter: did you know your dad (harry) knew you were gonna fall for me??
Hunter: well not me but he knew you'd be like them and find a guy
Hunter: he's psychic
Beau: why did i read this as physics
Beau: dude knows whats up
Beau: i think i'm sleep deprived come make out

text ;; sugaaa daddy

eden: it's real good that we love each other
eden: you let me spend all your money and i buy pretty clothes for you to see me in
eden: and to take off me
eden: and i bought a few little extra things for when we're at the wedding
eden: we might have to stay an extra few days so i can wear them all
eden: but i doubt you'd mind that, trust me
eden: anyway the purpose of this is to say i'm coming to treat you to lunch
eden: well you're treating yourself but i'm bringing it to you
luca: sometimes i regret giving you my credit card
luca: then i remember you're hot as fuck
luca: i have to meet with a client in like an hour so hurry and you get to make out with me
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