
books are my forte

@bookformulas / bookformulas.tumblr.com

addicted to problematic characters with personal problems
Hux: that girl is enemy number one. She must be captured dead or alive.
Kylo: alive
Hux: fine alive
Kylo: and unscratched
Hux: just alive if you need to rough her up, please do
Kylo: if you harm a hair on her head, you will be the one to die

Inej: Once you hit rock bottom, the only place left to go is up.

Kaz: You underestimate me. I’ve brought my pickaxe and I’m ready to dig.


Wylan: Could you please pass the salt? Inej: *throws Kaz across the table*

Leigh Bardugo books: “I would come for you. And if I couldn’t walk I’d crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we’d fight our way out together - knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that’s what we do. We never stop fighting.”
Also Leigh Bardugo books: “my ghost won’t associate with your ghost.”

So Mark Hamill, Daisy Ridley, and Adam Driver showed up at the Belfast airport in Ireland. I think my favorite thing about it is Daisy and Adam’s efforts to hide their faces through jackets and sunglasses

And then Mark’s just like HEYYYYY!

freshman year vs senior year


Kaz as a young prine and inej as a lowly acrobat when he comes and sees her show for entertainment



  • His royal Moodiness Prince Kaz of the Barrel and high commander-in-chief of the Dregs hears about a famous acrobat group coming to town
  • his main cabinet adviser, Duke Jesper, urges him to see the show with the Countess Nina, the Earl Matthias, and Baron Wylan van Eck
  • Kaz goes grudgingly after Nina threatens to toss all his hats and gloves into the fireplace 
  • “…and don’t think I don’t know where you stashed all your crowns, I’ll have them all melted by the blacksmith.”
  • so they enter the tent and wow, isn’t it huge and holy shit that’s a really high and thin wire up there and why is there no net??
  • the five trek up to the royal box - because of course Kaz gets one of his own - and watch as the acrobats file out one by one, doing technical wonders and impressive stunts
  • Kaz is wondering whether anyone would notice if he sneaked out
  • until a little slip of a girl with dark serious eyes steps into the limelight and bows to the audience
  • the girl scurries up the ladder to the rope and suddenly Kaz can’t believe what he’s seeing
  • the crowd oohs and ahhs as this girl practically dances across the rope with her feet and fingers 
  • Kaz can’t take his eyes off her and the others notice with stifled snickers and knowing grins
  • After the show, Inej prepares to relax until late afternoon, until she gets a frantic announcement that the Prince wants to see her
  • She’s greeted by Nina and Wylan, who inform her she’s not in trouble, the Prince was just impressed by her skills on the high wire
  • She’s helped into the large carriage by Jesper and carefully sits down next to the Prince who looks as stoic as a rock 
  • “Are you an acrobatic enthusiast, Your Highness?”
  • “No, Jesper simply persuaded me into watching this performance.”
  • “So what gave you reason for you to call upon me?”
  • Kaz struggles to answer this
  • “I need a spy. Someone who can go through the palace undetected and pick up every secret traded in transactions. You’ll be able to do this well enough.”
  • Inej crosses her arms and flatly refuses 
  • until Kaz mentions that he’ll pay her parents enough money to buy a house in the kingdom which startles her (she’s never lived in a permanent home before) 
  • so Inej enters the palace under the guise of an unfortunate Viscountess who just lost all her fortunes 
  • she refuses to wear a dress, which the court immediately comes to accept once Per Geels tries to grope her (he gets five stitches and a knocked out tooth in return)
  • and Inej constantly trains with the wires Kaz sets up for her, steel instead of twine, so she asks him to be her spotter
  • Kaz accepts and soon it becomes a common thing for Kaz to hold Inej’s hand whenever she needs balance
  • their conversations consist of 80% relaying information to each other and 20% snark 
  • Kaz is impressed by the silver-tongued wit Inej holds while Inej appreciates Kaz’s bluntness and honesty, no matter how it makes her lips curl in disapproval
  • he’s one of the first people that doesn’t lie to her
  • also she often brushes a hand over her shoulder in case she might fall 
  • she knows she won’t 
  • but she does it anyway
  • the wire is set higher and higher until the top of her head nearly scrapes the domed ceiling of the ballroom 
  • Inej grows proficient at spying in the palace and becomes one of the sharpest ladies of the Dregs Court
  • and one day Inej steps on the titanium wire and she finds that the metal no longer scrapes her fingers or leaves her bleeding 
  • so she begins to do her acrobatic tricks but realizes Kaz won’t spot her anymore
  • the thought makes her wobble and her hands immediately snap outwards but she’s already in freefall 
  • a pairs of hands catch her and she already has an explanation ready
  • “I was being careless.”
  • “You’re never careless.”
  • “It won’t happen again.”
  • Inej tries to slink out of Kaz’s grip but his hands grip her shoulders a little more tightly and suddenly she realizes the intimacy of the position they’re in and she can practically hear his heart because her head is near his chest
  • and she sees the fear in his eyes and an Inej in his mind that he couldn’t run fast enough to save
  • so she simply curls up against him so she can hide her own trauma (that was her first fall in years)
  • “Thank you.” she says to the black velvet of Kaz’s robe, because she doesn’t feel like looking at him at the moment
  • a small hitch of breath
  • a soft voice replying “You’re welcome”, so different from the usual gravelly noise of rocks scraping against each other
  • and Inej can’t help but give a small smile at the sound 

So pleased to finally be finished!!  This is the full video–just the first verse + chorus–but the full song works really well for Six of Crows and you should listen to it!  And also read the Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo because those are them Good Books. uOu/

Some notes: Wylan’s burning a letter and yep, that’s his dad.  Yep, that’s Jarl Brum’s gloved hand that appears before the wolf.  Inej’s knives should’ve been dark for maximum stealth, I just liked the shine too much.  In retrospect, I wish I’d given Kaz a proper limp.

Programs Used: Toon Boom Studio 4.5, Adobe Photoshop CS6 Song: Trouble by Valerie Broussard (available on Spotify!)


When Kaz is feelin a lil festive he swaps out his crow cane for one of these bad boys:


This made me laugh a lil too hard


Force Bond Part 5

These fics are literally my life right now and I’m loving it. Will edit as more are found/written; suggestions welcome!

+ - fic is mature/explicit

* - fic is incomplete






Maybe Rhysand is secretly a seamstress in his spare time and designs dresses for Feyre. Maybe that’s why every single time Mor asks Rhysand where he bought Feyre’s dress, he’s like: it’s a secret *wink* *wink*

Cassian: hey Rhysand, do you remember when I killed a butterfly and you said, 'no butter for a week'?
Rhysand : yeah...
Cassian: and when I killed a honeybee and you said, 'no honey for a week'
Rhysand: yeah, that was months ago...so what?
Cassian: well, today Feyre killed a cockroach, should I break it to her?
Rhysand: ...

When Yuri and Otabek get in a fight they just constantly give thumbs down to each other..


ok so this has to have been pointed out before, and it’s been so long since episode 2 came out that I can’t remember if I saw any posts about it but?? 

two of the triplets are Yurio and Yuuri?? I’m?? how did that even get through


When u realize even though the season has ended we still have three more weeks of dubs🙏🏼🙌🏼👏🏼👏🏼


ok but viktor and yuuri doing ‘trust falls’ during practice to strengthen their bond as pair skaters and one day yuuri’s being a cocky little shit and maybe wants to escape one of viktor’s lectures so he just yells “trust fall” out of nowhere and lets himself drop and has the satisfaction of watching viktor’s face go from serious coach mode to one of pure horror as he flings himself at yuuri just in time to catch him from hitting the floor.

viktor then gets back at him the next morning when yuuri’s still sleepy and trying to fix them up a breakfast and watches on smugly as his fiance just drops the coffee pot and scrambles to get him but they both lose balance and topple onto the floor. and they both have a “this is the life i’ve chosen and i’m absolutely okay with that” moment.

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