
All Things Amazing

@hpandmoreawesomeness / hpandmoreawesomeness.tumblr.com

I'm Haley, 20, Christian, Ravenclaw, and Starbucks barista. Harry Potter is my life. Send me an ask, message me, anything is welcome! My Hamilton side blog is alexanderhamilife My Starbucks side blog is mybaristaproblems

I really try to challenge Canadian stereotypes at every opportunity but today I was walking down Young St. in Toronto and a firetruck honked very loudly and I clutched my chest and said “MY WORD” and as it drove past, a fireman leaned out of the window and apologized to me  so I just don’t know


I built a nap hole in my closet which is great and has no downside until someone comes into my room looking for me and I have to crawl out of my closet which is frankly impossible to do with dignity and without looking like a sleepy Gollum hissing “what does it wants who wakes us up”

I see no downsides to this

me: let's do something productive
brain: too stressed, can't focus
me: ok, then let's do something enjoyable first
brain: can't do that either, feeling too guilty for not being productive
me [searching the beach with my child]: sorry honey, doesn't look like there's any sand dollars left
child: can't the ocean just make more of them?
me: and cause inflation? destroy the sand economy? jesus christ Tiffany, use your head
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