
LIFE UNTITLED Been Alive 23 Yrs


As a boring human; I'm not sorry

Praying that $1500 randomly comes to you when you need it the most this year.

I got a check for $1697 a week after I reblogged this. The fuq.

OMG that’s fucking amazing! 😎


I got a bonus from my boss for 2500 and I WAS NOT expecting that. the most high is great

I got 90 dollars back from xfinity! Today!!!!

“there’s so much I haven’t told her lately, about how quickly my soul is aging, how it feels like a basement I keep filling with everything I’m tired of surviving.”

Philip Schultz, from The God of Loneliness: Selected and New Poems; “It’s Sunday Morning in Early November,”   (via violentwavesofemotion)


Golly gee I hope when yall preach about normalizing body hair on women it includes trans women and women of color

And like, I’m talking about other than quirky dyed armpit hair. I’m talking facial hair, support girls with mustaches, support girls with 5 o'clock shadow, I’m talking dark thick leg hair, if you’re gonna support women having hair you better be okay with it anywhere and everywhere and not just on conventionally good looking skinny white cis women…


i will reblog this every time

I worked with a lady that came into work one day with no hair. No one mentioned it, no one talked about it. She was wearing a bandana so we all knew she was bald.

But I have ADD, and not so great control of my impulsiveness. Finally, near the end of the night I asked. “So… can I ask, what happened to your hairs?”

She smiled and hugged me. I was the only person with the cajones to ask. “My best friend is pregnant, already has a 4 yr old, and was diagnosed with cancer, and her boyfriend left her because it was too much. So I’ve been helping her out, being supportive. And I promised her if she started losing her hair I would shave my head too.”

“Last night she called me, crying because her hair was falling out in clumps. I told her I’d be there in 10 minutes. She shaved me first, then I her.”

It’s the most supportive thing she could think to do.


Money spell! Reblog to charge it with your intent; the more people see it, the more powerful it becomes. Magic should be fun!


this actually does work the witches of tumblr really are out here doing something lol


Yesss November come throughhhhhhh!!

Reblogging with all my intent and desire.

I Made $750 For Nothing

I need a transition and also to not be in abject poverty

I too require money.

would like some money plz

reblogging bc after I saw this last time I found out that I haven’t been getting my orphan’s benefit because of an administrative issue, not because I no longer qualify, and got a whole year of back pay

Reblogging because I just got a letter in the mail that there is still some money in my 401k from the job I got pettily fired from and so I’ll be getting somewhere around $650 dollars, thereabouts, in about a month.  I MEAN WHAT.  Witches of Tumblr, my hat is off to you.

In dire need of money


to my lovely fellow hypersexuals

shout out of my lovely hypersexuals…

💜 who are sex repulsed

💜 who are addicted to sex

💜 who feel it is their fault for their abuse (it isnt!!!)

💜 who have kinks related to trauma

💜 who want sex but also dont because of being scared (thats okay!!!)

💜 who are virgins still

💜 who need sexual attention constantly

💜 who have constant sexual intrusive thoughts

💜 who have bpd, ptsd, or are bipolar

💜 who have any other mental illnesses

💜 who are csa/incest/cocsa survivors (youre so strong!)

💜 who are uncomfortable with having sex with a certain gender due to trauma

💜 who use masturbation or sex as a form of coping or self harm

💜 who are asexual or aromantic

💜 who are men

💜 who are women

💜 who are non binary or any other gender identity

💜 who are lgbt in general

💜 who are polyamorous

yall are not

🖤 “sex crazy freaks”

🖤 annoying

🖤 disgusting

🖤 overly clingy bc of being HS

🖤 a sexual abuser

all of you hypersexuals are wonderful and deserve lots of love 💞✨

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