
The Mess is Mostly Mine

@mostlymine / mostlymine.tumblr.com

This life is under construction.

Okay guys, I normally don’t go into politics but this is really really really really important. You might have heard of it, but the election of our next President is currently taking place in France, so I’ll write this quick words, in both English and French, in hope that a lot of you will read it.

This is me begging you to go vote on May 7th. I kept scrolling on twitter today and all I could see was hashtags terrifying me. #JamaisMacron (Never Macron) #SansMoiLe7Mai (Without me on May 7th)… On April 25th, we voted for 2 candidates. Despite our hopes, the two names that came out were Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. You might not know them if you’re not french, but both those names held different stories. While, yes, Emmanuel Macron is a guy that can’t keep his mind straight, change his words every five seconds, is said to be too young to be President, have some « peculiar »  and stupid ideas , he is nothing compared to Le Pen. She is the leader of the far right, the « Front National », and she is a fraud. a political leader behind a party you should be scarred of. Racist, antisemitic, homophobic, anti-immigration, anti-multiculturalism are some of the words that could be used to describe them.

Truth is, I don’t want either of them to become my President, but we have to put pride and hatred aside. We are French, guys, we are free, we are a nation, we are a beautiful madness, WE are France. Terrorists attacks can’t divide us. I know I’m scarred, I don’t feel safe, and I don’t trust our politicians, but never, NEVER, will I give up my freedom and my identity to elect someone like Marine Le Pen. No, she’s not Hitler, she’s not the devil, she’s just a woman, a human being, and we have the power to keep her from ruling our country. That won’t be done by sitting on your couch on May 7th, or by giving an empty envelope when you’ll go vote, or by putting the hashtag « Sans Moi le 7 Mai ». You have more than a right to vote, you have an obligation, toward yourself and toward your country. You might not like it, you might hate Macron even, but you have a voice, and we all know one voice can change everything. So go vote on May 7th, vote for Emmanuel Macron, not because you like him, or because you like his ideas, but because giving him your voice means blocking the way to a party that will destroy our country, our beliefs and most certainly our life. Please, please, please, don’t sit this one out. Go vote, because if you don’t, then you’ve made your choice, you chose the National Front and everything it stands for. It’s not voting for, but voting against. Who’d you rather have, a weird liberalist with no party and early alzheimer (and a very bad way with words), or a woman who’s going to destroy everything being french means ? It is not easy, but necessary. Choose life, guys, choose France.

With all my love, a very concerned french citizen. ——————————————————————————————————-

Salut tous le monde, je ne parle normalement jamais de politique, mais cette fois c’est vraiment, vraiment, vraiment, vraiment important.

Je vous supplie d’aller voter le 7 Mai. Toute la journée, je n’ai vue que des hashtags qui m’ont fait atrocement peur sur twitter; #JamaisMacron - #SansMoiLe7Mai … Le 25 Avril, on a voté pour 2 candidats. Malgré nos espoirs, les deux noms qui en sont ressortis sont ceux d’Emmanuel Macron et de Marine Le Pen. Vous ne les connaissez peut-être pas si vous n’êtes pas français, mais ce sont deux noms avec deux histoires bien différentes. Il est vrai qu’Emmanuel Macron est un homme qui n’a pas l’esprit clair, qui change de mots et d’avis toutes les cinq secondes, qui est dit trop jeune pour être Président, et qui a clairement quelques stupides idées très « particulières », mais il n’est rien comparé à Le Pen. Elle est le leader de l’extrême droite, le Front National, et c’est une arnaque à elle seule, un leader politique derrière un partie dont vous devriez avoir peur. Racisme, antisémitisme, homophobe, anti-immigration, anti-multiculturalisme sont quelques mots qui pourraient bien les décrire.

La vérité étant que je ne veux qu’aucun des deux ne devienne mon(ma) Président(e), mais nous devons mettre de côté notre fierté et notre haine. Nous sommes français, les gars ! Nous sommes libre, nous sommes une nation, nous représentons une magnifique folie, merde, NOUS sommes la France. Les attaques terroristes ne doivent pas nous diviser. Je sais que j’ai peur, que je ne me sens pas en sécurité, que je ne fais pas confiance à nos politiciens, mais jamais, JAMAIS, je ne renoncerais à ma liberté et mon identité pour élire quelqu’un comme Marine Le Pen. Non, elle n’est pas Hitler, elle n’est pas le diable, elle est simplement une femme, un être humain, et nous avons le pouvoir de l’empêcher de gouverner notre pays. Ca ne se fera pas en restant assis sur votre canapé le 7 Mai, ni en rendant une enveloppe vide lorsque vous irez voter, ni même en écrivant ce fameux hashtag « Sans Moi le 7 Mai ». Vous avez plus qu’un droit de voter, vous avez une obligation, envers vous-même et envers votre pays. Vous n’aimez peut-être pas ça, vous détestez peut-être même Macron, mais vous avez une voix, et nous savons tous qu’une seule voix peut faire toute la différence. Alors allez voter le 7 Mai, votez pour Emmanuel Macron, pas parce que vous l’appréciez lui, ou même ses idées, mais parce que lui donner votre voix veut dire bloquer la route à un partie qui pourrait détruire notre pays, nos croyances et probablement même nos vies. S’il vous plaît, à tous ce qui lisent ce mots et ont le pouvoir de bouger les choses, à tous les français, ne faites pas l’impasses sur ces élections. Allez voter, parce que ne pas le faire, c’est déjà faire un choix, le choix du Front National et de tous ce qu’il soutient. Rappelez vous que ce n’est pas voter pour, mais voter contre. Qui préférez-vous, un libéraliste étrange, sans partie avec un alzheimer précoce, ou une femme qui pourrait détruire tous ce qu’être français veut dire ? Ce n’est pas facile mais nécessaire. Choisissez la vie, les gars, choisissez la France.

Avec tout mon amour, une citoyenne française très inquiète.

Anyone who posted about the American election needs to reblog this.


France, don’t do the same thing we did in the USA. Don’t do it. Go vote for that young guy.

The racists are voting. Go meet them at the polls

OMG France is in the same boat as America was in November. Y'all see how we’re fairing. GO. VOTE.


c’est important. periode.


Honestly, Rick Rolling is the best practical joke ever. Like, there’s nothing offensive or mean  spirited about it. It’s just like “Oops you thought there would be something else here but it’s ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’.” which isn’t even a bad song. It’s fairly enjoyable to listen to. There’s no jumpscares, no screaming, no ill will. Just Rick Astley telling you he’s never going to give you up. I think that’s great. “You fell into my trap! Here, listen to this completely benign song that will have no negative effect on you.” 

Very interesting. I never thought about that and now I feel bad.


Geez, I had no idea.

  • On Sunday morning’s Meet the Press, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told host Chuck Todd “of course” someone who identifies as “pro-life” could be considered a Democrat.
  • “I have served many years in Congress with members who have not shared my very positive — what my family would say — aggressive position on promoting a woman’s right to choose,” Pelosi said.
  • Pelosi’s remarks were in response to Todd’s prodding about Heath Mello, a Democratic mayoral candidate in Omaha, Nebraska, with a history of supporting anti-abortion legislation
  • Mello has since revised his stance on abortion rights to align with the Democratic party’s.
  • But the candidate’s track record on the issue garnered attention when Sen. Bernie Sanders endorsed Mello in spite of it. Read more (4/24/17)

Fucking stand up for women, Democrats. Don’t trade a woman’s fundamental rights to make incredibly personal a difficult choices so you can *possibly* get a few more votes out of a group that will almost always choose the real Republican over the one you’re pretending to be.


@wilwheaton Yes, yes, and yes. Thank you! It’d be nice to not have my life choices be a pawn in shitty negotiations.

Source: bit.ly
  • Transgender woman Alphonza Watson, 38, was found dead after being shot in Baltimore early Wednesday morning, the Baltimore Sun reported.
  • “At this time, we don’t have a lot to go on,” Baltimore police spokesman T.J. Smith told the Baltimore Sun. “What we know is that there was apparently some sort of argument that took place.”
  • Watson was shot in the stomach at about 4:15 a.m. and taken to Johns Hopkins Hospital, where she was pronounced dead shortly after arrival. 
  • Witnesses told police they heard someone yelling for help, followed by gunshots. Two men were seen running away before getting into a “dark-colored vehicle.” Read more (3/22/17 4:30 PM)

God damn it. Rest in power, Alphonza.

Source: bit.ly

read it could save you

I don’t know if this post has been made yet but I just want to warn everybody that if someone stops you in a parking lot and asks you if you’re interested in some perfume and hands you a paper to smell, PLEASE DON’T SMELL IT.

i repeat, DON’T SMELL IT.

Apparently the sample papers are being laced with a drug to knock you out. Please signal boost this. It can save someone’s life!



please repost to save people idc if “its not my blog type” jUST DO IT


I mean, it's good to be wary, but bros: http://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings/perfume.asp


This is the American Gothic. If you’ve never been to the USA, this image sums it up pretty well.


I had to find out where this really was because looking at it, I felt like I knew exactly where it was. It turns out it’s in Breezewood, PA, and i have never been there, which only serves to highlight the OP’s point. 


This is exactly why I can't live in big cities. This landscape makes me inordinately depressed. Instead, I get to live where I'm a few blocks away from hiking a small mountain and a little father away from sitting down at a fantastic microbrewery.

  • A bill to decriminlize domestic voience in Russia passed its first reading at the Duma, the lower house of parliament, with a near-unanimous vote. 
  • The reading will advance the amendment, making it one step closer to becoming law.
  • Of the 370 votes, 368 were in favor in favor of the bill. 
  • If the new bill becomes law, domestic violence within families would be reduced from a criminal offense to an administrative one; 
  • An abuser could resolved the issue by paying a fine, doing community service or a short prison term, according to Politico. Read more
  • In a country where 12,000 women die annually from domestic violence, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a bill making domestic abuse less of a crime.
  • The bill reduces domestic violence from a criminal offense to an administrative offense. 
  • A person’s first offense is now less consequential and can be punished with compulsory community service, an arrest of 15 days or fewer or a fine of roughly $500, according to Jezebel
  • Repeat offenses would be considered criminal charges, but only if they occurred within the same year of the first offense, Economist reported.
  • This essentially gives abusers a license to beat their family members once a year with little repercussions. Read more

Reminder: our president idolizes the man that signed this bill.

Source: mic.com

Martha crushing on the Doctor is not the real problem. The real problem is that the narrative and the Doctor treated her like the rebound girl.


I mean really why is Martha fancying the Doctor any worse than Rose or Jack fancying him? Especially Jack, because if anyone has undying unrequited love for the Doctor it’s Jack. I find that about 99% of the people who echo the sentiments in this confession are really into Doctor/Rose and think Martha should  have nobly stood aside and possibly even gone to effort to reunite those two. Basically they want her to be selfless, which coming after Rose is HILARIOUS but also icky.

And there’s the ongoing Nu Who racism thing as well.I mean I remember, clearly, spending much of 2007 thinking “it’s okay, there’s no way anyone would actually write an arc where the black woman isn’t good enough and has to accept that the white man will reject her on a number of levels.” Because WHAT? THE? ACTUAL? FUCK?

And who the hell looks at Doctor Who - of all shows - and thinks “what this needs is for the central relationship to be horribly fraught and for the female lead to be constantly shat upon by the story for not being a character who already left”?

And I have to address “She made so many snooty remarks about being a rebound, and about Rose.” She didn’t actually do that as much as people think. It’s just that people are so blinded by their hate that all they see are the very few comments she made. So I’m gonna go over every mention of Rose or of Martha’s crush on the Doctor in season 3. Half to prove this post wrong. Half so I can show this to people in the future since people will forever say “All Martha did was complain!!!!!” and I’ll probably still be defending Martha 20 years from now.

In Smith and Jones she flirts once with him after he brings up Rose and tells her she’s not replacing her so she responds with “Never said I was”. 1 flirt, 2 “Rose” mentions.

In Shakespeare Code, Martha jokes about what people will think about her and the Doctor sharing the bed. The Doctor ignores her and says that he wishes Rose was here. The Carrionite later says Rose’s name when looking for a word with meaning to the Doctor.  1 flirt, 3 “Rose”s.

In Gridlock, she says “ever heard of the word ‘rebound’?” after the Doctor mentions he came here before and she asks if he meant with Rose. 1 complaint of being a rebound, 1 “Rose”.

In Daleks in Manhattan, Tallulah brings up that she sees the way Martha looks at the Doctor, and she says it’s not obvious to him. 1 character noticing her feelings.

In the Lazarus Experiment, she reassures the Doctor that he looks fine in his suit and compares him to James Bond. 1 flirt.

In Human Nature, John Smith tells Joan about Rose when she sees the picture he drew in his journal. Later on, Martha says “Had to go and fall in love with a human. And it wasn’t me.” 2 “Rose”s, 1 complaint about the Doctor’s feelings.

In Family of Blood, she tells John that she loves the Doctor in order to try to convince him to become the Doctor again, then she says she hopes he forgets  she said it. At the end of the episode she tells him she didn’t mean it and that she would have said anything to get John to become the Doctor. 1 love confession.

In Utopia, Jack asks about Rose’s fate and Martha says “Good old Rose”. Then Chantho talks about how she adores Yana but feels like he doesn’t notice her, and Martha says “Tell me about it.” 2 “Rose”s, 1 complaint about the Doctor’s feelings.

In the Sound of the Drums, The Doctor says “It’s like… it’s like when you fancy someone and they don’t even know you exist.” and Jack says to Martha “You too, huh?” 1 character noticing her feelings.

In the Last of the Time Lords, while Martha tells the people hiding in London about the Doctor, his plan to save the world, and how amazing he is, she mentions that she loves him. 1 love confession.

And at the end, she tells the Doctor that she loves him but needs to get out because she doesn’t want to waste her time anymore. 1 love confession.

So. Rose’s name is mentioned a total of 10 times in this season. 6 times by the Doctor, twice by Martha, once by Jack, once by the Carrionite. 

Martha says Rose’s name when she says “When you say ‘last time’, was that you and Rose?” and “Good old Rose.” Only “Good old Rose” could really be considered a snooty remark about Rose. Martha really never complains about Rose, the Doctor is the one who brings her up and mentions her 6 times.

Martha talks about being a rebound only once when she says “Ever heard of the word ‘rebound?”. The only other moment that is remotely close to a mention of being a rebound is when the Doctor tells her she’s not replacing Rose and Martha responds “Never said I was.”

So that’s one snooty remark about Rose. One snooty remark about being a rebound. One plus one equals two. I don’t think 2 snooty remarks counts as “so many”. If we want to talk about snooty remarks about past companions, we should look at Rose spending half of School Reunion moping about Sarah Jane Smith.

But you know what? Let’s look into how many times Martha mentioned her feelings for the Doctor in general since that’s something else people complain about.

She says that she loves the Doctor 3 times. Once to John Smith to convince him that the Doctor is not as bad as he thinks he is, once to people to give them hope and help them believe in the Doctor, and then she compares her friend’s relationship to her relationship with the Doctor when she tells him she’s leaving. And at the end of Human Nature she reassures the Doctor she didn’t mean it, she would have said anything to get him back. So whenever Martha openly confesses her love for him, she’s never trying to get him to love her back. Most of the time she’s trying to humanize the Doctor and make him seem more trustworthy because if someone as good as Martha can fall in love with him, then he must be good too.

She flirts with the Doctor 3 times: in Smith and Jones, the Shakespeare Code, and the Lazarus Experiment (though that one could possibly be argued as just a compliment and not flirting). She gives up flirting with the Doctor very early on in the season.

She complains about the Doctor not loving her back only 3 times: in Daleks in Manhattan, Human Nature, and in Utopia. And in Human Nature, the fact that he didn’t fall in love with her was only half the reason she was complaining, she was also complaining because the Doctor didn’t consider falling in love a possibility and she knew it’d make bringing him back even harder. That is also the only time she actually says anything along the lines of “why won’t he love me?” because the other 2 were just “it’s not obvious to him” and “tell me about it”.

And other people mention her feelings for the Doctor twice, almost as much as Martha does. Tallulah does this and so does Jack when he admits that he also has feelings for the Doctor. (Yet no one complains about him. Hmm…)

So in conclusion, “She made so many snooty remarks about being a rebound, and about Rose.” is wrong because she made a total of 2 snooty remarks. I’m not sure that the number 2 is considered “so many”, especially when Rose herself spent most of an episode making remarks about Sarah Jane. Martha gives up attempting to flirt with the Doctor after 3 tries early on in the season. She complains 3 times that he doesn’t return her feelings (though the only time she openly complains about him not loving her it was only half the reason she was upset). And she confesses her love 3 times but never tries to get him to love her back. Especially since the one time she says it directly to the Doctor she uses it as her reason for leaving him.

Basically, the fandom (especially the Ten/Rose shippers) likes to act like Martha spent her entire season complaining about Rose getting in the way of the Doctor loving her, but obviously she doesn’t. Whenever her feelings are mentioned, it’s one maybe two scenes in an episode. Would the season have been better off if they didn’t write in her crush? Yeah. It’s such a small part of Martha’s story that it wouldn’t change much if it didn’t exist. It’s not the main plot of the season, yet that’s all people seem to focus on. Forget Martha walking the earth for a year, forget Martha saving the Doctor’s life multiple times, forget Martha supporting the Doctor by getting jobs she’s overqualified for, forget Martha managing to save the day even though the TARDIS is unusable for half of the season, forget all of that because apparently all Martha did was have a crush on the Doctor. She did nothing else. That’s it. And the fact that people use her crush as a reason to hate her is hypocritical when Rose and Jack can get away with it and Rose complained more about Sarah Jane than Martha complained about Rose.


This. Martha hate pisses me off.


Don’t make fun of right-wing children. Don’t bully right-wing children. Don’t scream at, lecture, or swear at right-wing children. I say this because I was that child. I was the child forced by my parents to stand outside of clinics holding signs that say “Abortion Kills Children.” I was the child who went to church every Sunday and could parrot every bull shit argument opposing gay marriage. I sounded smart. I sounded like I formed those opinions on my own. The reality was I was being psychologically abused. I was brainwashed and indoctrinated. I had no sense of self until I was much older. I had been wiped clean and filled with garbage. I have PTSD in part because of my childhood. Today, I am telling you, that those children NEED you! They need you to show love and patience and compassion. They need you to guide them out. Those children holding those signs are children begging to be seen. See them.

To add - this is a tactic right-wingers use to push their kids further right! The kids see well-meaning lefties being assholes and think “wow, I guess my parents were right, lefties ARE bad people who don’t think of the well being of the children and attack the underdog” etc., for real, these are kids and have in all likelihood experienced some degree or other of cult conditioning/abuse.


My husband was raised in this way.  All of this is accurate.

This. This was my childhood.

Except for the few people who asked things like why I believed the thing or pointed me towards better information, people tended to be angry and, due to being isolated and indoctrinated, I couldn’t understand why. 

It’s like you’ve been wearing red-tinted glasses for your whole life, and you just think everything is red or reddish. And people keep getting mad at you for saying things are red, when (to you) they are clearly red, your parents assure you they’re red, and that anyone saying differently is trying to trick you.

This isn’t the case for every child that grows up in a right-wing household, but it often was for me. 


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Do NOT harass, assault, or laugh at children and adolescents who are out street preaching, handing out pamphlets, holding signs, etc.

Leave them alone. If you’re mad, tell their parents off. Not them. They’ll go through hell already when they’re older and start realizing how fucked up their indoctrination was. And they’ll wonder why no one tried to save them, be kind to them, or see them for what they were really going through.

Don’t blame children and young people for their own indoctrination and abuse.

I was brainwashed. I was taught that we had to go out and do this in order to have clean consciences, to feel like a good and godly person. I was taught this was the loving thing to do for other human beings, to save them from themselves, to stand up for what was right.

And I was taught that if I did it right, other people would harass and attack me. When that happens, you are only confirming to kids that the outside world is dangerous, wicked, and foolish, and that they’re doing the right thing.

I was this child too. Give them a chance and don’t be cruel to them. They are indoctrinated

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