
Angst Reaching Critical Levels

@obsessionisaperfume / obsessionisaperfume.tumblr.com

HERE BE SPOILERS  Call me Dori. I've been in media fandom a Long Damn Time, which makes me a BOFQ.  Supernatural for the most part, but there'll be writing stuff and Pretty Tortured Boys™.

watching on the head of a pin and it always throws me through a loop. cas says the angels started fighting their way through the pit the moment dean went to hell and spent that whole time trying to reach him before he broke. and usually whenever i picture cas raising dean from hell i imagine like a heavenly claw machine reaching down and plucking dean from the inferno and dropping him back in his grave no problem. but if the angels left as soon as dean died, that means cas spent forty fucking years fighting tooth and nail past demons and desperate tortured souls to find dean and rescue him?? and then he turned out to be loving and fierce and kind and protective and had disney princess eyes and freckles and little dimples when he smiled? yeah cas i would be obsessed with him for the next decade too


#TeenWolfTheMovie is a poster child for why the JJ Abrams School of Nostalgia Writing is a terrible way to approach a movie.

Could there have been a nogistune Round 2 + 15 years story to tell? Sure.

But part of the problem is rounding up every old actor and character you could find and cramming them into the same script for the sake of creating a Nostalgia Moment.

Cut Liam, Jackson, Hikari, Allison, Mason, Harris, Coach.

Focus on Scott, the Hales, and Argent, with Lydia, Parrish, and Sheriff as support. There's only 2 hours, there's no time for everyone to get their own story.

If Eli is going to exist and be important and you want to keep his "can't shift" thing, then that should be a focal point. Is he the damsel? The rising next alpha? But the transformation moment should be be huge. It should shift the board. There was a moment of Derek, Eli, and Scott lining themselves up to fight the Oni and they just... forgot Liam was there, I guess? Like all the werewolves! Except that one!

The more I think about it, the more clear it becomes that Eli should become an alpha in the same way Scott did. Push himself through his fear, shift, and rise in order to save Derek. It rhymes. It sets up the next cycle. It restores a Hale alpha.

I think I would open on Lydia, who has not been ignoring her powers for 15 years, getting signs and portends of darkness returning to Beacon Hills.

The more I think about it, the more I think most entertainment misunderstands nostalgia. They understand that "people liked a thing" and therefore "want more of it," but seem to focus on the trappings.

But I don't think nostalgia is a wistfulness for past things.

Nostalgia is a wistfulness for the way those past things made you feel at the time when they were new.

This is why cameos are often just empty, even a little pathetic.

Merely existing, just seeing something, is pretty unlikely to produce the feeling of the old experience, because existence is not in itself evocative.

You can't evoke the feeling of watching Season 2 of Teen Wolf by getting all the characters who were part of it together and filming them standing around. Not only is standing around not what they were doing the first time, the first time they were doing something for the first time.

The reason doing reunion episodes is hard, I think, is because the tendency is to want to trot out all the old objects associated with the old experience, thinking this will create the old feelings. But when you do that, it's more like a museum tour.

The je ne sais quoi of Teen Wolfness is something like, horror but sometimes funny. Colored wolf eyes are cool. Scott is obliviously earnest. Derek is quiet, tortured, and well-meaning. Beacon Hills is the worst place on earth, but no one living there seems to notice.

If you want to make an actual new thing that evokes the same feelings as the old thing, I think you have to... actually do something new. This makes the nogitsune choice the worst choice possible. It's trotting out something old for the sake of it being old because old = nostalgia.

It should have been an entirely new threat. The feeling of watching the original show was watching them face new threats, adapt to new circumstances.

It should have resisted the urge to place everyone on screen like "hey, remember them! Remember when they were cool!" and only used whoever was organically going to be relevant, because the feeling you're going after doesn't come from the observation of totems of past experience but the creation of new experience.

A 2-hour movie, especially, should be as self-contained as possible, or else you're trying to do too much and leaning too heavily on a totem of past experience as a substitute for current experience because there simply isn't time to make the new experience happen.

The more I think about it, the more I think one of the fics I wrote, What You Can't See, is a better Teen Wolf the Movie than Teen Wolf the Movie. It's an ensemble cast, an original baddie, and a complete storyline.



So um… I don’t know how to tell you this but your boyfriend escaped the narrative. Yeah somehow he’s in the 70’s now and he’s interfering in his parents’ lives. No I don’t know what the repercussions will be. What do you mean he used to have a brother.


Teen Wolf Movie: Post Credits Scene

Obviously the below is not a real post credits scene… just me needing to air my frustration somehow.  I did not watch the Teen Wolf movie, and now have no intention to.  I got all my information from seeking out spoilers online so I’d know if it was worth the watch.  Felt the need to write this because my soul hurts.  Apologies if I got some minor details wrong from the movie, but I’m not fussed about being canon compliant when the canon doesn’t deserve to be complied with ;)


like lightning to the abyss

Well. Hello. This is certainly one way to introduce myself to a fandom. Jeff Davis I hope both sides of your pillow are warm forever. Also thank you to Shae @maurypovichofficial2 who was like "actually? Stiles would bring Derek back from the dead" and I was like "you know what? Yeah, he would."


All that to say, he's asleep when he feels it. Asleep with his head pressed against his dining room table, drooling onto a stack of bills when the world (his world) suddenly falls out of orbit. It's different this time, though. Whatever fine-tuned sense he's got locked into Derek Hale doesn't just stumble this time, doesn't just hiccup like he's in pain. It goes quiet, there one minute, snuffed out the next. Permanent. Final. Stiles is out the door before his phone even rings. or; Stiles brings Derek back to life. Because of course he does

He can feel it.

People always think he's bullshitting them when he says it; an old man sat on the stoop rubbing his arm, a wad of tobacco in his jaw, claiming he can feel it in his bones when a summer storm is going to roll in. Stiles always laughs, because that's what he's supposed to do. Laugh and brush it off, don't let them know how serious you are until you need to be serious. Truth is, it's nothing like that. He doesn't feel the change in his bones, doesn't feel it in the air, really, either. It's just a sense, a quiet brush in the back of his mind, a whisper that tells him the world was right a few moments ago and now it's gone wrong, all wrong. 

All that to say, he's asleep when he feels it. Asleep with his head pressed against his dining room table, drooling onto a stack of bills when the world (his world) suddenly falls out of orbit. It's different this time, though. Whatever fine-tuned sense he's got locked into Derek Hale doesn't just stumble this time, doesn't just hiccup like he's in pain. It goes quiet, there one minute, snuffed out the next.



Stiles is out the door before his phone even rings.


Beacon Hills is haunted, a ghost town for ghost people, full of the decrepit remains of all the paths his life could've taken. He looks down an alleyway and sees the ghost of his mom taking him to get ice cream, chocolate smeared on her yellow sundress and his chubby cheeks. He passes the grocery store parking lot and sees his dad teaching him how to drive when he was fourteen and stupid, his hands shaking around the wheel, his foot shaking on the pedal. He crests over the ridge of a hill and sees himself, married, with Lydia on one side and a baby tucked between them—a pretty, nameless kid with her hair and his eyes. Beacon Hills is always so full of what-could've-beens and what-used-to-bes. Driving through the night, radio turned down low, heat turned up high, he finds it all so nauseating. This was home once.

It's not anymore.

He doesn't know where home is these days. It's not here and it's sure as shit not back in his apartment, back into the life he's poured himself into rather than built around him. Stiles has always been good at wandering. Wandering between one lie to the next, wandering between who his dad, Scott, his teachers needed or expected him to be. He's good on his feet, feet that have long since blistered and grown used to never settling. But he's a oak tree in transit, roots dangling and waiting to settle. He knows where they belong, has always known where they belong. He just thought they'd have more time.


Somewhere in Superhell:

Castiel: So. What are you in for?

Derek: Being in secret gay love with my friend for years. You?


Castiel: uh...


Creative Writing Tarot Spread

Writers block bogging you down? Use this 7-card spread to help jumpstart your creativity! This prompt can help you generate a very basic storyline.

First, pull a character card! Decide for yourself what this means: will your character carry the traits of the positive meanings of this card? Will your character’s conflicts be brought about by the card’s negative meanings? Will your character look like the figure depicted on the card? Will they wield the item depicted on the card? (Note: if your story has multiple main characters, you may wish to pull a card for each)

Next, pull the plot cards! Pull a card for the beginning of your story, a card for the middle, and a card for the end. Again, let yourself decide what this means. Do these cards describe your character’s emotional state(s) as the story progresses? Do these cards describe internal or external conflicts? Do these cards represent other characters your MC will meet along the way?

Finally, pull your meat cards! These cards are the “meat” of your story. Pull one card for the main or most important setting of your story, one card for the main conflict, and one card for the resolution of that conflict.

Have fun with it! Remember that these cards are just tools, and this spread is simply to kickstart your brain. If you get halfway through the spread and come up with something on your own, or if you start writing and realize your plot is deviating from what the cards gave you, don’t stress about it! You write for yourself, not for the cards. Thank them for their help and continue on with your own imagination.

Deck pictured here: The Essential Tarot by Chloé Zarka Grinsnir

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