

@thearideziak / thearideziak.tumblr.com

NSFW 18+ lover of clouds, meadows, flowers, and bees seriously fucking love space, tattoos, girls, pretty hair, and deep eyes hardcore and delicate all at once β˜ οΈπŸ‘ΌπŸ„πŸ€–πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ”§πŸ‘πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸŽ¨πŸŒŽπŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘©πŸŒŒ

Whale sharks are not only the largest shark – they’re the largest fish in the ocean. These gentle giants feed on some of the tiniest creatures in the ocean: plankton. These sharks may be huge, but never fear, they come in peace. The whale shark is one of only three filter-feeding sharks. Of course, whale sharks are not whales at all; they earned the name β€œwhale” solely for their impressive size.Β A fun nickname for whale sharks is in Africa, where the sharks are called β€œpapa shillingi.” This nickname in Kenya came from the myth that God tossed shillings upon the backs of these large fish.


I knew whale sharks and basking sharks were filter feeders, but I didn't know there was a third kind. TIL about Megamouth sharks! They're one of the stranger looking sharks I've seen, but very cool to learn about!

Persephone had it right. If you must go, might as well take all of spring with youβ€”

Cathy Linh Che, from Split;Β β€œLetters to Doc” (via luthienne)


i want to be a professor and lecture nonsensically for a few hours every day and give students vague essay prompts and read them all and laugh but still pass everyone while i slip some bourbon into my metal coffee mug that doesn’t actually have coffee in it wearing a button-up and vest with no tie but nice jeans and hella expensive shoes that i bought because i have tenure and im never losing my job


Turn-offs: historically inaccurate cosmetics in period dramas

yeah but i feel like forcing actors to wear lead and/or bird poop on their faces qualifies as hazardous working conditions

I was taking more about sparkly eyeshadow in like 1311 but touchΓ©

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