
ethereal melancholy


Call me Nem or Lu | 23/she-they/♓︎♉︎♌︎/INFP || 💍 || i draw stuff | #Aluthenart || pfp: MH official visual novels || formerly: queen-of-destruction-nemesis / seulpeun--sonyeo

love the word “rapscallion”. like not only are you a rascal but you’re also kind of spring onion about it too


free my girl she did all that shit but the fandom is mischaracterizing her for it

free my girl she has the same character traits as a male character but is getting deemed a bitch for them

free my girl she acted irrationally in a situation where it was impossible to act rationally and is now being hated for it


Why do these bots have somewhat legit blog names now


I bet giant isopods are sooo delicious broiled in butter the whole thing is like lobster meat

This you?

Idk someone find me an isopod expert who could compare the tissue found in them to other shellfish and i will let you know but superficially Yeah Babey i will eat that bug like burger


That only applies to the tiny ones on land. The deep sea ones, which are that big, absolutely taste like crab or lobster and are in fact fished in some places. Apparently they also sometimes just get caught in lobster traps; they aren't necessarily restricted to the abyss!

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