
@sternenhimmel0124 / sternenhimmel0124.tumblr.com

my name: nat (from 🇯🇵)||
Fandom: Hetalia(PruPan), Yuri on Ice(Victuuri), Les Miserables(Enjoltaire)

It seems there will be new Japanese Les Mis Manga focusing on ABC👀 It says that it started in 2024 spring on Comic Growl👀

Information from Manga artist:

Information from Comic company:

Rough Translation:

“To the friends of Eve of Revolution (Rule blue) -from Les Miserables-“

In the story of Les Miserables, young students from ABC rose up in the June riots, together with Marius. How did they meet, come together and meet the day of the revolution? Original interpretation of their unknown youth!

Source https://x.com/comic_growl/status/1737749629813641419?s=46&t=Amij9UDgAWYXA31k1YslMA



WHY this isn’t a thing in enjoltaire fandom!?!? 

“Orestes and Pylades” in “93” clearly loves each other and described as “total opposite”, I MEAN!

Also I will have to fight with Victor Hugo about the ending. How dare you, Victor!? JUST WHY!?!? 

It was truly awesome book but damn Hugo gave us next ship and then just did the same thing as with Les Mis (hate Victor for it - like wtf I’ve read 4 his books and none of them ends happily. Why was he doing this to us?) But still - the ending killed me. Gauvain beloved


2021 Toho Les Miserables (Japan)

So. I had many many tickets for Les Miserables Japan in Osaka, but it all vanished bc of Covid!!! *cry* (got canceled all the shows in Osaka because at least 25 of the actors and staffs are tested positive )

I am sad obviously, so here is a little snippet from this year’s booklet I ordered recently. (Sorry it’s basically just Enjolras, let me know if anyone wants to see other characters)


I got into Les Mis fandom the way too late(since 2020 April, yeah I was bored as f*** bc of the pandemic) and one year later I read pretty much all of the Les Mis fanfics in English and Japanese and now ended up reading CHINESE fanfics using machine translation🙄 although I don’t understand Chinese, I can at least grasp the storylines and they are all so good?????? I’m actually thinking about learning Chinese just so that I can properly read enjoltaire fanfic in chinese😭😭😭 gosh.....(also I can now read all Amis Name in Chinese😭😭😭i can recognize their name now😭😭)

Anyway to the all the fanfic writers, thank you so much from bottom of my heart, I survived this crazy year because of you guys🥺🥺🥺


You know, I feel ecstatic whenever I get kudo notifications from AO3 on my prupan fanfics. I wrote very sloppy fanfics like 5 years ago but it’s amazing to know someone still reads my stuffs and giving me kudos😭thank you so much!!

Also, happy about new anime season and manga update for Hetalia :) I left the fandom 4 years ago but those characters are still in my heart❤️ (Although i honestly feel it’s kinda not “right” to appreciate the series innocently since I am aware of the problems within the fandom and series itself... It kinda sucks but I can’t completely leave the fandom cuz it is part of my life already...)



WHY this isn't a thing in enjoltaire fandom!?!? 

"Orestes and Pylades" in "93" clearly loves each other and described as "total opposite", I MEAN!

Also I will have to fight with Victor Hugo about the ending. How dare you, Victor!? JUST WHY!?!? 


Hi! I also love PruPan!! Greetings!! and I noticed that the Japanese ship name is “Punichi” (I think) can you explain the name and the meaning? I’ve always been curious about it! Thank you!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡


OH MY GOD. How long has been in the message box!?!? It can be a few years!? I am so sorry punichi-san....It might be a bit too late but I'm gonna answer this anyway.

It's always amazing to find fellow PruPan shippers in english fandom💙Thanks for the lovely message!

 Yep, Japanese name is "Punichi" and in Japanese we write it like "普日". Like in English shipping name culture, those words are taken from each of their name.

Prussia=魯西 (プロイセン)


So we took those two kanji (普 and 日)and put them together like 普日. And if you pronounce this in Japanese, then it is like "fu(普)nichi(日)". And then that 普("fu") part just turned into "pu" because Prussia's japanese pronunciation is "Puroisen". So it's "Punichi" but you can also call it "Funichi", both are okay!

(also... you know, in Japanese shipping name culture, the left is supposed to be seme(top) and the right one is uke(bottom). So if it's "Punichi", it means Prussia is top and Japan is bottom. If you want the opposite dynamic, then you can call them "Nichipu". I prefer to call them PruPan because I know English shipping name doesn't have this meaning... I can't decided which one is top or bottom, but it's just my nature :P)


Shoujo Cosette

I just finished watching Shoujo Cosette aka Japanese anime Les Miserables!!!!! It was amazing??? honestly. I am big fan of the musical and also read the brick (and Arai's Manga version too, that was superb, I might make a post about it sometime?) , and I would say this anime is very true to the original?? It's true that they changed some details in order to match the audience, but still, it didn't bother me that much. Everything was so beautifully done. Especially, for me, the characterization and design for Enjolras is just so well-done! He is the Enjolras I would follow.

Little trivia: The voice actor for Enjolras (Yuji Kishi) also played Enjolras in the musical Les Mis in Japan! From what I've heard, his opinions influenced a lot when making Enjolras as anime character. SO thanks to him!


Idk I suddenly started re-reading les mis and remembered there was a time when I was crazy about E/R... also the way Victor Hugo describes Enjolras... it reminds me of the way Seigi describes Richard......??????? I started to even think Enjolras and Richard look alike!!!!!!!

Also Les Mis is good. It was also mentioned in the Jewelar Richard, makes me feel like everyone in the JR fandom should read the original les miserables book.


So hi!! I am back!!!!! I don't know if anyone still follows/sees me but anyway.

I am still stuck in yuri on ice and also from last year I am engaged in The Case Files of Jeweler Richard pretty much a lot. Having read all 9 novels(also saw the anime, although I really didn't like it) I guess I will write some little "essays "about it. Im ready for new fandom drama....!!!!!!


I’m still here!!

This season I’m watching sarazanmai🐸

Bear with me, I might scream something here!


Where the heck is “forever”!?

That controversial “forever” is actually in the OP🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Watch OP🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Eiji’s mouth moves like “ずっとだ(forever)“ in one of the scenes from OP🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

(Just my assumption and that’s what JP fandom says✋🏻I don’t know what is the truth✋🏻maybe there’ll be flushback or something???)


Banana fish ep9 fucked me up even when I have already read the manga and knew what was coming.

This is too much t me now I’m going back to the happy world of YOI till next week.


*bananafish spoiler*

How I feel about the ending of BANANA FISH.

Since some people asked me how the two boys ended up in the end and they asked me if it was happy ending, I don’t know what to reply.

Because for me, it was tragedy but in a way happy ending too. For Ash, he was absolutely happy for reading that letter and being 100% off guard because he was so happy. It was happiest time of his life. And.

But for Eiji, he left alone still holding to memories of Ash and it was nothing but heartbreaking. I wish they could go to Japan together. I still do.

I think Ash was happy. And he deserved it. So I don’t need the alternative ending in the anime even if i know it will rip my heart out....

(#bonus: it’s actually really interesting to see new young fans coming from yoi started watching bf and compearing two series. In Japan, many of my followers on twitter were saying, back in 2016 when yoi was aired, that they see Ash and Eiji in Viktor and Yuuri and they were happy to see victuuri being together in Hasetsu. It was like Ash and Eiji finally going to Japan and become absolutely happy there.

Ash and Eiji, Viktor and Yuuri—— they both have the beautiful relationships which is more than friends, lovers, families, you don’t know how to discribe it, and this is one of the reasons why I love these two series. )

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