
Glue in various states of distress

@gruetheboo / gruetheboo.tumblr.com

Glue babbles on and on about stuff.

Everything is like “QUEER history” and “List of QUEER young adult books” or “Top 10 QUEER movies” and queer this and queer that and for the love of god please just say LGBT.

But queer is more inclusive

And faster to pronounce if you are talking instead of writing.

It’s not more inclusive, and if your excuse of using a slur as a blanket term is “it’s faster to say”, GENUINELY what is wrong with you

It’s called economía del lenguaje.

It’s also the respected academic term?? The acronym isn’t static and it’s usage is varied by things like generational difference, location, and knowledge of the community. Even just in the U.S. in the last few decades the common usage gone from GLBT to LGBT to LGBTQ, to LGBTQA/LGBTQIA/LGBTQIAP/etc (Which, let me tell you as someone who has given presentations in the past using these updated acronyms, are all real mouthfulls), to LGBT+.

Also yes, queer is more inclusive! Especially coming at it from an academic standpoint, people didn’t always use or identify with the terms we use now and you can’t always try to cram them into our modern perceptions of sexuality. We can argue for years about whether a famous historical figure was gay or bisexual or straight and trans or whatever, but if we can all agree that they were somehow queer then using that term allows us to move past the debate and into productive discussion. And not everybody everywhere shares the same terms for sexual and gender identity, or even the same concepts of those things, so queer really is a more inclusive term in a lot of cases.

Like yeah if you’re talking specifically about gay or trans people you can just say gay or transgender, but if you’re talking about more than one identity or someone who doesn’t conform to our perceptions of ‘LGBT,’ or a person or people whose identity you don’t know, queer is just the better word.

“That’s SO gay”, “Oh my god, you’re not a LESBIAN, are you?”

Your words are slurs, too. Why do you get your words, but I don’t get mine? What makes you so special?

I’m here, I’m queer, go fuck yourself.


queer is not a slur, stop drinking the TERF koolaid


every time one of you fools spout about ‘queer is a slur’ a terf laughs because their fucking plan to make that word ‘taboo’ is fucking working you dipshit.




yknow what? mr. firelord i am inviting you to meet me in the fucking agne kai pit and i do not care that i am not an expert firebender and will be facing you with nothing but my wrath and my 2 fists i am going to die historic + i WILL go down calling you a bitch and a chode. thank you in advance.

i challenge ozai to agne kai and i’ll be bringing a 12 gauge shotgun. did you just say that’s not fair, lord puppy kicker? grand high bullies the little children? say it again, i want to record it for youtube.

Uncle Iroh ghostwrote this

I can’t tell if op was discovering this for the first time or woke up at 3am and suddenly remembered how terrible Ozai is.


Let’s take a moment to talk Shit.

You can tell a lot about the health of a pet by its poop.

Changes in its color or consistency are among the first warning signs that a pet may not be feeling well.

In birds, you will usually see changes in poop long before the changes in behavior that indicate illness, like irritability or lethargy.

When most people think of pigeon poop, This is what usually comes to mind:

Nasty white streaks


Or splatters


Or gross colored splats


Any place feral pigeons frequent.

But this is what poop from a healthy, well fed pigeon looks like:

A small, compact ball of the indigestible fiber left over from the hulls of the seeds they eat whole, with a tiny white cap of urate.

You can see the consistency from the others underneath it, where nesting straw has been mashed into them as Pippin has come and gone and arranged, and rearranged individual blades.

A reliably well fed and hydrated pigeon will usually leave stools that keep their round shape on impact with a texture slightly softer than well worked playdoh.

Pigeon poop can be sloppy after a big drink of water following a 6-12 hour period of having gone with out. 

The bowel movement after their first drink of water in the morning, for example, may make a sloppy mess, but in a healthy, well fed pigeon, the solid part will still be brown, and there will be more water than the white urate.

Look at this third picture again:


That wet mess of solids on mostly urate, with a mucus-y shine and slimy texture, is indicative of a heavy gut load of intestinal parasites. 

Not just most ferals, but most racing, performing, and exhibition pigeons (since there are often housed out doors) are infested with the nematode Capillaria, the round worm Strongyloides, or the protozoan Coccidia.

While usually sub-clinical, an active infection of Salmonella will turn the poop a distinctive sulfur yellow to lime green.

But poop is only pure white, 


Like those streaks and splatters most people associate with feral pigeons, when the birds have not had access to solid food in 12 hours or more.

Nearly all feral pigeons perpetually teeter on the brink of starvation, and it shows in their poop.

They are strict granivores, meaning that they can only digest seeds: the embryonic tissue of plants.

With cities being so carefully landscaped, often with the only plant life available being in the form of flower beds and trees, with grasses only in public parks and mowed too short to bloom and seed, the food they can actually digest is mighty hard for the average feral pigeon to find.

Barn ferals tend to be much more healthy for access to seed and animal feed.

But spilled garbage and the hand outs of the people that like them enough to feed them are literally all the food city ferals have access to.

Most of that is bread.

And while bread is made from grain, milling that grain and baking it into bread breaks it down, making it easier for a HUMAN to digest, but HARDER for a pigeon.

They like the taste of it, and eating some as an occasional treat won’t do a pet bird any harm, but that’s the VAST bulk of the food feral pigeons have access to.

It would be like a humans having to wander for miles every day to find food, but only being able to find potato chips, snack cakes, and the occasional slim jim.

That human would not have a long, or healthy life.

Now imagine that person ALSO had two different kinds of lice, mosquitos, and a parasitic fly sucking their blood from the outside, a painful cheesy growth in their throat that could block off their trachea or esophagus if it goes untreated long enough, two species of worms eating the nutrients they manage to find before their intestinal lining gets the chance to absorb it, and a protozoan eating their intestinal lining, with no hope of getting any of those things treated.

And you have a pretty accurate representation of what it’s like to be a feral pigeon living “free”.

I am all for wild animals living free in the environment for which they were adapted.

But pigeons are not wild life, and they were not adapted to cities.

ESPECIALLY not on the continent of North America.

The pigeons that were brought here as military messengers, meat, and entertainment had been domesticated for thousands of years already.

When homers were no longer faster and more reliable messengers than phone lines or radio waves, they were no longer profitable to keep, pigeons were released. This was common practice in the places they came from.

But in Europe, Africa, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, where Rock Doves are native, there WAS natural habitat for the exclusively cliff nesting birds to relocate to, as well as open lofts that would welcome the boon of free livestock. 

But there is nothing like their actual habitat: A high cliff near the sea, between desert and grass land, in north America. 

So, as lofts shut down and were (as they still are to this day by racers) habitually destroyed to discourage the birds no one would buy from returning, there was nowhere for the unwanted birds to go EXCEPT the tall, concrete buildings, and the metal structure under bridges and billboards.

The problem of feral pigeon mess, from the structural damage caused by the pure uric acid they excrete on an empty stomach to their potential as vectors for zoonotic disease is one of our own making.

That’s why I don’t re-abandon feral pigeons that come into rehab by releasing them.

I get them medical care. Heal their wounds, treat their infections, clean out their parasites…

And then I treat them like any good shelter would treat a stray dog:

I evaluate their temperament, and find them a permanent home where they can be well cared for and as happy as possible.

I fiercely love pigeons. 

And for the same reason that seeing mangy, thin stray dogs roam the street treated an invasive pest species; ignored at best and chased off or exterminated at worst, would horrify and haunt the average american…

My goals are to make hoards of feral pigeons a thing of the ignorant past by encouraging the development of shelters for them like we have for dogs, cats, parrots, and other exotic pets.

Wildlife, like Mourning Doves, should absolutely be returned to the wild if at all possible.

Urban wildlife, like raccoons, are natives that have willingly ventured into cities and found them a welcoming, supportive environment, for which that animal happened to be naturally well suited.

Invasive wildlife, like Collared Doves, happen to be well adapted to the new environment into which they were released. T hey can be a danger to natives, so culling is preferred over release in the event that they can’t be penned. But still being wild animals, being caged stresses them severely.

Pigeons fit NONE of these categories.

They are not wildlife.

They did not “invade” cities.

They were abandoned there the minute they ceased to be profitable, they had no where else to go, and we treat the mess like it’s their fault.

We have done pigeons a terrible disservice by having entirely forgotten that they are domestic livestock.

And any one that calls a pigeon in north America a “wind animal that should be free” perpetuates and encourages that abandonment of responsibility.

is there a humane way to diminish the number pigeons in citys?


@spirellity was kind enough to post this for me to spread after they told me about the Stadttauban (Street Pigeon) Project

The Stadttauben Projekt in Frankfurt Germany proved that the most humane and effective way to decrease the feral population was to take responsibility for their well being.

The researchers built them comfortable lofts with plenty of nesting spaces,  provided good quality feed at those locations, and most importantly swapped new eggs for fakes.

With more comfortable spaces now available to them, they left the building eves, attics, bridges, and signs on their own; no trapping, coercion, or manual relocation required.

Not having to fly miles to find enough to eat, they spent 80% of their time in or near the loft, only taking brief flights for exercise. 

Pigeons can, but usually don’t poop in flight. It’s more comfortable to poop from a perch.

So the spread of feces was limited from all over the city to just in and around the loft.

With consistent access to good quality food, they no longer excreted pure uric acid. 

What they were producing was the solid round poop of healthy pigeons, which is easier to clean up, and one of the most nutritious fertilizers known to man.

Fun fact! for most of our history with them, guano was one of the most valuable byproducts of keeping pigeons. People who were wealthy enough used to hire loft guards to keep it from being stolen.

And replacing the eggs laid in these safe, comfortable nests with fakes cut their reproductive rate by 95%.

After the initial cost of building the loft and getting fake eggs, it was SO much cheaper to just pay for feed and straw than to keep paying people to trap, or shoot, or poison the endless hoards of stray pigeons.

All that killing ferals does is open up more nest spaces and free up more resources, encouraging more breeding.

And with homers and rollers, and other aerial performers being bred by the hundreds to make up for training losses, there is no real preventing more lost birds from moving in.

Imagine community gardens fertilized by the byproduct of cleaning pigeon shelters.

Harvested eggs going to feed wildlife in rehab clinics.

Less pigeons being hatched essentially stray, and the ones that did having a safe place to go for the rest of their lives.

Performers who get lost during training or show birds or pets that escape by accident following the ferals to these safe havens, making it easier for owners who want them back to come find them.

Ferals and foundlings having the opportunity to bond with volunteers or people looking to adopt like a modified dog shelter.

Pigeons being appreciated for the partnerships they provided in the past and the companionship they are still so innately inclined to offer us now.

It would be a pain to get cities on board, but now that it’s been proven to work at a lower cost, maybe the chances are better of getting the idea to spread and adopting the practice.


In Finland, speeding tickets are calculated based on your income - causing some Finnish millionaires to pay fines of over $100,000. Source

This is what “equality” looks like in that liberal fairy tale land of Finland.  They punish you proportionately to how successful you are.  Sounds really “fair.”

Except… it is fair? Because it’s proportionate. I don’t get what’s difficult about that. An impoverished person paying $400 dollar fine isn’t the same as a millionaire paying the same amount. For the poor person, $400 dollars could mean starving. Would you really claim it would have the same consequence for a rich man? Would it even be noticeable to him, while the absence of food in their stomach would be glaring to a poorer man? Would it be fair for a man to starve for the same crime as a man that would be having a three course meal?

By taking income into account, it allows the impoverished able to still survive while paying any fines they may incur. And, ultimately, while $100,000 dollars would be noticeable to a millionaire, they would still get by. And, assuming the law is properly implemented, they would be paying the same equivalent of their yearly income that a poorer person would. That’s what makes it fair. They would be impacted the same way - but you are looking at the amount rather than the equation.

Also, it’s important to make sure that even the rich would pause at the cost of a fine. They need to fear the law just as a poor man does. 

Oh no… rich people facing fines that might actually make them consider not doing illegal things because the punishments might actually hurt them… how unfair… -V


Finnish person here. Our speeding ticket system owns and only people who bitch about them are people who wanna break the laws - the loudest whiners are the rich people who think they can just pay their way out of trouble and that’s why we have laws like that.

400 dollar ticket.

Person making 10 dollars an hour: “Fuck, I better slow down”

Millionaire driving a Jaguar: “LOL 400 DOLLARS, FUCK THAT, NYOOM”

Compared to a proportional ticket.

Person making 10 dollars an hour and must pay 400 dollar ticket: “Fuck, I better slow down.”

Millionaire who must pay 100,000 dollar ticket: “Fuck, I better slow down.”

Like wtf. Some people have been so brainwashed by capitalism and worship of the rich that they literally can’t tell the difference between fairness and unfairness anymore.

It IS fair. The fact that it flies in the status quo so much should make you think about that status quo.


Michigan’s second-highest court has dealt a legal blow to Nestlé’s Ice Mountain water brand, ruling that the company’s commercial water-bottling operation is “not an essential public service” or a public water supply.

The court of appeals ruling is a victory for Osceola township, a small mid-Michigan town that blocked Nestlé from building a pumping station that doesn’t comply with its zoning laws. But the case could also throw a wrench in Nestlé’s attempts to privatize water around the country.




goodreads is orphaning my books because trans name changes are too hard even though it’s absolutely within their power

Amazon: You wantta change your name? Cool, call us so we know you are real people. Okay, thanks done. 

Goodreads: We reserve the right to deadname you for life because we PRESERVE HISTORY. Fuck you wanting your updated books listed on your account even though it’s just a typo fix at this point. Start over if you want that.

This isn’t a defense of Amazon. Amazon owns goodreads. 

‪Shit like this is why some publishers even refuse to change an trans authors name on their books. Because it “takes to much time to correct.” Which forces authors to wait years for their publishing contacts to expire and then they are forced to re-publish it themselves if they don’t want to deadname themselves when promoting their work. ‬

shit dude

Goodreads librarians then proceeded to call me a liar and removed even more books from my author profile. So yeah if I link to my amazon or my author profile there it’s because goodreads decided to be transphobic trash removing the only one step removed from amazon reader site option I have. 

This is such bullshit I literally asked for a typo correction not “special treatment”. 

They proceeded to delete my comments about how their policy is inconsistent and transphobic when I pointed out I dotted my i’s and crossed my t’s that published books matched the updated name change and then closed the thread claiming “Librarians are allowed to be uncomfortable with name changes.”. Below the cut is a screencap of what I said:

Children who feel they cannot engage their parents emotionally often try to strengthen their connection by playing whatever roles they believe their parents want them to. Although this may win them some fleeting approval, it doesn’t yield genuine emotional closeness. Emotionally disconnected parents don’t suddenly develop a capacity for empathy just because a child does something to please them. 

People who lacked emotional engagement in childhood, men and women alike, often can’t believe that someone would want to have a relationship with them just because of who they are. They believe that if they want closeness, they must play a role that always puts the other person first.

— Lindsay C. GibbonAdult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents (2015)

Wig? Snatched.


do people on tumblr like. realize that friendships arent therapy

this is how yall end up going around calling every ex-friend your abuser. its nice for your friends to be able to drop everything for you when youre having a bad time, but its literally NOT mandatory. your friends should not have to ignore their own problems to fix yours. get some therapy.

as a friend, you are allowed to say “i would really love to help you right now, but i cant push back my own issues to help you. im going through my own problems right now, and thats what i need to focus on”. it is NOT selfish. you arent going to be of any help to the people you care about if youre in bad shape and not taking care of yourself. its only going to make you worse for wear.


These rich white women who cut away at women’s rights are never, ever betraying themselves. They are not confused. They will always have access to abortion by virtue of money, which is what buys “a right to privacy” when the law does not enshrine it. They will always have recourse to police. They, by virtue of links with rich men– their fathers, their husbands–, will always have access to power. The fact that you think they are harming themselves when they make it harder for you, a poor woman, a working woman, to prosecute a rapist or get an abortion means they have succeeded in buying your allegiance. 


All people with blue eyes can be traced back to one person who lived near the Black Sea less than 10,000 years ago. Source Source 2

Now when I see a person with blue eyes, I’ll know they’re a descendant of Ocean-Eyed Slut Man.

You leave great grandpa ocean-eyed slut man alone, he was just living his life

Actually, since this was determined using mitochondrial DNA, the ocean-eyed slut would be a woman, not a man. Mitochondrial DNA is passed down by mothers.


Gram-gram knew how to party

dear ocean eyed party gram-gram thank u for spreading your weird eye mutation and giving every fanfic writer a reason to know an unholy amount of synonyms for the word ‘blue’.

All Hail Grandmother Cerulean Orbs

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