
fuck it

@scarvez / scarvez.tumblr.com

28 | they/he
dragons!!! art!!! furry shit!!!
cover art by 1041uuu

tbh animal crossing is a game thats meant to b played long term, ur supposed to play regularly for a whole year so u can experience everything. dont worry if ur house and island dont look amazing after a week or even a month of playing, there is no fomo here, u may b going slower and experiencing things differently or later than other ppl, but its a slow game! just chill n enjoy, u have time.


Some people play in short bursts of massive progress and get burned out on games quicker and some play a long game of slowly doing a little each day. Both are equally valid. Also the whole point of Animal Crossing is just being chill and happy with the people around you, if you are happy in game, then you have already succeeded.


bass guitar is like,, hope you guys dont mind im just going be the sexiest instrument ever and we just! let it!


It’s okay to be annoyed at social distancing. It’s okay to be disappointed your favorite event was canceled or frustrated with online classes or online work. It’s okay, feel the way you’re feeling, we need room for that.

But remember, herd immunity is a powerful thing, we aren’t doing this for just you or me or one single person. We’re doing this for the elderly and immunecompromised, we’re doing this for the young and the health care professionals so they don’t get too overwhelmed. We’re doing this for more than just ourselves. This is collective action at work.

And it is the group that lifts that barn when no one person can

it is the group that takes turns talking to the man down during the worst day of his life

it’s the group that gets out the wet wipes and quietly takes down hate symbols

and we don’t do that for ourselves. We do that because there is a love for strangers, a love for people we don’t know, and a dedication to others that is more than just “me” and “survive” and us vs them.

It is easy to feel alone in these times when we are literally meant to be alone, but this too is a means of care, this too is an act of love. And I think, I really do, I think that’s worth holding onto.

Where is that tweet that says: today love looks like an empty stadium. That’s a picture of thousands of people caring for each other.


hardest thing to learn during recovery is….. some of your misery is your own fault. you have to actively choose to stop wallowing in your own pain & start to recover. that means stop being self deprecating, start taking care of yourself, start eating healthy, start taking your hygiene seriously, even if it’s hard. & it is hard! but you must.


Cis people who don't know much about gender stuff but are genuinely trying to be respectful are so cute

Today a girl in class told me I look pretty and she immediately froze and said "wait no. Handsome? Good, you look good" and I'm like Vanesa I would kill for you

Genuinely tho like. Trans people notice when you put in the effort. When you correct yourself after misgendering us, we notice. When you put thought into the language you use for us, we notice. Just basic consideration and respect is surprisingly rare from anyone who's not a close friend, so when you put like, any thought at all into how to respect our identity, we notice.

I know we're not supposed to reward people for doing shit that should be the standard, but it isn't the standard right now, and if we don't acknowledge people who are getting shit right then the standard isnt ever gonna change. So from the bottom of my heart, to all the cis people out there putting genuine effort into helping the trans people in your life feel comfortable and respected, thank you.


i just went through right years of old posts on here. talking about day to day life, friends, what I was into.

it’s so peculiar to just look at years go by, scrolling through posts of old.

i have changed. so much self reflection over the years has taught me a lot. i learned about myself. started taking care of myself. gained confidence.

i learned my faults. recognize them. try to grow and work through them. maybe i’ll go through the specifics at some point.

i’m 25. at 18 i didn’t think i would make it this far. i didn’t think i’d still be alive, let alone supporting myself in the third biggest city in the US.

now, i find myself at a crossroads. i wonder what path i’ll take this time, and where it will lead. all i know is that it will lead to adventure. i hope for love, too.


my blog is so dead but honestly i may use it to vent. it could be nice to yell into the void again. life is confusing.

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