
megan falley

@meganfalleypoet / meganfalleypoet.tumblr.com


How to Write Your Truth, with Megan Falley

How to Write Your Truth, with Megan Falley

  WRITER MEGAN FALLEY’S pronouns are she/her. She is a queer author of three full length poetry collections, most recently Drive Here and Devastate Me. Falley co-wrote, How Poetry Can Change Your Life with poet Andrea Gibson, as part of the Chronicle books acclaimed how-to series. Her chapbook, Bad Girls, Honey, won the 2015 Tired Hearts prize. A woman of the world, a National Poetry Slam…


The Balance by Megan Falley There were days when it looked like love, especially if you turned down the volume. But even if you didn’t. Bus rides asleep on each other’s shoulders, sharing an earbud plugged into a song as if sharing a secret. Afternoons where we stayed in our pajamas and played video games after he bought us twin bodega sandwiches and remembered mine without the meat. And while I look back on the memories with equal, if not more repulsion, I know that I wasn’t an idiot to stay. That my heart invented its own verb which meant To Love The Dog Who Licks The Scar It Gave You. On a dirty bar couch on Valentine’s Day he said I would fight with you every morning if it meant I could kiss you at night and at the time it didn’t sound like the Codependent National Anthem or a vending machine where you put in fury and get out passion or even like the things I read now in pamphlets—the ones I thrust upon other women like my own righteous gospel— it sounded like the sweetest thing he’d ever said to me. A poem I could fold real small and carry around in my locket, not noticing, for months how it also kind of choked.


It’s good that he’s gone, but don’t let him be too gone.

He’s got to be candle blown out in the other room gone.

Or exhaust pipe huffing down the block gone.

Not closure-gone. Not someone-else’s- baby-gone. Not cut your hair gone.

He can’t ever be too far away to hurt you, honey.

You can pedal away but make sure it’s a polaroid of him clicking in your bicycle wheel down the boulevard.

Put a suitcase in a trunk and every state in between you if you want, but when you turn on the radio,

search for his song. Don’t get me wrong, you can love.

You can bend over a pinball machine for a biker,

or a balcony for a photographer. You can bend over a bridge

for a poet, but when you’re in a strange city at a lonely hotel bar and they ask

what you’re drinking, say his name.


Lana Del Rey Intervenes When She Notices I’ve Stopped Writing About My Ex.

Megan Falley


Graphic - Valeria Duca  (B.1995)


Cleopatra crushed beetles to make red lipstick because even in 30 BC she knew speaking 12 languages would be even more impressive when the words jumped through a ring of fire.

Circus mouth.    Ruby Woo. I smile and split            The Red     Sea.

In medieval times, religious groups condemned makeup for challenging god and his workmanship, but I and any good femme know—    God invented lipstick.

In post-war New York, butches could get locked up if they weren’t wearing three pieces of traditional women’s clothes. Lipstick, stashed in a pinstripe suit pocket, swiped on quick when someone threw their voice across the bar to warn that the cops were barging the door, could keep a queer from being a casualty for the night.

And when Bergen-Belsen concentration camp was liberated, each pair of lips as pale as the next, along with the British Red Cross arrived a shipment of lipstick. No one was quite sure who asked for it—seemed petty—what

could a tube of maroon do for women whose hair,    whose babies,    were ripped from their bodies? Who could pick up a shard of a war’s mirror for long enough     to apply a    smile? How could lipstick be necessary when there’d been experiments on children? Twins sewn together at the back? When the nail scratches in the gas chambers made their way through stone?

Five hundred a day, still dying. Even when liberated, the prisoners could not be looked at as individuals. Some of them would still die as numbers.

One lieutenant said he believed nothing did more for the survivors than that lipstick. Women, thin as smoke, naked e v e r y w h e r e except for their mouths:

Red, like they might one day     flirt    again,    arm on a jukebox,

   single finger running    down    a tie.

The next time it’s deemed frivolous, something left on a napkin or absent cheek, remember

   red lipstick,  in its tube,    like a bullet,  but in reverse,    giving life         back.


Ode to Red Lipstick

Megan Falley  


Graphic - Andy Warhol  1928-1987

"every hero you have ever had has been someone's worst nightmare"

- Megan Falley, 'Holy Thank You For Not'


“I want a clap on lamp that works as a polygraph; when you swear you still love me, the lights flicker”

- Megan Falley

That’s what poetry is, isn’t it? The drunk girl who slips into the pool fully clothed while the party buzzes on without her. Or the starlet with dozens of roses thrown at her feet and only dirty dishes to come home to. That’s what you like — poetry, right?

Megan Falley, “Lana Del Rey Sells Me on Sadness” (via geminiscene)

he said ‘I would fight with you every morning if it meant I could kiss you every night’ and at the time it didn’t sound like The Codependent National Anthem, or a vending machine where you put in fury and get out passion

Megan Falley, Balance (via schmab-elyse)

When I found a picture of your ex-lover’s tits, used as a bookmark, I began opening every novel upside down like a teenager shaking birthday cards waiting for cash to fall out. This explains my love for fiction. We were never married. The dog is not ours. While washing the dishes I watch from the window as the children we never had drown in the piss-filled pool. I’ve never tried to save them. I invented that pool, this sink. Did you know that the metronome inside us quickens when telling a lie? I want to build an honest house, where the motion detector is so sharp it knows when my thoughts leave the room. Where the clap-on lamp works as a polygraph. When you swear you still love me, the lights flicker.

Megan Falley, from “The Honest House” (via whisperthatruns)


“The morning after Orlando, we hang our heads half-staff. My love shrugs my arm off of their shoulder and reminds me where we are: we’re at a rest stop, we’re somewhere in the Midwest. The shooter’s father said his son opened up the chest of that nightclub and undid its pulse  because he saw two men kissing in the street. I try to kiss my love in the street. Even after, I have a hard time believing anyone would want me to die for this.”

“Pulse” by Megan Falley

And what’re you gonna do then? You think my voice got this husky from some sweet boy pouring honey down my throat? You think my lips got this type of pout from gentle kisses? You don’t need to cook him dinner every night. All you need to eat is sorrow and some other bitch’s wedding cake. What dark parties of your mind are you going to explore when you have no reason to leave the house? How are you going to die pretty when he makes you want to live forever?
I want a clap on lamp that works as a polygraph; when you swear you still love me, the lights flicker.

Megan Falley, from “The Honest House” published in After the Witch Hunt (via pigmenting)

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