
Life of a Veterinary Technician

@diaryofanrvt / diaryofanrvt.tumblr.com


Story Time. Finding out I was pregnant with Ezra was hard for me. Not only were we in the middle of a pandemic & civil unrest, @kayidee805 & I were not emotionally ready to have a second child. I was not done giving Ezio my all & I felt irresponsible. Here I was, not ready, bringing another life into the world when I could barely protect one. We explored our options. & when I went in for that first ultrasound (by myself) & hearing that heartbeat, I felt absolutely nothing. I was disconnected, scared, & alone. When we decided to go forward with the pregnancy, I attended ultrasounds on my own until about 20ish weeks. The whole time, I could not find it in me to love more than Ezio. I felt unworthy, a selfish person going through with a pregnancy that at the time did not want. I felt so undeserving. To be blessed with a healthy pregnancy, yet not want it. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. Instead of enjoying the pregnancy, it became such a burden. I hated being pregnant again, even to the point of resenting Edgar. After weeks of talking with @kayidee805 & finally bringing it to my OBs attention, I realized, it wasn’t just me. Most importantly, I learned that there were ways to push through it. We just have to push ourselves to make the first move. Things turned around for me when I changed my perspective. Instead of something unwanted, Ezra became the reason why I fought. Ezra became my chance at a second pregnancy, since I found out I may not be able to have another later. Ezra became the little brother for Ezio that would keep him out of trouble. Depression happens at any point in your life & it heightened for me during my pregnancy. It isn’t just you, but a combination of your environment and fear. Whatever your mental health status is or phase in life, reach out to each other. To understand you’re not alone is the first step to conquering those uncomfortable feelings that only dwell if we allow them to. So to anyone reading this, I am here for you. As a friend, confidant, struggling mother, all of it. I am here to help you take that first step. Get help. You are not alone. #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #perinataldepression #ppd #postpartumdepression https://www.instagram.com/p/CPYkA3bAi8jClf1UtbTcnaGKeUiVni_X7PjIVI0/?utm_medium=tumblr


From my personal page to your eyes.


2018 Update

I’ve been MIA for quite some time and I never realized how many people follow this account! Here are some updates to catch up to present day/year! 

The last time I posted (not reblogged) something in this blog was when the calling for my RVT license became stronger than my DVM degree. The passion for getting my hands dirty and dealing with the more technical duties grew and I fell in love with the field even more. Needless to say, I started making my way to become registered by attending Pierce College. The program is definitely impacted, but well worth it. The instructors are passionate for teaching their students and are very experienced in the field. They do not hold back with stories and love to share what helped them succeed. Because I had experience working in an animal hospital, I took the alternate route path which took me 1.5yrs to complete. I wish I would’ve taken the full on program (2+years, AS degree in Veterinary Technology) because I know I would’ve benefited more from the extra classes. 

Post Pierce (June 2017), I applied to sit for the VTNE and CA license test. Application took 4-6 weeks before I was able to register to take the test. Took the CA license test first (not too bad, mostly about CA laws, definitions, and RVT dos/donts). Passed. Then BARELY made the November-December window for the VTNE (It took a lot of emailing the California Veterinary Board). 

The VTNE was such a struggle for me, only because the material is so vast and it was hard to focus on studying. VetTechPrep helped immensely. The questions are similarly structured and there are sections to help you organize your study planning. Took the VTNE on December 13th. Passed!

Applied for the license test. Takes about 2-4 weeks for scores to get to your jurisdiction. Received my license in the mail on  January 6th, 2018. 

So here I am, officially licensed as an RVT in the state of California. I know I’m destined for more in this field, but for now, I’m going to take the time to be proud of myself. The journey is not over, though. I know I’ll be picking up my next responsibility soon. Till then, I’ll spend my time posting more. Maybe more on tips or educational posts? What do you guys want to hear about?

Guess I should also change my tumblr name :)


VTNE Crunch Time

Studying for the VTNE has been such a struggle. There is so much information that the test questions can come from and I can officially say that I am stressed the f**k out. Granted, I have my strong points, but my weak points are killing me. I need to find some sort of way to block out everything going on around me and focus..

T-Minus 10 days. The countdown begins. 



does anyone have suggestions on how to study for the VTNE?


Passion Fatigue is Real

If you notice a change in your mental health, talk to someone! 

*Remember: you aren’t alone!



Just made a tumblr to start off my track in pre-veterinary and if you’re a prevet/vettech/vet blog just reblog because I need more blogs to follow~


Had a family surrender their puppy today. She swallowed a baby toy four days ago and has since been vomiting and not eating. They called around to a bunch of vets for price quotes, all around $1500. Well they could certainly afford the price to buy the dog from the “breeder” but not this bill. We rushed her out for emergency surgery where they found…..you guessed it a foreign body. But also with the toy she ate sewing thread, so she had a linear foreign body for four days. Her small intestines looked like a sive, leaking blood into her abdominal cavity. She unfortunately did not survive. Maybe.if they had brought her to us the day it happened, or the day after….

Today sucked.

I’m seriously so upset by this.

It sucked really bad.


Stories like this makes it so hard for me to respect pet owners willing to pay thousands of dollars for a pure bred, but not for the medical care the pet may need. I understand, issues arise. You may not be able to afford medical care “at this time.” Tough luck.

Do your research. Understand that pets ARE living beings that deserve the best care you can give them. Pets are not something to have because you feel like it one day. You shouldn’t just give them away because you cant afford a necessary medical expense.

You wouldn’t do that to your kids, would you?


Dumb things to say to a veterinarian

The following are statements that people commonly make, that I have yet to find good replies for. I can forgive mispronunciations and language barriers, but not arrogance, lies or simple lack of thought. 

  • I wanted to be a veterinarian, but I wasn’t smart enough.

The problem with answering this sentence is that if you agree, you insult the client. If you disagree then either you imply that the client wasn’t determined enough, or that veterinarians aren’t really that smart and we’re putting it on.

  • I wanted to be a veterinarian, but I couldn’t kill animals.

Because obviously that’s what we do all day! and because we enjoy it too! People who say this either have no idea what we do, or are trying to be social but having a brain fart. I usually tell them that I have seen what happens when animals are left too long, and that the suffering inflicted upon them is worse than death.

  • I wanted to be a veterinarian, but I love animals too much.

I’m sorry, but I don’t understand why anyone would say that. Especially if they want me to like them. Especially when they moan about paying for $30 of pain relief medication.

  • He’s limping, but he’s not in any pain.

Because obviously animals limp just for the fun of it. I do it all the time, just for giggles. Seriously, animals don’t want to show you they’re in pain because they want to survive. They don’t cry like humans. If they’re not using their body in a normal way, odds are good something is painful.

  • With all the money I’ve spent here, you should name a wing after me!

First of all, most clinics aren’t big enough to have ‘wings’. Second, usually these people have spent very little, but they think it’s a lot. the clients that have actually spent a lot of money, never mention it.

I think next time someone tries this line on me I will tell them that all the money they’ve spent here is enough to replace the toilet seat, but we’ll happily name that after them.

  • It just happened/appeared yesterday.

Don’t lie to me. I’m no forensics expert, but I can tell if a wound is fresh, a day old, or a few days old (here’s a tip, healing tissue starts to grow after a few days and you never find maggots in a wound that happened ‘this morning’). Likewise, while abscesses can grow quite quickly, tumors to not become fist-sized overnight. It’s okay to admit that you only noticed something recently, but please do not lie to me.

  • He’s due for worming/flea treatment ‘about now’

I’m not stupid. I know this means you have no idea when you last treated your pet for parasites. If you can’t do it at home, I will happily do it for you.

  • He hasn’t been to a vet for 10 years because he’s healthy.

Sorry mate, but I will be the judge of that. Usually these poor creatures have either a heart murmur, shocking dental disease, crippling arthritis, a hormonal problem or a tumor. Just because you’re not looking for medical conditions does not mean they are not there. They’re usually brought in for euthanasia, with a condition I may have been able to do something about a year ago.

  • You get paid to play with puppies and kittens all day.

Yeah, just like your GP only sees happy cute kids. While we do enjoy the puppies and kittens that come in, they are sadly not the majority.

Additional things said recently that are annoying me:

“You should be called DOGtors, am I right?” Or “why aren’t you called PETerinarians?”

We are NOT just treating dogs and we are NOT just treating pets. Our profession treats every non-human species on the planet, and we are also involved in human food supply and public health. One of my classmates is currently reducing hunger in Africa by teaching locals to vaccinate chickens. Healthier, bigger, surviving chickens means more eggs and meat. We work with food supply, public health, immunology, research and, yes, companion animals.

Real doctors treat more than one species. 😋


The struggle is real

1. Is that feces,urine, blood or anal glands on my scrubs? 2. Where in the hell is my pen? 3. I think I just stabbed myself. 4. Pretty sure I just skin glued myself to this animal. 5. Wow, isopropyl alcohol is really helpful finding all the cuts I didn’t know I had. 6. Where did that bruise come from? 7. I think that scratch is going to scar. 8. Why is this client here…again…for the third time this week? 9. Does the doc really need to talk about the clients family right now? I’m just down here, on the ground, trying to restrain this 100lb naughty malamute. 10. God, this dog stinks. I really wish I could move my face. 11. Did I log those drugs in the DEA book? 12. This surgery needs to go faster. I need to pee. 13. Shit, I can’t get my scrubs untied and I really need to pee. 14. My nose has to itch right now?! I’m sterile damn it! 15. Oh look! Toenail trimmings in my bra. 16. No shorts or tank tops this week. I look like an abused spouse. 17. Staff meeting tomorrow. 18. Was that the sound of my scrubs ripping?



Client: "Hi. I'm calling to cancel my appointment."
Receptionist: "Sure, one moment. Oh. Your appointment was two hours ago. We wondered where you were! Everything ok?"
Client: "Oh. I just didn't want to get up. Sorry. Can I make it for 2 today?"
Receptionist: "We have a 2:15 open. I'll book it right now. See you soon!"
Receptionist: "Hello. We are calling about your appointment. You missed it and we don't have openings until 6. Shall I make it for tonight?"
Client: "Oh. I was eating lunch. Yes 6 is fine."
Receptionist: "Hello. Just calling to confirm your 6pm appointment."
Client: "Oh. Can you do 7? I'm busy until 6:30."
Receptionist: "I apologize ma'am but we do not have anymore openings. I have a 10am tomorrow. I'll book it for you."
Client: "RIDICULOUS! I want to speak to the manager. You people have no flexibility! What about people that can't just leave on a whim? People that have lives just have to have sick pets?! No. I'm done with you people. See if you get my business ever again!"

So this lady came in this morning and walked up to the front desk to greet us before gasping loudly and saying “I forgot my dog”

She forgot to bring her dog with her

To the vet


this changed my life

I spent 10 minutes mentally preparing myself for this video and I still wasn’t ready.


To make marshmallow: take 1 @petermorwood, add 1 CKV (CuteKittenVid™), marinate at room temperature for duration of CKV and serve. No other ingredients required. 

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