
RICHARDO VELAZQUEZ BROSCO, Palacio de Cristal, Buen Retiro Park, Madrid, Spain, 1887


Places where reality is a bit altered:

• any target • churches in texas • abandoned 7/11’s • your bedroom at 5 am • hospitals at midnight • warehouses that smell like dust • lighthouses with lights that don’t work anymore • empty parking lots • ponds and lakes in suburban neighborhoods • rooftops in the early morning • inside a dark cabinet

  • playgrounds at night
  • rest stops on highways
  • deep in the mountains
  • early in the morning wherever it’s just snowed
  • trails by the highway just out of earshot of traffic
  • schools during breaks
  • those little beaches right next to ferry docks
  • bowling alleys
  • unfamiliar mcdonalds on long roadtrips
  • your friends living room once everybody but you is asleep
  • laundromats at midnight

what the fuck

  • galeries in art museums that are empty except for you 
  • the lighting section of home depot
  • stairwells

•hospital waiting rooms •airports from midnight to 7am • bathrooms in small concert venues

I just got the weirdest feeling I swear


there are too many versions of me in the universe! the girl i bumped into but didn’t stop to say sorry to has a version of me in her mind. the guy i let borrow my homework has another version of me in his. even my friends, my family, and everyone i’ve ever met in my life has their own version of me in their minds that i’m not even aware of

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