
@drowningincuriosity / drowningincuriosity.tumblr.com

They say curiousity killed the cat, but it hasn't killed me yet
i have always been too much for someone or not enough. i’m either too loud or not loud enough. i am a walking contradiction. a full glass or an empty one. there is no balance in me. tell me, what made you leave? my devastating fire or my lack of heat?
- l.r // i am never half empty

An Ongoing Daily List of Good Shit Because I'm Tired of All The Corona Talk:

  • Australia is no longer on fire
  • U-Haul is offering free 30 day storage for displaced college students and discounted rates on moving services
  • The second person in the world was just cured of HIV!
  • There's going to be a new Dr. Seuss book this fall, published from a manuscript he wrote that was discovered 21 years after his death
  • Student loan payments are being halted with no interest until the pandemic clears
  • A zoo in Indiana recently announced the birth of two Chacoan Peccaries, an animal that is currently endangered (and also adorable)
  • On that train, two cheetah cubs were recently born in an Ohio zoo via vitro fertilization, which could seriously boost efforts to help endangered species survive
  • One more about animals - a komodo dragon in a Tennessee zoo just gave birth without male involvement! Which isn't something new, but it is rare and cool.
  • The state of Virginia has banned conversion therapy for minors recently, and is the first Southern state to do so
  • Scotland has created the worlds first Carbon Positive Gin made from peas instead of wheat, which reduces the carbon footprint created by normal gin making. Without wheat....it might also be a gluten free alternative (not certain on that one, you'd have to reach out to the creators). You can buy it here
  • The worlds first 3D printed houses were just created in Mexico, with the hopes to combat homelessness. They are designed to withstand seismic activity and come with two bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, and bathroom.
  • Disneyland is donating all acceptable food to food banks in Orange County during their closure
  • The Olympic Games are hoping to become "climate positive" by the year 2030, and by next year they plan to start planting an "Olympic Forest" in Africa in an effort to combat desertification

Hopefully I can add more day to day, but even the small stuff makes you smile sometimes. Yesterday at my coffee shop, a woman tipped me five dollars because, and I quote, "Just because there's a virus doesn't mean I can't tip you for my coffee."

The small shit matters as much as the big shit. Good luck, try to look at the good and also try and DO some good, and wash your hands.


While it's great if you can use the quarantine to learn a new language or write a book, it's also perfectly okay if all you can manage is scrolling through social media or binge watching Netflix. While it's great to make the most of this situation, for some of us just getting through it is an achievement by itself. So don't be too hard on yourself if you haven't managed to draw or write daily or if you have yet to dedicate hours to a new hobby. It's okay. You're doing good even if all you're doing is keeping yourself together.


No but seriously. Normalize finding love in your 40's. Normalize discovering and chasing new dreams in your 30's. Normalize finding yourself and your purpose in your 50's. Life doesn't end at 25. Let's stop acting like it does.

The other day, after watching a really good film, I was thinking about this feeling I get when I’m watching or reading something I am beginning to realise I love (usually after going into it with low/vague expectations). It’s a feeling of gradual escalating elation, a slow build of euphoria, joy gathering speed. [This book] made me feel that. It made me feel like neglected synapses were suddenly ablaze.

When this is over, may we never again take for granted the simple things in life. Coffee with friends. A Friday night at a concert. A handshake with a stranger. Time spent with your grandparents. Hugging those you love most. Conversations with your neighbors. The morning commute. Going to school every week. Full shelves at the store. A typical Tuesday night. Life itself. These times can be challenging, but may we allow ourselves to slow down and reflect on what matters most. Once the dust settles and the light shines brighter, may we find that we have become the people we have wanted to be, who we always hoped we would be, and may we all be better for each other having gone through the unimaginable. In this crisis, hold on to love, hope, and empathy. That is my wish - that we are left with and experiencing more love and humanity during and after all this.


remember to practice self care during this rough time. wash your hands, call or facetime your friends, hug your pets, binge feel-good movies, make art even if it turns out bad, summon spirits in your living room, go for a nice walk alone, restrain yourself from panic buying, read that book you keep putting off, buy and try out a bunch of board and card games.


there’s something about living life deliberately…wearing clothes that you actually want to and that you feel reflect you and your style not just because you’ve had them for years and don’t know what else you would throw on….listening to songs and creating playlists that excite you and represent your actual mood not just listening to songs that you’ve had downloaded for years that don’t make you feel anything special anymore…it’s VERY easy to stay with what you’re comfortable and it might take a bit of experimenting before you find what feels like a deliberate choice that reflects more of YOU but it’s absolutely worth the leap of faith you may have to convince yourself to make in order to stop feeling like a passenger in your own life


i feel like this thing where people are going stir-crazy and want something to do less than a week after being explicitly ordered to stay home under threat of disease and death kind of blows a hole in that “if we give people universal basic income everybody will just be lazy and won’t want to work” talking point


living in the united states is supremely fucked up cause we're one of the richest, most powerful juggernauts on the planet, but your average citizen has relatively infinitesimal access to that wealth and power, and very little they can do to improve things.

being poor in the US still makes you rich by some global standards, but often times The American Experience is like..... you're a passenger locked in the baggage hold of a very long train that's going very fast. and the people driving the train are running it off the rails and shouting CHOO CHOO MOTHERFUCKERS CHOO CHOOOOOOOOO as they thoughtlessly bulldoze this train through everything in its path. you want very badly to get off the train or bludgeon the conductors with a crowbar, because you don't like where it's going, but you're handcuffed in a duffel bag and the conductors have barricaded themselves in the engine cars with all the food, medicine, and tools that could be used to help you out.

and UNDERSTANDABLY the rest of the world is like "what the FUCK is wrong with that train??? it must be stopped! there are so many people on the train why is nobody breaking into the conductor's booth and stopping it??!" but most of us are just squirming for basic survival in the last few cars while billionaires sit on top of the train sniping anyone brave enough to crawl up from the cargo hold, all while shouting that you're lucky to be on such a luxurious, successful train at all.

I’ve never seen being an American explained so well.

And a lot of your fellow handcuffed passengers shout that you’re lucky to be on the train, too.


A tip for everyone who’s currently quarantined like me: indulge in self care. Keep your hair clean and tidy, don’t stay in your pajamas all day, wear something extra comfy but make sure you feel good about yourself. The thing is, it’s easy to spiral into depression when you’re stuck at home and start neglecting yourself. Also indulge into your favorite comfort food recipes, and stretch your body every once in a while. Our body and mind need all the love right now!

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