
I'm A Persimmon, Persimmon

@petty-izzard / petty-izzard.tumblr.com

"I cannot be captain, for you see, dear friends, I am unfit to lead other men into battle, into space, or in a line dance. I submit that if I picked my nose for half an hour that my head would cave in. I've nary to know the distinction betwixt Shinola and...that other stuff. I cannot lead because I cannot find my ass with both hands and a flashlight. Thank you."

What Native people say about the use of sage: you can use sage, but you cannot smudge as nothing you are doing (waving sage around) is actually smudging. Smudging is a ceremony and you are, we promise, not smudging. Please buy sage from either us, or someone who sources the sage from us. White sage may not be considered endangered by the US government but corperate sourcing is making it difficult for us to source sage for our own religious purposes. Let alone to sell it.

What white people hear: never use sage ever, don’t ever buy it, don’t own it, don’t even look at it.

Look, y’all. There’s a couple of facets to my talk today.

1) Yes! You can buy sage! You really, truly can! Buy it from either native sellers (go to a powwow! Eat our food, buy our stuff, watch some dancing!) Or buy it from a seller who sources the sage from native people. Pick one. And no, buying it from 5 Below doesn’t count.

2) you CANNOT smudge. This isn’t just you “shouldn’t”— this is a YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF SMUDGING. Waving a sage stick around your doorways IS NOT SMUDGING. It is smoke clensing. Smudging, depending on the tradition and tribe, could easily have dancing and drums involved. You, as a white person, do not have the cultural BACKGROUND to even know how it works. At all. Period.

3) please, for FUCKS SAKE, stop making posts here on tumblr where you tell other white people about cultural appropriation and what they can and cannot do. Please stop, your license has been revoked because none of you bother to get the facts right. We native people are FULLY CAPABLE OF DOING IT OURSELVES. Consider instead: a) reblogging our posts where we talk about it! We’re here! We have made posts!! b) Making a post that states what we said and then LINKS BACK TO US. Screenshot with a link if you must. Stop centering your own voices in these conversations. You are already centered in everything, stop centering yourselves in a native space.

I’m tired of this nonsense, y’all.

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk ™


Help Support a Native artist?


Historical European Martial Arts References for Writing

This is the start of something wonderful. At least, for writers craving Historical Accuracy. And for writing weapon scenes in general. Something that will really be helpful is the Sparring Ref. section, which is a list that includes links to actual sparring for a bunch of different weapons. This list will be constantly changing, if you have anything to add, DM me, or send me an Ask!



-British Military Guides (Great to build off of, pay special attention to the cuts and the slip)


Sparring Refs

-Peasant Staff (This is just a big fucking stick)



people that act like Britain’s colonial past is ancient history, here are some facts:

  • Afghanistan’s independence was in 1919.
  • Egypt was in 1922.
  • Iraq was in 1932.
  • Jordan was in 1946.
  • India and Pakistan were in 1947.
  • Myanmar and Sri Lanka were in 1948.
  • Libya and Oman were in 1951.
  • Sudan was in 1956.
  • Ghana and Malaysia were in 1957.
  • Singapore was in 1959.
  • Cyprus and Nigeria were in 1960.
  • Cameroon, Kuwait, Tanzania, and Sierra Leone were in 1961.
  • Jamaica, Uganda, and Trinidad and Tobago were in 1962.
  • Kenya was in 1963.
  • Malawi, Malta, and Zambia were in 1964.
  • The Gambia and the Maldives were in 1965.
  • Barbados, Botswana, Lesotho, and Guyana were in 1966.
  • Yemen was in 1967.
  • Eswartini (Swaziland), Nauru, and Mauritius were in 1968.
  • Fiji and Tonga were in 1970.
  • Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates were in 1971.
  • The Bahamas was in 1973.
  • Grenada was in 1974
  • Seychelles was in 1976.
  • Dominica, Tuvalu, and the Solomon Islands were in 1978.
  • Kiribati and Saint Lucia were in 1979.
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines were in 1979.
  • Vanuatu and Zimbabwe were in 1980.
  • Antigua and Barbuda and Belize were in 1981.
  • Saint Kitts was in 1983.
  • Brunei was in 1984.

In addition to that: Northern Ireland is still a British territory. So are the Falkland Islands and Bermuda.

This is in the lifetime of ancestors we have that are still alive. Many of these countries were left in financial ruination after colonization with their resources drained. Many of these countries have been repeatedly bombed by the UK and their allies since independence as well. The very act of independence often resulted in massive loss of life (see the partition of India and Pakistan which resulted in 2 million people dead, 20 million people displaced, and countless others never recovered). Calling it ancient history or underplaying the sheer cruelty of what the British empire did is such a slap in the face to the people who suffered for centuries.


how do i get a sfw sasuke big enough to oblitherate my entire dashboard


why did they have to specify sfw


Mobile Users experience a long boi

do you love the color of the sasuke


my ancient greek history professor is making us post memes weekly. i swear to god


heres one for you

my time has come for hyperspecific classics memes

I…I need context. I’m gonna research all this shit one day.. If I remember after work


I understand most of these!

My brother has to submit memes about ancient rome to his class so I’m definitely going to give suggestions.


People are complaining that certain places are gonna start requiring a covid vaccine as if this is the first ever "mandatory" (not even) vaccine. You received like 6 vaccines when you were a baby and a couple more as you got older. Countries have been requiring yellow fever vaccines. Most schools you need certain vaccines to attend this isn't new. Immunization cards are not a new concept


theres this awkward disconnect when well meaning whites use genders from other cultures as an argument for respecting nonbinary ppl. 

like if you are saying “other cultures have these 3rd genders so thats evidence nonbinary is real thing” that doesnt really work because those genders arent nonbinary, they exist out of the context of the western gender binary, theyre part of a different system of genders. cant be nonbinary if theres no binary to begin with. 

but if you are using this as an argument for “the gender binary is a western construct thats been pushed on other cultures and also is completely arbitrary and thats why you should respect nonbinary people” then THAT is a prfectly sound arugment.. 

THANK YOU it’s so fucking difficult to get this through people’s heads.

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