
La Fosa de las Marianas

@liphistius / liphistius.tumblr.com

Porque no se me ocurre nada más profundo

So you know how you love me because you haven’t had a single meeting with anyone since I became your assistant? That’s because every time someone calls and requests a meeting with you, I always schedule it for March 31st.


Ancient ruins give us a fascinating window into the past..

Ancient ruins give us a fascinating window into the past: how people lived, the spaces they inhabited and their daily lives. Historians, architects and travellers alike marvel at these remnants of time past, but it’s often hard to get a sense of what these spectacular buildings would have looked like at their peak. We decided to step back in time and recreate some of our favorite ancient ruins in their original locations.

Identified from the top:

  • The Parthenon Athens, Greece / 432 BC
  • Luxor Temple Luxor, Egypt / 1380 BC
  • Nohoch Mul Pyramid (Coba) Quintana Roo, Mexico / 100 BC-100 AD
  • Temple of Jupiter Pompeii, Italy / 200 BC
  • Milecastle 39 (Part of Hadrian’s Wall) Northumberland, England / 100 AD
  • The Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacán Teotihuacan, Mexico / 200 CE
  • Area Sacra di Largo Argentina—Temple B Rome, Italy / 101 BC

Gifs que reconstruyen ruinas antiguas.

  1. El Partenón Atenas, Grecia / 432 aC
  2. Luxor Temple Luxor, Egipto / 1380 aC
  3. Pirámide Nohoch Mul (Coba) Quintana Roo, México / 100 aC-100 dC
  4. Templo de Júpiter Pompeya, Italia / 200 aC
  5. Milecastle 39 (parte del muro de Adriano) Northumberland, Inglaterra / 100 AD
  6. La Pirámide del Sol, Teotihuacán Teotihuacan, México / 200 EC
  7. Área Sacra di Largo Argentina-Templo B Roma, Italia / 101 aC

me in the bronze age telling my friend how I got bred by a general, high priest, and donkey vender all in one night


Ya know what it never occured to me that clay tablets were written on while they were still soft??? My idiot brain kept thinking they chipped away at them like on the fricken Flintstones


Let’s write Hiragaana!

あ い う え お か き く け こ

さ し す せ そ た ち つ て と

な に ぬ ね の は ひ ふ へ ほ

ま み む め も や  ゆ  よ

ら り る れ ろ わ    を ん

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