
pink and purple

@trainerbede / trainerbede.tumblr.com

Hope, 31, he/they

I'm very tired of this "queer college students should stop supporting Palestine, they'd kill you there!" I watched a hijabi ask a trans man, "but what name do you want to go by?" A butch giving a woman their hoodie so that she could keep her hair covered after the cops took her scarf. Muslim girls making sure the lesbian couple got through the system together. Religious men making sure green haired protestors got out safe. A Palestinian girl with an ex-southern baptist fiance, who definitely isn't a practicing Muslim, whose parents were raising hell for her. I don't want to hear it. Solidarity forever, free Palestine.


Queer muslim here. I couldn't have said it better myself. We are not free until all of us are free.


im like the guy in the infomercials they depict in black and white doing everything inefficiently and having a thousand tupperware containers fall on me when i open the cupboard

Anonymous asked:

If you're not a Zionist you're not a Jew, end of story. Get fucked.

“If you’re not supporting a blatantly Facist ideology, of the same ideological framework that killed 6 million of our people, then you’re not the religion that you were born into/Converted into/Of your ancestors”


Do you see how this quickly becomes aggressive ethnonationalism!


Forcing a singular ideology onto an entire people, with threat to rob them of their identity, is so inherently Facist. As an anti-Zionist Jew, I do not claim Zionist Jews as “not actual Jews”— although Zionist politics are anything but Jewish, the Zionist Jews themselves are as Jewish as Abraham and Sarah. The disease of Zionism has incontrovertibly contaminated our community where it has turned us in on one another; with aggression, with profound antisemitism.

And when this enforced ideology calls for destruction, for pain, for suffering and death— it is self destructive. Never in history have we, as a people, stood for harm. Rabbis and scholars have etched this topic into our spirit— Sefardic philosopher Rambam wrote ambam “Whenever a person can save another person’s life, but he fails to do so, he transgresses a negative commandment, as Leviticus 19:16 states: ‘Do not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor (Hilkhot Rotzeah 1:14).’”

Our ancestors, our people, have wrote on such topics for centuries— the preservation of life, Pikauch Nefesh— and Zionism disgraces centuries of scholary work, philosophical enlightenment and the relationship with G!d we have spent lifetimes understanding. To self-aggrandise, to neglect and abuse our neighbours, to murder as if we have some G!dly righteousness to so is shameful and anti-Jewish. We are not evil, hateful people but Zionism shows that we are capable of being so— and we must be willing to grapple with that.


It's like i wake up every morning expecting everyone to have this necessary all consuming fear for the people of Palestine, but i find myself horrified that they don't. They don't seem to care. The apathy the chronic individualistic self serving evil that people are so proud of, i hope this dies.

When you're silent in the face of genocide and zionism, you are a zionist. You are a genocide enabler. You are personally out there killing people and their culture.

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