
stuff I like & stuff I dislike

@velocicrafter / velocicrafter.tumblr.com

cis dude in his 30-somethings. queer, Xicano/ Mestizo. I also run fuckyeahdollsofcolor.tumblr.com and contribute to fuckyeahethnicmen.tumblr.com var sc_project=8068695; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="afb25195"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://secure." : "http://www."); document.write("<sc"+"ript type='text/javascript' src='" + scJsHost+ "statcounter.com/counter/counter.js'></"+"script>");
Happy 45th Birthday José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal! 

“What’s it like going from playing a hero to a villain? They’re both equally fun. The best part is discovering the qualities of a bad guy that don’t make him much different than a hero – that make him just like any of us.”


Orrin C. Evans and All-Negro Comics

All-Negro Comics, published in 1947, was a single-issue, small-press American comic book that represents the first known comics magazine written and drawn solely by African-American writers and artists.

African-American journalist Orrin Cromwell Evans (born 1902, Steelton, Pennsylvania; died 1971) was “the first black writer to cover general assignments for a mainstream white newspaper in the United States” when he joined the staff of the Philadelphia Record. After the paper’s closing, shortly after World War II, Evans partnered with former Record editor Harry T. Saylor, Record sports editor Bill Driscoll and two others to found the Philadelphia publishing company All-Negro Comics, Inc., with himself as president. 

In mid-1947, the company published the only known issue of All-Negro Comics, a 48-page, standard-sized comic book with a typical glossy color cover and newsprint interior. It was copyrighted July 15, 1947, with a June 1947 issue date. Unlike other comic books of the time, it sold for 15 cents rather than 10 cents. 

In 2014, Orrin C. Evans was inducted to the Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame for his work as president of All-Negro Comics (X)

You can get “All Negro Comics #1″  here

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You know you made it when your aunt in another state finds one of your drawings at Goodwill


C19 Lockdown finally has me stir crazy enough to see what’s going on here...

who’s still around?


they reify their whiteness by invoking their personal need to think of themselves as Good, then creating an environment in which any question is a spiteful attack on this notion. this frames any Questioner as The Real Problem and ALL OF THIS centers them as self-appointed Keepers of Truth; any sort of observation of these workings will resume the cycle anew.

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