
Jamie McKelvie

@mckelvie / mckelvie.tumblr.com


With The Wicked + The Divine now just two issues from its end, it seems like a good time for reflection. Juliette over on Twitter is leading a mass reread, one arc a week, and we can see our obsolescence creeping over the horizon. 

So, in a desperate grab for a little bit of online immortality (have we learned nothing), we’re creating an archive of TWATD essays, one volume at a time. Archive. Geddit?

They’ll be going up on TimplusAlex.com roughly once a week, to try and keep pace with Juliette’s project. By the end, we’re hoping it’ll serve as a bit of a resource for anyone rereading the series – or discovering it for the first time.

Anyway, never mind all that bollocks, here’s our Complete Guide to The Faust Act. Words on death, sex and adulthood, music and clothes, and one piece of weird journalistic fan-fic at the link.


Katie West of Team Wicdiv is editing her new anthology of interesting voices about an equally interesting period in the development of the Internet.

I dunno how Katie would define it, but from about 1993 (Mosaic) to 2003 was the period when it was still possible to meet people who felt this whole thing was a fad, and a lot of people who felt it was the future. Around 2003, it stopped being both - neither future, nor fad, but present.

We all know what happens after this, but I think I agree it was a brief golden age, and I can’t wait to read the stories it describes.


Tumblr is a huge reason why I made this book. 

I met so many incredible people on this platform. People I still speak to, and love, and cherish. People I know would drop everything for me and be there when I need them. I learned to be a feminist on this platform. I learned about body positivity and self-care. I learned about social justice and how to be a better activist and ally. I also watched a lot of great porn and become friends with a quite large amount of gorgeous naked babes. I was able to travel the world with these babes. Meet them and make art with them. Tumblr was fucking MAGICAL.

I had a hard time connecting with people in real life because I have really bad social anxiety and I was never confident with speaking to people. The internet was a  freaking miracle that I utilised to become this strong, confident person. But the only reason I was able to become that person was because I had tons of internet friends lifting me up, cheering me on, and accepting me for who and what I was. 

If that resonates with you, you’ll probably like this book. You can pre-order it now, along with scoring some sweet exclusive Kickstarter rewards too!

Please reblog!


My girlfriend Katie has launched the Kickstarter for her new anthology!! I am really excited for it, it has a whole bunch of great writers included.

Anonymous asked:

I was just curious, will we ever see your concept designs for the other 1920’s pantheon gods? I know we’ve seen two, the Norns and the morrigan but I was wondering about the others

I believe they’re all in the back of Vol 8, which collects all the specials.

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