
gays in space

@sh00t / sh00t.tumblr.com

Kip (he/him). Person of Interest lives in my mind rent-free. Gaysian, bi, aroace, transmasc, bipolar, BPD. ADHD 🇬🇧 🇵🇭

I've been putting off setting up a fundraiser for months, but I recently became homeless so now's the time to do it. ❤️

I'm 23 and top surgery has been the only thing keeping me alive for over a year now.

I have c-PTSD, bipolar and late-diagnosed ADHD that has caused me to withdraw from university, escape my transphobic and abusive parents and pay for private healthcare in order to survive daily life. I am now homeless living in temporary accommodation from the council which I still have to pay for.

I’ve managed to save £5.5k the past three years to pay for top surgery (removal of breast tissue to achieve a flat, masculine chest). I’m now having to withdraw thousands from this fund due to worsening life circumstances. With my surgery quote at £7,991 and booked for 2nd November later this year, I’m facing working 48 hour weeks as a carer for people with dementia, in order to replenish my fund and pay for this live-saving surgery in time. Every month delayed has a huge impact on my mental and physical health.

I receive abuse and punishment at home which has contributed to my mental health and constant state of hypervigilance, even when there is no real threat around me. My stress resilience is tiny compared to my peers and I am extremely emotionally reactive to things, unable to cope with the intensity of my pain and regulate myself when distressed.

I have been seeing mental health professionals since I was 13, through school, charities and funding from Disabled Students Allowance. When I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2020, I was self-harming and on track to ruining my life with addiction and £16k in debt.

Since then I’ve engaged in many forms of therapy that teach the basics of how to sleep and coping with emotions. I was on antidepressants and now on two mood stabilisers, hormone blockers to prevent persistent bleeding and further mood episodes, and am starting ADHD meds in order to get me functional, back to work and able to finish school again. My psychosomatic symptoms include nausea, digestion issues, muscle aches, cramps, and brain fog most days, which worsen when I’m stressed and leave me unable to even sit up in bed some days, leave the house or walk long distances.

I chose to study psychology because I want to be a therapist for disabled, queer, POC (people of colour) and immigrant students like me one day. Things I’ve done for the community include being a POC community officer for my uni's Pride Society, LGBTUIA+ rep for my course, getting charity funding for a BPD wellbeing community I co-started, and volunteering on the NHS LGBTI+ Sounding Board.

Now for the hardest part: asking for help.

Any donation (or simply sharing this fundraiser) could help ease the stress I'm going through as I struggle to budget for:

  • Therapy
  • ADHD treatment
  • Food & shelter
  • This life-saving surgery
  • Time to take care of myself, much less have fun

I've been so focussed on survival for so long. It's difficult to find motivation to do anything, and, especially recently, I think about wanting to die for several hours every day. I cancel outings with friends because the thought of travelling and having to schedule around 12 hour work shifts is too stressful. Figuring out where I'm going to sleep, shower and commute from, plus timing when to take my medication so I'm not sedated during work shifts, has me feeling constantly worried and sad.

Thank you in advance for any help, and if nothing else, reading and getting an understanding of issues trans people can face accessing healthcare.


Got the pleasure to draw Andy and Quynh for Netflix’s amazing and recently released @oldguardmovie ! Such an incredible movie and badass characters ⚔💛


Been wanting to draw the pool scene since I read it 😩


Disney after making a visually stunning and stunningly creative sci-fi time-period-mishmash adventure movie about cool space travel and daddy issues that is heavily inspired by classic works with a relatable teenage boy protagonist, badass female captain, and silly little marketable shapeshifting splat, and then proceeding to release it immediately after a huge franchise’s long-awaited and incredibly hyped-up blockbuster release, giving this movie absolutely no promotion or hype whatsoever or even so much as a fucking McDonalds action figure because they desperately want this movie to die because they don’t like the experimentalism and queerness and want to write it off as a bad movie instead of their own refusal to accept different kinds of storytelling and emerging social issues:


Happy eighth anniversary to my favorite couple and the best LGBT couple of all time, Korra and Asami ❤️

Every year this account is full of Korrasami and even then it will never be enough, but it's okay because that's why I'm here, I've talked many times about why I love these girls and I'll never get tired of saying it, they are a great inspiration, you want to be them and be with someone like them simply because they are tough, smart, kind and sweet, plus obviously attractive 😏

This is how I picture them, going on a date, Korra being sweet and Asami being, well, a little sassy, just how we like it 😍


One of the most life-changing things I ever learned came from Mythbusters, where they tested and proved (with cognitive testing puzzles and reaction time tests) that lying down and resting with the intention to sleep STILL provided significant mental benefits over just staying awake, even if a person couldn’t fall asleep in the amount of time they had. 

It helps me to actually sleep to know that just lying down with my eyes closed is still doing me some good, and helps me to not freak out/beat myself up when I stay up later than intended. Any amount of rest is better than no rest!

So if you didn’t know that…now you do


truly nothing beats the tags on this site, bitches will be like #AFKLJLKSDJDKLF HFHHHHH hhHGHH OP wHY WOU ld yo ud o thiS I CSTN BREATHe #c: jonathan sims #f: the magnus archives #scopophobia #gore #aes: нσω ∂σ уσυ ℓσνє? ℓιкє α ƒιѕт. ℓιкє α кηιƒє. #not to me. not if it's queue.

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