
mr. bloggins

@loustommos / loustommos.tumblr.com

i'm marie. 24. usa. multifandom blog with a lot of marvel and game of thrones. i like movies and tv shows and louis tomlinson. i'm bucky barnes trash. aye.

“im getting old” starter pack

  • “this is way too sweet”
  • “they’re remaking that movie already????”
  • “my back hurts”
  • “wait, people get mad about that now?”
  • “I can’t eat that, its gone fuck my stomach up”
  • “hold on let me check my calendar first”
  • **turns on the radio** [groans]

If santa keeps track of “naughty” kids every “year”, and the year doesn’t start until January 1st, that leaves 6 days after Christmas and New Years left undocumented, so nothing you do can be held against you.


The Purge: Season’s Greetings.

Harry woke early on the morning of the trip, which was proving stormy, and whiled away the time until breakfast by reading his copy of Advanced Potion-Making. He did not usually lie in bed reading his textbooks; that sort of behavior, as Ron rightly said, was indecent in anybody except Hermione, who was simply weird that way.

I really like grammar. And spelling. I was a spelling-bee kid. I’m hard-core about grammar.


The McDonald’s french fry is unbelievable. When you bite into it, you think: It’s so tasty, it can’t be real. As soon as it gets cold, it turns to lard and flubble. I mean, have you ever tried to eat a McDonald’s french fry that’s gone cold? That’s one of the circles of hell. The gulf between the warm, fresh, lightly salted McDonald’s french fry and the cold McDonald’s french fry is as great a gulf as any I know. - Viggo Mortensen, Esquire magazine (x)


successfully profiled and found a lost cat thanks to a criminal minds binge someone tell the FBI to hire me

My roommate came to get me because the cat was missing. I paused the show and went outside and I was all walking around the crime scene like okay the kitchen window is open and there is no screen so he must have jumped out here and ran off and they were like “so he’s gone???”

And I was like “we’ll pretend I’m a cat. There are two ways to go, towards the street and the lights or into the dark. A cat would choose the quieter dark spot” so I went into the dark and there like ur never gonna find him but I said LISTEN Spike was an outside cat before we moved and he’s been trapped inside so I bet he ran to the most bushy and grassy area. They said I was full of shit but u know what I found in the bushes? The fucking cat bitch I’m FBI material.

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