
There apparently are people saying that what's happening in Palestine isn't genocide by definition and that us anti-zionists just want there to be an obvious bad guy to blame.

So here. 10 stages of genocide from the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and each overlayed with a headline that matches the criteria. Except for one.

And the definition of genocide:

See how it says any of the following? Not some of them. Not certain combinations. And it doesn't say you have to meet All those criteria either.

Any of them are enough.


For the first time since the 1948 Nakba, there was no Christmas tree lighting outside the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Palestine.

In its place, an installation depicting the nativity scene is placed as if it were taking place in Gaza today. This is done in support of the people of Gaza who have been facing a harrowing Israeli aggression for the past 80 days, an aggression so catastrophic that it lead to cancelling Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem this year.

With the nativity models placed amid rubble and barbed wire, the star of Bethlehem is represented by the aftermath of a bomb hitting their shelter. The scene replicates those following Israeli shelling of civilian homes in Gaza.


i had to see this post on my dash in 2016 so now you fuckers have to see it too



The Scooby-Doo Project (1999)

fun fact this special scared so many kids so fucking badly (b/c the blair witch aspect was played weirdly straight) that CN never aired it again 

you’re telling me this is real and not a shitpost

I seriously thought this shit was fake until I looked it up


the more things change the more they stay the same

Pretty sure I’ve said “come out you bitch I’ll maul you” word for word


Elton John on Freddie Mercury. 

(I’m posting this less to correct the timeline portrayed in Bohemian Rhapsody, which I mostly really enjoyed, than simply to share a beautiful story that shines light on who Freddie actually was, up to the very end, via twitter.)

Source: twitter.com

Particularly if you live in Texas, please vote, just for the schadenfreude. Can you even imagine if Texas goes blue. Can you even imagine Ted Cruz losing. I’m getting giddy just thinking about the conservative meltdown. There is literally zero path to the Presidency for Republicans that doesn’t include Texas. If they have to sweat bullets for the next forever thinking that Texas might be a left-leaning state… guys, this just sounds like a fun time.

Vote for Beto for the schadenfreude.

Beto is fucking BEHIND!!! Get out there and VOTE!!!

Last I checked, Beto is behind by like 4%. That is already huge for a Democrat in Texas by my understanding, and that is only polling “likely” voters, which literally never includes young people. If people our age turn up to vote, it would definitely swing the election massively towards Beto. 

Texans, please do it. For me.

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