

@thebay--hq / thebay--hq.tumblr.com

hey everyone !! i’m here for the evening, just about to knuckle down for what is probably the 100th quiz so far in lockdown but i’ll be in and out to check the main for apps and questions. get them in, and if you have any comments or advice then we’d love to hear that too !!
i’ve been procrastinating from work all day, but what would be even better is if we get some apps in to keep me procrastinating longer !! we’re a brand new secrets roleplay where each character has purposely won what they believe to be a trip of a lifetime; what they don’t know is they’ve been brought here for blackmail and drama, as an anonymous group try everything they can to expose their deepest and darkest secret !!
hey all! i’ll be around for about an hour before i gotta head to bed. if you’re interested in scandal and blackmail and lots of secrets, come check us out! i’d love to answer some questions and review some applications. 
alright everyone, i’m about to head home for the day in about 15 minutes, so whilst i’m finishing up my shift and heading back to my lockdown unit, come send us in some apps and questions! we’re a new secrets rp with loads of twists and turns that we’d love for you to be a part of.
what’s up lurkers? are you looking for a new secrets rp to join? well why not give us a look! i’ll be online and watching ghost adventures because i can’t help myself. 
all characters have been hand selected by an anonymous vigilante group to purposely win the “trip of a lifetime” to byron bay; what they don’t know is that by using the bay’s special app, they’re providing all the fuel to the fire for the anonymous group to expose their deepest and darkest secret. but what would you do to keep the skeletons in your closet?
heyo! if you’re looking for a new rp to join in this time of lockdown, come check us out! we’re a secrets rp that focuses on character development and scandals. in a world so perfect, it’d be a shame if something were to go wrong. i’ll be around for awhile and would love to get some apps and questions in the inbox!
hey, good morning all! admin m here, and i’ll be around for a good hunk of the day since my co-worker is binging house hunters (girl.) so anyway, come send us in some apps, some questions, take a look around! 
all characters have won an all expenses paid trip to byron bay, australia. where a group of anonymous vigilantes are lurking around every corner to figure out what you’re hiding in your closet. how long can you keep your secret a secret? 
good morning, all! i think it’s something like day 12637861 of lockdown and i’m starting to climb up the walls already. so why not give me something to do?! i would love to answer questions and accept some apps for our brand new, secrets roleplay!
all characters have been hand selected by an anonymous vigilante group to purposely win the “trip of a lifetime” to byron bay; what they don’t know is that by using the bay’s special app, they’re providing all the fuel to the fire for the anonymous group to expose their deepest and darkest secret. but what would you do to keep the skeletons in your closet?
okay lovelies, i’m off to bed! i’ll be back around tomorrow as will admin harri. in the mean time, if you’re a night owl and looking for a new rp to join, come check us out! we’re a secrets rp set in byron bay, australia that has lots of twists and turns and scandals. 
hey guys, i’m here and ready to get in some apps and questions. we’ve got a couple in our inbox now and i’d love to get some more in so we can open this place up! if scandals are your thing, and secrets, come check us out and send in an application!
Anonymous asked:

This rp looks fun! I just wanted to suggest using #new rp in your tags so you show up in the new rp searches! That's how I usually find upcoming RPs, although I got lucky and searched by secrets today.

aw, thank you! hope that you’ll send in an application, wink wink. thanks for the suggestion also, we’ll definitely be adding it to the tag list!

Anonymous asked:

I guess I'm wondering why Johnny Depp is banned but not Amber Heard

honestly, because i was in a hurry to put up a list and forgot her wack ass. gonna fix it now though!
hey, babes! we’re a brand new semi-appless secrets rp set in byron bay, australia with lots of twists and scandals. if you’re interested in something wild and full of shock factors, come check us out and send in some apps and questions! i’ll be around for the rest of the evening as i’m watching nip tuck, so i’ll be here to answer questions and to look over apps.
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