
struggling to stay focused

@bulletjcurnals-blog / bulletjcurnals-blog.tumblr.com

i'm fatima and why am i taking so many ap classes [main blog: foughthewars]

so I received an ask (ages ago, i’m SO SORRY I JUST GOT TO IT) asking me to do a more in-depth post of that voice recording study method I mentioned in this post

again, this isn’t catered to auditory learners! it’s always best to try it to see if it works for you, because i know for a fact that i’m not an auditory learner but this method does so much for me! 

what you can use it for 

content heavy subjects such as history, social studies, etc!

what you need before doing this

your textbook, a voice recording app, some prior knowledge optional: whatever notes you’ve written, a guidebook, etc

so how do i start? 

most chapters have different sections with their respective headings, so it’s best you do one recording for one heading
when you’re recording yourself, try to have this mindset: “i’m a teacher and my students are going to learn from the information i give them in this recording”. it may seem a little strange at first but i honestly think the recording bit is purely psychological (so you think you’re actually doing something useful) but if you don’t want to record, you can just talk to yourself and it’d work just fine! 
DO NOT keep your textbook open in front of you and repeat everything you see on the page. Look at the heading, push your book away and recall everything you’ve already studied for this. Refer if necessary, but do not rely
you can listen to the recordings after you’ve done them but i’ve honestly never listened to my recordings before, which is why i think the “recording” bit of this entire thing is psychological lmao you don’t even need to listen to them. the information you’ve spoken about naturally stays in your memory. 

this method is EXTREMELY USEFUL (i really can’t stress this enough) for all you guys who feel like you can’t memorise much from writing notes and you really don’t want to rewrite them. 

that picture above just shows the recordings i currently have on my phone when i was trying to study for my history exam lmao. they’re rather short because those were made the day before the exam. usually my full chapter recordings add up to more than an hour! 

different types of recordings

these recordings can be made multiple times, i usually break them into “just for class knowledge” and “actual memory retention”. 
“just for class knowledge” recordings are made any time in the semester, just so you keep up with everything in class and you know all the content well. 
“actual memory retention” recordings are made the day before the exam, because you’re guaranteed to remember everything, trust me. they’re usually shorter because at this point you’re expected to have everything already stored in your head and it’s just a matter of memorising. 

using guidebooks while recording

check the publisher for your textbook to see whether they’ve published a guidebook as well! the publisher for my history textbooks always have a guidebook that’s directly related to the textbook so the information is generally the same, but more vague. 
most people may not agree with this, but i really appreciate the vagueness of guidebooks. when i’m recording, i look at the heading and the relevant information in the guidebook, and then i branch out with my own info (that i’ve read from the textbook). this helps you remember the whole chunk of info a lot better!
i really recommend getting a guidebook, but if there aren’t any available, then your own notes will work just as well. i don’t think anyone’s notes are MORE detailed than the textbook, right? 

please please don’t hesitate to ask if you guys have any questions regarding this because i know for a fact i suck at explaining things omg but this method has really helped me this year and i hope it works well for you guys too!! 


group tag !!

HEY so I had an idea

in the past (in other fandoms) we would have networks and tag in the network tag. I think networks are a little silly because they aren’t always totally inclusive and as a rather lazy studyblr they’re a lot of work.

SO what if we choose a tag together and everybody (or whoever wants to) tracks it ? you can still totally tag me specifically in stuff, which I LOVE, but in addition to that you can tag the group tag. obviously not everyone will see it (if there are a lot of posts) so I might be more inclined to reblog stuff under my specific tag, but this could be a GREAT way to get out there!

only thing is I’m not sure what the tag should be! #studyblr group tag would always work, but that’s kinda boring. with my old blog I called my followers lostinsherlockians (my URL was lostinsherlock) so I guess the equivalent here would be academlans??? academlators??? IDK so message me/reblog if 1. you’d be interested in this and 2. you have an idea for a name!

so I think I’m gonna go with #academlets! I’ll make an official post later but you can start tracking academlets now :)


How I Format and Use Flashcards

1.  Less is More: no need for a paragraph to define a term, choose the simplest and most efficient one. Also, don’t include common sense things or things you know by heart, you’ll waste time and space by writing them down.

2. Sketch it Out: Sketches can be helpful in allowing you to visualize the term/concept. 

3. Say it Out Loud: When reviewing through the cards, try and say the definition out loud. It will require you to think about it more, and it also helps with memorization. If I try and define a term in my head I usually speed through it and leave something out. 

4. Write them as you go: Don’t sit down right before finals and try and write down every term/definition from the course. It takes forever and you will kill your hand. As you finish a chapter in the course finish that set of flashcards. You will thank yourself later. 

5. Repetition: I go through my flashcards before a test maybe a thousand times (exaggeration but very close). Remember to focus on the harder ones, you’ll most likely remember the easier ones during the test. 

Here is my method:

Round 1: Go through every single card. Don’t set any aside. I usually don’t know a majority of the terms at this point, I most likely just finished writing them down.

Round 2: Go through every card again, this time setting aside ones I didn’t know or had trouble with.

Round 3: Go through the harder ones I missed.

Round 4: Add the harder ones back in with the original and shuffle.

Round 5: Go through them all and repeat the process until pleased!

Anonymous asked:

I got myself a journal but have no clue what to put in it or write about?

first of all!! get that first page out of the way w a grocery list or a to do list or something stupid!! and then u are good to go:

-draw the contents or your purse/backpack/desk drawer -sketch old people on the subway-animate your kitchen utensils. make them talk. -go for a walk and stop randomly to draw little details-sit in a coffeeshop and write down snippets of conversation -make lots of lists-draw some things in your room with faces -listen to your favourite song and illustrate it-write down recipes-draw a self portrait doodle with a random thought u had-draw every teacup you drink from for a week-MAKE PLAYLISTS FOR EVERY FEELING YOU FEEL-illustrate a colour-look at the clouds and draw them. with faces.-give yourself little pep talk doodles-glue in tickets/flowers/magazine clippings-collage flowers onto yourself-collage yourself into a flower-wake up really early and just drawdrawdraw -make a vine that climbs an entire page-sketch little details of people you see


hope this helped a lil bit


hello fam!! after multiple requests to make this post, i’m finally writing this!! yay!! okay, so let’s get started:

what’s a bullet journal? basically, it’s a DIY journal system that you can customize to your own liking. here’s a post that explains bullet journalling in more detail! bullet journals are used by studyblrs and people all around the world because they’re super flexible and easy to make!

how do you set up your bullet journal? above are some excerpt pages from my bullet journal, and i’m going to talk you through each one!

picture one (top left): arguably the most common layout for bullet journals, this is named the daily spread (or to-do)! in my daily spreads, i have a small flag that indicates the date, then i write down the day and below it are the tasks that i need to complete on that day! on the right page, as you see, is a random-thoughts page. i like having random-thoughts pages since i can write down anything i’m feeling or thinking of on that page so i don’t forget it later! 
picture two (top right): now we have my weekly spreads, in which i write down all the tasks i need to finish by the end of the week in one column (my deadlines column). i also write down events that are happening on that specific week (tests, projects, etc) i like to decorate my spreads with washi tape/colored pens too! i like weekly spreads for school weeks that are busier, since i can keep track of all my assignments on one page and take a quick glance of how much i have left to do, or how much i’ve completed!
picture three (bottom left): this is from a long time ago, but it’s my term break spread! this type of spread, as i like to call it, is a holidays spread. as you see, i have deadlines & an agenda for the break, as well as a few goals! on the right side, i have a modified version of the daily spread, fit to my term break needs! i used post-its to contrast it from the gridded background, and also because they’re a great size to fit my daily to-do!
picture four (bottom right): now we have version 2 of my holidays spread, for winter break! this time, i have a schedule on the top left page and some goals below that. on the right page, i have a study methods portion to help me with my revisions (random-thoughts section, oops), as well as a small calendar of sorts to help me stay on track with the days!! i like this spread better than my previous one for the term break since i don’t have a lot of deadlines to meet, and i’ll be stuck doing a lot of the same tasks every day.

so there you have it: my bullet journal spreads set-up! i hope this was helpful, please do give this a like/reblog if you found this helpful and continue requesting for posts here!!

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