
“Single Ladies” synced up with the DuckTales theme song. 

I don’t know how this bitch does it, it’s like the Rosetta Stone of choreography. 

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We need to talk about diversity on YouTube.

Gif by Elena Scotti for FUSION

I’m black. I’m a YouTuber. I was literally floored by the utter lack of articles regarding race and YouTube. There are huge dissertations and books written about how representation matters, especially in the media, and somehow YouTube just hasn’t come under the same scrutiny. While I have my own opinions about it, I decided to interview some YouTubers I admire who have different roles on the platform, and I think this piece is the most in-depth anyone has ever looked at what we promote when we promote only one kind of YouTuber.

I want to bust the issue wide open.

One of my favorite quotes in the piece was from a friend who wished to remain anonymous due to the fact that her YouTube and work lives are separate. Her job is figuring out ways to make traditionally white spaces more inclusive. She said,

“Diversity isn’t just opening the doors to all people, it’s going out into historically underserved, oppressed, and disadvantaged communities and saying ‘This space is for you, too.’”

If you’re wondering why #HarryGotArrested is trending, this is exactly what I’m talking about in this video 😂 Directioners are WILD.

How to be a One Direction fan — According to Tumblr Ep. 2

Anonymous asked:

Akiliah, how did you get where you are today? I'm totally in love with your videos and I want to do exactly what you do when I'm in college/an adult (ah!). I'm still in high school but, I'll be graduating next year. I'd love it if you could help make my dreams come true! xD

Thanks for liking my videos! You’d be amazed how much thought goes into each and how much work Tim and I have been putting in. That said:

I’ve gotten to where I am now (read: laying in bed pantsless editing a video on a Saturday night) by figuring out what is most important to me. I am constantly checking in with myself about my life and goals. They’ve shifted a few times, and I can say with full honesty that there were times that I clearly lost sight of them, but checking in reminds me about that totally obtainable endgame. Chasing your dream is never easy. I’ve sacrificed a lot, and will continue to because I love making people laugh— I want to do it full-time and collaborate with people I love and always be improving my stuff. It doesn’t really make for much of a YOLO/TONIGHT WE ARE YOUUUUUNG lifestyle, but it does make bigger things possible. 

I have no doubt you can make it to where I am. If your ambitions are similar, get a headstart on me! Start writing and creating now! Don’t wait until after high school or college. Put your voice into the world and keep trying and improving and evolving.

That’s about as close as I’ll come to making your dream come true, so I hope it was helpful!

xo - Akilah

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