
Captain Crafted

@captaincrafted-blog / captaincrafted-blog.tumblr.com

|Taylor| |She/Her| |Bisexual| This is a CaptainSparkelz fanblog with some other stuff I like

hey does anyone wanna talk about how they’re making a new squad with four of the og team crafted members cause guys?? (It’s called ‘vision squad’ idk what it’s about but I still follow Quentin and he posted the promo for it??) like. Okay flashbacks thanks



Guys, Septembers coming.

We need to respect Billie Joe.

For people who don’t know what the song ‘Wake Me Up When September Ends’ is about, its about Billie Joe’s father passing.

Next month, respect Billie Joe, and the members of Green Day.

Please pass it on.

You know, when I got here earlier today, we were sound checking. I was standing on the stage, looking around at an empty arena, and I could only think of this three word phrase, and after sound check anyone I’d run into backstage, people I know people who work with us, all I had on my lips were those three words. I wanna tell you what those three words were. The first one I would like to define, clarify. The first word is we. And when I say we, I don’t just mean me. I don’t just mean that other guy over there on the drums. I don’t just mean our label, booking agency, publishing, all those people who are here tonight checking us out, watching what it is that you guys created. It’s not just our family, it’s not just our friends, it’s not just the other bands who play with us. It’s not this amazing crew that tours with us. It’s not just… our amazing crew that tours with us, again. And somehow it’s not just you guys in this room, but it’s the thousands of other people who are going to hear about this show, too. It’s all of us combined. Listen. So that was just to define the first word: we. That’s what I mean when I say we. The phrase is this. I couldn’t stop saying it all day. Anyone I saw, they just said ‘what do you think of this, man?’ I just said ‘we did it’. Listen. Every single one of you that listen to me say that right now, you can yell afterwards. This is a celebration. WE DID IT! Would you please give it up for my very good friend, I wouldn’t be up here without him: Josh Dun on the drums!! Well we almost gave you everything we had. I promise you we’re gonna give you everything we have left.

tyler joseph, 8/10/16, Madison Square Garden night 1 (via jishwaondadrooms)


Tumblr, this seems like the perfect job for you. We all know Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary is like the best place ever, and now they’ve sounded the horn of Gondor and are calling for aid. If you don’t live nearby, or can’t foster, maybe boost? Do it for Leo and for Mildred, and Captain Ron. 


We have lived through a full generation and they have yet to see the shirtless Jordan pictures from the cardboard boat.


GOD I remember the cardboard boat. It was great.

Someone should tweet that at him with no context and see if he notices.


I’d have to go down cringe memory lane to find that one.

Fear not, my friend. I have you covered.


Guys if you just got a chat from me please please please don’t touch that link, I know a lot of you know about it but I didn’t and I’m an idiot so please please please DONT TOUCH IT JUST DELETE THE CHAT


Careful y'all.

Uh… What was it…?

It tells you that someone said something about you on their blog and leaves a link, which the fact that the message doesn’t have any details sets off an immediate red flag. This and the fact that it’s a bit.ly link which give no indication of where the link leads. It takes you to a Tumblr page that says nothing is there, if you are so inclined to know. (Not meant to be sassy)


This isn’t just another shooting. 

This is now officially, with over 50 casualties, the worst mass shooting in United States history. And the fact that it took place at a gay club was not merely coincidence. This was not just another act of senseless violence in America. This was a hate crime

A man walked into a safe space for the LGBT community with an assault rifle and lined them up and slaughtered them. 

Don’t do what the media is inevitably going to do. Don’t erase where this happened and who this happened to.

When you make your statements for/against gun control, remember this was a hate crime. When you make your statements about the gunman’s reported religious beliefs, remember this was a hate crime. When your politicians make empty promises about changing the way things are, remember this was a hate crime. When you make your statements about the media’s coverage of this, remind everyone this was hate crime

Do not gloss over the identities of the victims. They were killed for them. This was a hate crime


have you ever met someone who’s the human equivalent of a dubstep intro on a minecraft let’s play 


Notes on Boycotting Marvel/Disney

OK. Some people want to make the boycott larger. That’s not going to work. Here is why.

When a large company like Marvel or Disney sees a drop in revenue they’re going to want to know where and why. If you are indiscriminate in where you boycott they’ll see a drop of revenue across the board and not know what it is you are boycotting or why. If they specifically see a drop in revenue based on something very specific they’ll get the message. 

My opinion here is to just boycott the Captain America book or anything Nick Spencer writes. Make the missing revenue obvious. If you subscribe to a digital service that sends you the comic cancel that service. They’ll ask you why you are cancelling. Tell them that you are cancelling because of what Nick Spencer and Tom Brevoort did to Captain America and his legacy. 

My point here is that you can’t send a message if you are non-specific. 

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