
scornet maestro

@scornet-maestro-blog / scornet-maestro-blog.tumblr.com

this blog will be used to upload pictures and descriptions of different invertebrates and reptiles/amphibians i am breeding

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will get deez nuts in their inbox

I don’t know how dongstomper does it, but I did get those nuts in my inbox!


Leaf-Footed Bug (Prionolomia gigas, Coreidae) This is the largest species of true bug I have come across. Prionolomia gigas is a Coreid leaf-footed true bug which reaches immense sizes as an adult up to 43mm according to the literature, but I have seen them larger. This individual was sized true to the recorded literature. See more images of the impressive Prionolomia gigas, both adults and nymphs, in my photostream HERE. Coreidae is a large family of predominantly herbivorous true bugs that vary in size from 7 to 45 mm, making the larger species some of the biggest heteropterans. They are referred to as “leaf-footed bugs” due to the leaf-like expansions some species have on their legs. by Sinobug (itchydogimages) on Flickr. Pu’er, Yunnan, China See more Chinese true bugs and hoppers on my Flickr site HERE…..


Sometimes known as the “Rotund Disc” D. rotundatus is a species of disk snail (Discidae) that lives in Western and Central Europe, occurring in the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, and Great Britain, Ireland, France, Italy and various other countries as well. It has been introduced to Canada and the US as well. Like other terrestrial gastropods D. rotundatus typically inhabits forests usually in dead wood, logs, and leaf/soil litter. Sometimes D. rotundatus will associate and form small colonies as well. 


Animalia-Mollusca-Gastropoda-Heterobranchia-Euthyneura-Panpulmonata-Eupulmonata-Stylommatophora-Sigmurethra-Punctoidea-Discidae-Discus-(Gonyodiscus)-D. rotundatus

and they are also very easy to rear in captivity


one species of cockroach that i breed the giant leaf cockroach (archimandrita tesselata) the picture is of a nymph eating chicken food as fully grown they can be 10 cm long!

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