
Hedgehog and Otter

@hedgehogandotter / hedgehogandotter.tumblr.com

This blog is primarily Sherlock and cast with a smattering of other delightful and often British things. Oh and cats. There are a fair number of cats.
This blogger is a 40-something lady living in Washington, DC. You can call me Hedge. I love reading fanfic, mostly Johnlock.
I am not here as much these days, but I still check in from time to time. My life kind of went to shit in 2016 and I haven't really recovered from all of it yet. So yeah, mostly hiatus.
Adorable avatar by the lovely paintingmouse.

~ This is special. Let’s take it slowly ~ (x)


I’m sorry, this body language is BLATANTLY sexual, and I’ll fight anyone who tries to say otherwise.

the body language speaks volumes…


this covers the hole but it’s really obstructive and ruins the aesthetic of the bowl I’m considering making a decoy bowl now

All cats ruin the aesthetics if it doesn’t revolve around them.

related: aesthetic cat bed that has only been used 2 times in the past 2 years. they prefer to sleep in Amazon boxes

@pancakeke you should put the amazon box inside the aesthetic cat bed. Maybe they’ll be more inclined to use it that way

if this works I will lose my damn mind


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