
The Music Sounds Better With You

@shetan / shetan.tumblr.com

I'm Shetan. I've been in the Daft Punk fandom for over 10 years now (holy crap I'm old) I'm 25 years old and a painter. I graduated with an Illustration degree. I love Daft Punk and robots. This has been and will always be a Daft Punk blog.

French DJ’s as art students

I feel like I’ve been seeing a lot of these lately so I’ll do one for something that’s near and dear to me, and far too specific.

Thomas: Film major. So studious that he has no business being in art school. He plans out his projects and how much he’ll work on them each day and sticks to it. He’s so well-organized that it pisses off his classmates, but he’s a nice guy and invites his friends out to the local coffee shop for study sessions.

Guy-Man: Illustration major, and Thomas’s humorously mismatched roommate. He snoozes through art history lectures, waits until the night before to start his art project, and arrives to critique 10 minutes late but he’s so good at bullshitting that he finishes each semester with decent grades.

Pedro: Illustration major with a lean toward advertising. His own work is simple and doesn’t stand out much but he always gives really helpful and constructive feedback to everyone else. He’s a bit goofy but nice and everyone likes him.

Xavier: Sequential art major. Fills up a ton of sketchbooks full of stupidly gorgeous and detailed doodles but couldn’t be fucked to put much effort into his class projects. Often finds himself socially isolated due to a bad case of resting bitch face.

Gaspard: Undecided. Doesn’t draw that much on his own but churns out pretty solid class projects with a distinct style. Nude figures are a recurring theme with him. He can often be found vaping outside the illustration building.

Sebastian: Animation major. All-black, Hot Topic trash with an art style heavily influenced by Jamie Hewlett. All of his projects include gore or nudity or both. His student film is a dark dystopian tale with unsettling animation and is, like, totally a statement on the human condition. He’s quiet and sits in the back and everyone’s a little scared of him.

Oizo: Dual majoring in fine art and film. Also the school’s biggest hipster. Titles all of his artwork as if he got it from a random word generator 5 minutes before class. Nobody understands the meaning behind his work even when he explains it, leading to mediocre grades. However, he once wrote an 8-page essay for art history meticulously analyzing The Treachery of Images and got a 110 on it.

Breakbot: Graphic design major. He can always be seen on the quad in a hammock he tied between two trees, coffee in hand and Macbook in his lap. Spends the weekend getting stoned and watching adult cartoons, which might explain some things about his style.

Kavinsky: Undecided. That one guy who is way too obsessed with “the good old days.” Everything he makes looks like Blade Runner meets Star Wars meets every Michael J. Fox film ever. Owns an Atari and more records than he’ll ever actually listen to.

Gesaffelstein: Photography major with a minor in film. All of his projects are dimly lit and often involve weapons or people dying. Some think he’s a psychopath but really he just watches too many crime dramas. Half the school has a crush on him but his broody personality keeps relationships from lasting long.

Danger: Illustration major with a lean toward concept art. He’s quiet and nerdy and doesn’t really talk to anyone but dominates every critique with gorgeous landscape pieces that leave the rest of the class feeling inadequate. Even the professor is stumped for suggestions.

Feel free to change stuff or add more stuff on as you see fit.


Part of adulting is having your bed in the center of the wall instead of in the corner.

why… is this………….. true…………………

You can pry my Corner Bed out of my cold, dead hands.

You loose so much space with a middle bed why

while i will say i do like the aesthetics of my center wall bed, and it makes it easier to get up to go to the bathroom or take my meds when my fiance is visiting, like….. i miss my corner bed. it was Secure


ITT people without significant others.

Middle wall bed just means ya ain’t sleeping alone anymore.


Arcade Fire singer Win Butler posted this on Twitter. Is it meme-worthy yet?


Even robots need a plushie orca nighttime buddy.


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daft punky kids


So apparently a sound engineer(?) who worked on Arcade Fire’s album production left a comment on Instagram referring to Thomas as a “legend in production and ice cream consumption,” or something like that. It was an absurd enough visual for me to get inspired. And of course he can eat a shit ton of ice cream and stay that thin.

I honestly wouldn’t mind if this became a meme the way of the whole garlic bread thing, that way we could have a “Daft Punk food memes” quadfecta.

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