
Captioned Videos

@waitwhatdidtheysay / waitwhatdidtheysay.tumblr.com

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this man is the one true ally



Brother: What does the order mean?

Person filming: They/she?

Brother (increasingly frantic): Yeah but I’m, I don’t wanna fuck it up. Is it— what does that mean you said she/they and then you said “oh wait no use they/she,” which one do I use?

Person filming: They- they more than she.

Brother: Oh god

[laughter from the person filming]

Brother: Okay, like, how- how much more though? Is it like if- do I- am I being an asshole if I say, like, they maybe like 4 times and she 2 times?

[more laughter]

Brother continued: Or is it like, 60-40? 65-35?


This meme is inescapable on French insta so I'm posting it here for all to enjoy

I don't speak French so thank you to the many, many, many people in the notes going "Wait that's not 'can it' that's 'Shut the fuck up'"


Video description:

A shirtless man with surgical scars on his chest replies to a comment reading, "poor lady what did you do to your".

The man says:

"So, I'm actually not transgender, and this is a really good example of why it's important to be aware that different medical procedures can leave very similar types of scars. And also just not to make assumptions about people in general. For example, yes, the scars I have do look really similar to what they call, um, I think top surgery scars. But they're actually from, uh, getting a set of my ribs removed, so I could suck my own -"

Video cuts off here.

End description.


Rich Siegel, Jewish resident of Teaneck, NJ, at Township Council meeting


My name is Rich Siegel. I'm a 25 year homeowner here in Teaneck. I'm Jewish. The reason that I'm telling you that I'm Jewish is because I have a concern about something that's going on in the Jewish community. On march 10th, there is scheduled to be an Israeli real estate sales event at the Keter Torah synagogue. That event violates both domestic law and international law. Violates domestic law because we had a Civil Rights Act in 1965 and a Fair Housing Act in 1968. We don't allow real estate events to be for Whites only, for Jews only, or anybody only. Now, as Jews, we don't get to fly under the radar and break the law and hide it in a synagogue. It violates international law because West Bank settlement homes are going to be available for sale at this real estate event. On the website it lists three different West Bank settlements. Those settlements are in and of themselves illegal by international law. If we allow this sale to go through, we are enabling a local synagogue to violate both domestic anti-discrimination laws and international law. Now, there's other reasons we shouldn't allow it. There's a genocide going on right now. I don't care who that offends. More than 35,000 people have been killed. More than 13,000 children have been killed. People in this community are in deep mourning. People in this community are angry. I'm angry. What this real estate event is going to do is it's gonna fan the flames. If it goes forward, there will be a demonstration. I know there's going to be a demonstration because I'm going to organise it.

End transcription.]


An important message from the National Lawyers Guild - Detroit & Michigan Chapter


<older man and older woman chatting amiably at a table, their conversation is just on the edge of intelligible>

Denise: Oh, hello!

Bill: We were just talking about you kids.

D: I’m Denise Heberle (HEB-er-lee)…

B: And I’m Bill Goodman.

D: Together we’ve been fighting fascism for over 50 years.

B: And so much has changed over those 50 years, such as the ingredients to a successful firebomb!

D (cheerily): And the glass that bank windows are made of!

B: But there’s one thing that hasn’t changed over 50 years, something that is so important to tell you kids who are new to this movement.

Both: Shut the fuck up.

D: You’re sitting in the police transport van after a protest?

B: Shut the fuck up. In a holding cell, with your comrades?

D: Shut the fuck up. Cop knocks on your door?

B: Shut the fuck up.

D: Texting on an unsecured device?

B: Shut the fuck up. Pulled over by the cops after a protest?

D: Shut the fuck up. Cop just asking about your day?

B: Shut the fuck up. Feds call your mom?

D: Tell your mother to shut the fuck up.

B: Now. Repeat after me. When the cops come calling, what do you do?

(Cut to Bill standing with eight kids)

Kids: Shut the fuck up!

(Cut to Card:

“Shut The Fuck up A Public Service Announcement from


Detroit & Michigan Chapter”)




i know i just reblogged this a few hours ago but i keep thinking about this man and his powerful emanations. i think this might actually be the physical manifestation of the soul of new york city. if he dies the city itself becomes pillars of dust


Leslie Feinberg | Anti-war Rally | Washington DC | 26th October 2002

The group A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to End War and Racism) sponsored a rally at the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial to protest the Bush administration and its foreign policy in Iraq. Over 100,000 people took part in a protest in Washington and 50,000 people took part in a demonstration in San Francisco


35 years ago, an activist handed me a leaflet for an anti-Vietnam War protest, and I thought, "What can I do about it? I'm a teenaged, gay, factory worker. I have no power in this society." Well, I was wrong. Behold, the power of the people!


It's not just our huge numbers today that makes us powerful, it's our unity. It's that we're Muslims and Jews together. We're women and men together. We're gay and straight together! We are-

[pause, applause continues]

We are able-bodied and disabled together. We are older generations who know a lot, but not everything - and youth, who have a lot to learn, and a lot to teach.


Solidarity - Solidarity is what cements us together. It's our strength - and Bush and Ashcroft know that too. That's why they'll try to divide us, to pit us against each other. The way McCarthy in the 1950's used red-baiting, and gay-baiting, and antisemitism during the 1950's anti-communist witch hunt. The way Nixon and the FBI unleashed a dirty war to break up the movement in the 1960's and 1970's. So here is my pledge for unity! As a US anti-war activist, I stand up for the people of Iraq against the Pentagon.


As a Jewish revolutionary, I continue to fight for Palestinian freedom.

[applause continues, louder]

Zionism is my enemy, too! As a leader in the lesbian, gay, bi, and trans movement, I stand shoulder to shoulder with my Muslim, Arab, and south Asian sisters and brothers against Ashcroft's racist roundups and trampling of civil liberties. As a militant trade unionist, I stand with my longshore sisters and brothers against Bush.

[pause, as applauding continues in background]

Bush wants to use to his weapons of mass distraction, to divert us from the capitalist economic crisis. He doesn't want us to realize that we're the ones that do the work of the world everyday, and we have the power to stop work and shut down the system to halt the war - so I end! Now it's your turn - all of you here! And the millions who are watching around the world- will we stand up for unity?

[the crowd shouts "Yes!" in response]

Then behold, the emerging power of the people!

[applause, end transcript]


would you still love me if i was a worm? wait no sorry that’s stupid let me rephrase that would you still love me if I was of no value to you anymore? if I broke my vows by turning into someone you never agreed to be with if I suddenly couldn't be a wife couldn't be a mother if I couldn't clean the house and I couldn't put dinner on the table and couldn't have sex would you still love me? would I even be me, to you? do you love me or the things that I do? when wives get life threatening illnesses 1 in 5 husbands leave those don't seem like good odds so I'm just asking if I turned into a worm tomorrow and I could no longer provide you with anything at all, would the love remain? would you find a terrarium and fill it with mulch and keep me in the bedroom? would you spray me with water? would you keep me alive? would you throw me out onto the pavement? I think I would make you a house of popsicle sticks if you were a worm

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