
Jannah Insha'Allah

@headingtojannah / headingtojannah.tumblr.com

Muslimah I love all things beautiful. The aim of my life is to Please the One Who's Pleasure is worth every difficulty I have to endure. Not from the Pious, but I love them. Not from the Patient, though I wish to be from them. Not a green Bird, but I love them. UK
If a man spreads his secret with his own tongue, then he is a fool if blame to others he attests; If his own breast is too narrow to conceal his own secret, the breast of another is even more compressed.



Everyone slips and falls at some point in life. We all lose sight of our purpose and we all get weak in our Iman. This piece is about that time in our lives. It’s about those people close to us, friends, family and loved ones, reminding them to bring you back if you ever get lost in this duniya.

If your love for me is true, remind me of Allah’s love 👆

Tell me I'm not the only one that thinks cake and chocolate are overhyped.
Give me Biryani, or pasta, or pizza over anything sweet any day
Big dreams, Bigger plans, inshaAllah with the help of Allah all shall be accomplished
Your relationship with your mother will determine if you go to Jannah or not. Your relationship with your wife will determine where you go in Jannah.

Tariq Ramadan (via tariqramadan)

In the past two days, my nose has run more than I ever have
Have you ever had someone walk into your life like a breeze on a hot summers day?
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