
weekend sketchbook challenges

@weekendsketchbookchallenges / weekendsketchbookchallenges.tumblr.com

every weekend, a new challenge. a new page to fill. follow along, take part, submit your pages!
Anonymous asked:

Are you going to keep this blog up? Because I JUST found it, yet now te challenges are over. However, I would love to go back and do each challenge this year. So just wondering if you are planning on deleting this blog or if you're going to leave it here.

I’m not deleting, so all the challenges will still be here for you to take part in! And if you tag me @weekendsketchbookchallenges then I’ll still be checking semi-periodically and posting any responses anyone posts :) 


@weekendsketchbookchallenges #53. So that’s it. Final challenge. When I stumbled across this blog I thought that it has a neat ideea andI tried my best in 2016 to do as many as I could. Thank you so much for this, it was an inspirational journey, it really kicked me out of my confort zone a few times :) It’s kinda sad that now every weekend will be less challenging, but hopefully with the things I learned from you I can make my own challenges for my drawings! Good luck! (And thanks again :) )


Weekend Sketchbook Challenge #53

This week, on the final week of sketchbook challenges, we are: drawing whatever the hell we want!

Yep, it’s the final week! And then no more weekend sketchbook challenges :( This was always meant to be a year-long project for me and now that year is up. Thanks to everyone who took part in the challenges, you all made it a great project to be a part of and I loved seeing all the work you made this year so thank you all so much! I’ll still be on tumblr on my other blogs, mostly my sketchbook blog which you can find >>here!<< 

Now, onto the challenge. A challenge which is, hands down, both the easiest and the hardest challenge that I’ve ever set! Draw whatever you want. Use whatever medium you want. Paint, collage, use felt tip pens or plain ol’ HB pencils, whatever you fancy. Keep experimenting. Don’t fall into the trap of sticking to your comfort zone, of doing what you always do just because you know the results will be good. Try new things, new colour combinations, new materials to draw on, new ways of drawing and new things to draw! 

Don’t limit yourself to drawing things you think are within your skill range. Try drawing the most complicated things you can find, and then the simplest. Don’t worry if any of it is good or not, just know that you will always improve if you keep trying, keep pushing the boundaries of what you can do - but you won’t if you stand still, if you never try. 

So draw whatever you want. And then just don’t stop drawing. 

Have a great 2017 everyone :) 


I’ve been wanting to make an altered book journal for a while. Here is its tale.

I picked up The Girl on the Train, missing its book jacket, for 50 cents from a library sale. I read it. It was okay. I don’t feel the need to read it again.

So I used this tutorial to cover the book with fabric. That green celestial print? I adore it. It was a men’s shirt from the thrift store I got ages ago. Both front pieces got made into a tote bag, but I still had the back, which was plenty big enough to cover the book.

But the fabric frays easily, and the tutorial seemed to be meant to make “cool” books for display, not so much for the constant handling an art journal would suffer. (Also I didn’t cut the fabric evenly, but I could have made my life easier by not using such a slippery poly-cotton blend. But then it wouldn’t be the amazing green celestial print!)

Ribbon to the rescue! If I’d planned ahead, I would have bought gold ribbon to match the print instead of using black from my stash, but it was my best option on hand. And once I had that done…

…the ribbon was obviously a perfect frame for a doodle. And once I’d done the front cover…

…obviously I had to do the back, too. I experimented with water to wash down the ink and play with the smudges the side of my hand left because I was impatient. And this is where I have to remind myself that this journal will be a journey, that I’m not going to be 100% happy with everything I try. Because I don’t really like this. But I learned something, and that’s just as important.

I have lots of ideas for the first few pages, so I’ll be back with photos when they’re done. Promise!

Meet The Journal - Celestial Altered Book

Rather than type that whole thing out again…

This is my baby, I’m so proud of it. It’s the journal I’ve kept most consistently this past year, mostly thanks to @weekendsketchbookchallenges. I haven’t done nearly all of them, and not any for the past several weeks, but those challenges have been an incredible source of inspiration.


Weekend Sketchbook Challenge #52

This week we are: drawing our favourite people! 

First of all: an apology. There won’t be any examples this week, sorry! I’ve been really ill this last week (I know, worst timing, I always seem to be ill at Christmas though!) and I just haven’t had the time or energy to draw. Seriously, I had 6 naps yesterday. All of them were over an hour long. I’m kind of a mess right now haha! So, no examples, but I figured I’d still go ahead with the actual challenge because it’s kind of a sweet one this week. 

Draw your favourite people. Your family, your friends, your partner. Draw them from photos or from life, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is this: pay attention to their features, to their laugh lines or their funny eyebrows or their big ears. Pay attention to all of the bits that make them who they are, that set them apart from other people. Ignore their vanity for now: don’t soften or beautify their features to make them look better. You love them how they are, so draw them how they are! Draw everything you love about them. 

There are literally hardly any rules to this one. Draw as many as you like, spend as much time on them as you like. Just try to capture who they are in the drawing, capture who they are as a person and who they are to you. Don’t worry about whether you’re drawing well or drawing badly, just draw!

That’s it for this challenge then, just one more to go! I hope everyone who celebrates Christmas has a good one tomorrow, and everyone who doesn’t has a great day too, whatever you’re all doing! Sorry again for the lack of examples this week and don’t forget, tag your pics for the challenges with ‘weekend sketchbook challenges’ to see them on the blog :) :)


Weekend Sketchbook Challenge #51

This week we are: Drawing patterned objects!

We’ve done flat patterns, designing patterns, that sort of thing, but this week is a new kind of challenge: drawing patterns as they appear on 3d objects. This means thinking about the curves or corners of the object that you choose, of how the pattern dips in and out of sight from your viewpoint. You can’t draw the whole pattern when you’re drawing it on a 3d object, you can only draw parts of it. 

Ideas for 3d objects good for this: vases or bowls, scarves or crumpled blankets. You could even just get some patterned wrapping paper and wrap up a box or something! 

The trick to this is the same as the trick to a lot of drawing: you have to just look at exactly what is in front of you. Forget ideas of ‘oh, but that part of the pattern would go there if this was flat’ or any assumptions of how the pattern would lie on your 3d object, and just make sure to draw what you see. There’s not much more to say other than that, you really just need to give it a go! 

My examples are below, I went for scarves and two different patterns, and as always please tag me in your responses, I love seeing them! :) 


Part three of my tumblr year in review:

In July this year I found the @weekendsketchbookchallenges and a new world opened to me: every weekend this wonderful challenges …

Unfortunately I can´t remember which number of challenge it was, but the theme was painting bacterias. The original post just has one photo, but today I post the other photos too, I have of this challenge. So this is not the original post; the original post you can find in my archive.

Thank you so much, @weekendsketchbookchallenges. I love the challenges! And I can tell everyone, join it! It´s a lot of fun and inspiration! (And later this day, I hope I will find time for the new one: painting something seasonal).


Weekend Sketchbook Challenge #50

This week we are: drawing/painting something seasonal!

This may have been inspired by the fact that we just put our Christmas tree up, but that doesn’t mean that you have to paint something festive, or even winter-themed. It just has to be something seasonal, and you can pick any season you want! 

And seasonal could mean all sorts of things. You could go for the classic rust-red autumn leaves, or a Christmas tree, or flowers for spring, the sun for summer. Or you could go more personal - something you always wear in a particular season, something you love to eat, a tradition that you have. You could even go abstract - paint the colours of each season without actually putting anything figurative in the scene. If you don’t fancy drawing then write - write about a memory that you associate with summer, or how spring rain makes you feel. 

Don’t let worries about your skill as an artist limit your choice of subject matter for this. Pick a subject and go for it. Not sure if you can depict that insanely detailed winter scene of you building a snowman? You won’t know unless you try. And you’ll also never get better unless you try. So ignore any doubts you have a give it a go. And remember: it seriously doesn’t matter if it’s ‘good’ or not. 

So, my examples are below: a flower for summer, because that’s when I love going out into the garden and planting things and watching them grow, and a slightly tired-looking bobble hat girl for winter - because that’s how I always think I look in winter! 

As always, tag me in your drawings to see them on the blog, and good luck! 


@weekendsketchbookchallenges #49: Drawing scenes from the town or city you live in!

I was in a coffee store today and while sitting around I painted this to scenes with my new pens.

Thanks for the challenge. It was wonderful to paint in public. I should do this more often.


Weekend Sketchbook Challenge #49

This week we are: Drawing 5 scenes from the town or city you live in!

Or 3, or 2, or only 1 if that’s all you fancy! It doesn’t necessarily matter how many you do, the point is just to get you out into a place that is probably really familiar to you, a place that you probably walk around or drive around almost every day. A place that you probably never actually stop to properly look at. 

Now, they do not have to be masterpieces.You don’t have to spend ages on them, or like, set up an easel in the middle of the street or anything. All you have to do is take a small sketchbook and quickly scribble down some lines. Make sure you really look at what you’re seeing. I feel like I say this a lot, but it is important. We go through life a lot without actually really looking at what we’re seeing, relying on our memories of the place to know where we are and what’s around us. 

So, make sure you pick out a tree you’ve never noticed before. The peeling paint on a shop sign that you’ve walked past a hundred times and never seen. Or, as in the bottom example of mine, the way the grocery shop that’s been there since you were a child is now getting swamped by the hotel growing above and around it. 

See how few lines you can use to capture the place. Draw economically, draw simply. Life drawing tends to be quite quick, so try to emulate that in this challenge. Use colour if you want, or even paints or whatever, but try to really sketch in the true sense of the word. Quickly capture the scene in front of you and then move onto the next one. 

Okay, so, my examples are below, and have fun getting out into your towns or cities! I’m sorry if it’s hideously cold where you are, it definitely is where I am, but that’s all the more reason to draw quickly haha! Don’t forget as well that you can tag me in your drawings to get them shown on this blog, and good luck :) 

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