
Home of Satan and other such vehicles

@leathericecream / leathericecream.tumblr.com

Creator of Stan Skates 2: Revenge of the Daddys
Anonymous asked:

Extremely nerdy lore question: Can Ceda die? In a Lorebook entry, Djole is stated to not be mortal, surviving a suicide attempt, and Miroslav, according to Ceda's Twitter, can only die a few times, then he goes home, which I choose to interpret as some sort of diagetic lives system with maybe his consciousness going to another Miroslav or something? All of the Poor 4 are stated to be Superbeings so it's fair to say Ceda is on the same level. He's at least at the power level of a demi-god, since he's defeated Mari0bama, and he doesn't really sustain any injuries in the cartoons, but in the game he can die, but it's obviously a game mechanic so I wouldn't consider it a point of canon. I've genuinely reread the Lorebook so many times to answer this question but there's no smoking gun. Would love for your input.

I mean yeah he can die, but he'll be back the next day.

Nobody in the afterlife wants any of their dumb asses hanging around there, so the poor 4 are the land of the living's problem now.


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My girlfriend doesn’t have a tumblr but she wanted me to ask you this-

The character Čeda Čedović, main character of At Least There is Čeda Čedović, could have a potential Ryu Number by connecting him to Edmund McMillund's games, but it depends on what you count as official, as ALTiCC is a non-commercial game. LONG ASK INCOMING:

1. Ceda appears as a Co-op Baby in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth under the name Hooligan Baby along with the rest of his group, The Poor 4 (Half Spider Baby = Miroslav, Silly Baby = Djole and Master Cook Baby = Andre), but it is made unclear if this can be really considered him. Considering the creator of Čeda, LeatherIceCream, was involved with the development of the addon Repentance, and these babies in specific look a lot more like their original counterparts compared to other babies with references looking more like costumes, this could potentially count, and you could link Isaac and Shovel Knight together in Blade Strangers, then link Shovel Knight to Smash Ultimate, boom, Ryu. (There are also multiple other co-op babies that are meant to be characters from Mario, Final Fantasy and Warhammer 40K, but they resemble cosplays more than actual cameos.)

2. Bumbo, listed in-game as coming from Legend of Bumbo but also appearing in Isaac, appears as an enemy in At Least There is Čeda Čedović. This could be considered an unofficial cameo, but once again, LeatherIceCream has worked with Edmund before. If you believe this, this involves the same process listed above.

3. If that's not enough for you, Stephen from Edmund's game TIME FCUK also appears in At Least There is Čeda Čedović, as an NPC with dialogue. If we use the same logic used above, Stephen also appears in Binding of Isaac as an item, follow steps above.

This is a very interesting situation as it depends on how strict you are on the commercial rule. If a crossover is official in a non-commercial game, does it still count? Would love to hear the answer on this.


Čeda Čedović has a Ryu Number of 4.

(clarification below)

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