


Hi! I'm Baz Pitch. Welcome to my blog!

One of my students happened to have this book today; I took a few photos. @askhipsterbasil, thought you might find it amusing. Or ironic.

Ha, yes, very ironic.

It raises one important question. Do you do the hipster beard thing??

No! I get enough teasing about that from Ag. I did try a goatie once, but it was a terrible idea and I’ll never do it again. 

Fair. I’m not sure we suit facial hair…

Not even sideburns, sadly. 

I think I’ll leave further efforts in facial lawncare until I’m at least your age. :P Stick to shaving for now, seems easier.

Probably the best plan, kid. 

“Kid” is pushing it - I’m not one of the minis, as PhD Us calls them. :P

You’re still awfully young– but fair enough. 

You’re not that much older… though granted, it’s a long time in the scheme of things, in terms of life experiences.

I do have an entire third of my lifetime on you. 

...fair. Okay.


One of my students happened to have this book today; I took a few photos. @askhipsterbasil, thought you might find it amusing. Or ironic.

Ha, yes, very ironic.

It raises one important question. Do you do the hipster beard thing??

No! I get enough teasing about that from Ag. I did try a goatie once, but it was a terrible idea and I’ll never do it again. 

Fair. I’m not sure we suit facial hair…

Not even sideburns, sadly. 

I think I’ll leave further efforts in facial lawncare until I’m at least your age. :P Stick to shaving for now, seems easier.

Probably the best plan, kid. 

“Kid” is pushing it - I’m not one of the minis, as PhD Us calls them. :P

You’re still awfully young– but fair enough. 

You're not that much older... though granted, it's a long time in the scheme of things, in terms of life experiences.


One of my students happened to have this book today; I took a few photos. @askhipsterbasil, thought you might find it amusing. Or ironic.

Ha, yes, very ironic.

It raises one important question. Do you do the hipster beard thing??

No! I get enough teasing about that from Ag. I did try a goatie once, but it was a terrible idea and I’ll never do it again. 

Fair. I’m not sure we suit facial hair…

Not even sideburns, sadly. 

I think I’ll leave further efforts in facial lawncare until I’m at least your age. :P Stick to shaving for now, seems easier.

Probably the best plan, kid. 

"Kid" is pushing it - I'm not one of the minis, as PhD Us calls them. :P


One of my students happened to have this book today; I took a few photos. @askhipsterbasil, thought you might find it amusing. Or ironic.

Ha, yes, very ironic.

It raises one important question. Do you do the hipster beard thing??

No! I get enough teasing about that from Ag. I did try a goatie once, but it was a terrible idea and I’ll never do it again. 

Fair. I’m not sure we suit facial hair…

Not even sideburns, sadly. 

I think I'll leave further efforts in facial lawncare until I'm at least your age. :P Stick to shaving for now, seems easier.


One of my students happened to have this book today; I took a few photos. @askhipsterbasil, thought you might find it amusing. Or ironic.

Ha, yes, very ironic.

It raises one important question. Do you do the hipster beard thing??

No! I get enough teasing about that from Ag. I did try a goatie once, but it was a terrible idea and I’ll never do it again. 

Fair. I’m not sure we suit facial hair…

Hey. I can make a five (or seven, or nine) o'clock shadow look damn stylish, thank you.

Must come with age, doc. ;D


One of my students happened to have this book today; I took a few photos. @askhipsterbasil, thought you might find it amusing. Or ironic.

Ha, yes, very ironic.

It raises one important question. Do you do the hipster beard thing??

No! I get enough teasing about that from Ag. I did try a goatie once, but it was a terrible idea and I’ll never do it again. 

Fair. I'm not sure we suit facial hair...


Hello, tumblr.

An introduction seems standard, so here I am. Name’s Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch III, but like most of the other mes I’ve stumbled across, I rarely use my full name. Most of the time I just go by Basil or Basilton, although when I was younger I tended towards Baz. I’m 24. 

I live in a world without magic, to the best I can tell. If it is here, it’s impressively self-contained. I’m engaged to a wonderful woman named Agatha Wellbelove, who I’ve been with since my first year at uni. I have a degree in economics, though I’ve also studied art history. 

I work for my father, and I’m set up to take over for him when he retires in a few years. Currently, my main responsibility is managing London’s second-largest museum of modern art. If I had more of a say, I would love to be more involved in the art–maybe in the curation side of it–but I’m content where I am. 

Well, hello Basilton. You’re into art, then? That’s interesting. What exactly is a “hipster”?

You’re engaged to Agatha? Huh.

A hipster is someone who’s sort of.. ahead of trends? 

Agatha came up with my url, actually. I think it’s supposed to be ironic. 

As far as I can tell from my uni students, “hipster” is a cooler way of saying “poser”, Mum. Hello there, new me.

Hello. You’re of a similar age, yes? Pleased to meet you.

Yes, I’m also 24, as is my Snow. Pleased to meet you, too. I’m intrigued by your interest in art—I’ve always been a sort of vague appreciator, but not seriously into it.

Mm, art history has always been a passion of mine. I would love to pursue it more, but it doesn’t seem to be in the cards for me. 

!!!! another artsy person! hi!

Hello, Cinnamon Simon.. What do you prefer to be called?

cinny or simon is fine! i’m a painter/illustrator/art person :D

Incredible. You must be very happy. 

mm, definitely! it’s not always a lot of money though :C

No, I would imagine not. Still, it’s always nice seeing someone doing something they really care about.

:D thanks! i mean, you’re doing something you care about too, right?

Indeed, most of the time.

most of the time??

Running a museum is hardly my dream job, but it does give me some good connections, at least I get to stay immersed in the art world.

that’s true. what would be your dream job then??

Don’t know, but there’s no use thinking about it, is there? 

…? huh? why not?

What’s going to come of it? I’m content with my life how it is.

but… if you don’t like your job that much, you can still get another job that makes you happier!

No, I can’t.

what why not

He’s trapped, can’t you tell? I’ve met a thousand men just like him. I’d be out of a job without them.

?? what does that mean

Trapped, stuck, no way out of a shitty life.

his life doesn’t sound shitty to me? just maybe he could be happier doing something else

Engaged to Agatha? Trust me, Angel. He’s miserable.

Can we all please stop passing judgement on other peoples’ choices???

Yes, I agree. 

Thanks Si… I mean, yes, I find a straight me weird too, but given the world bloody imploded when you and I didn’t date… I just get irritated when people demand things of others.

Yeah, I know. I get that. It’s really quite annoying.

You're telling me. In totally unrelated news, I've been meaning to say for ages, we should do a Skype double-date again soon.


Hello, tumblr.

An introduction seems standard, so here I am. Name’s Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch III, but like most of the other mes I’ve stumbled across, I rarely use my full name. Most of the time I just go by Basil or Basilton, although when I was younger I tended towards Baz. I’m 24. 

I live in a world without magic, to the best I can tell. If it is here, it’s impressively self-contained. I’m engaged to a wonderful woman named Agatha Wellbelove, who I’ve been with since my first year at uni. I have a degree in economics, though I’ve also studied art history. 

I work for my father, and I’m set up to take over for him when he retires in a few years. Currently, my main responsibility is managing London’s second-largest museum of modern art. If I had more of a say, I would love to be more involved in the art–maybe in the curation side of it–but I’m content where I am. 

Well, hello Basilton. You’re into art, then? That’s interesting. What exactly is a “hipster”?

You’re engaged to Agatha? Huh.

A hipster is someone who’s sort of.. ahead of trends? 

Agatha came up with my url, actually. I think it’s supposed to be ironic. 

As far as I can tell from my uni students, “hipster” is a cooler way of saying “poser”, Mum. Hello there, new me.

Hello. You’re of a similar age, yes? Pleased to meet you.

Yes, I’m also 24, as is my Snow. Pleased to meet you, too. I’m intrigued by your interest in art—I’ve always been a sort of vague appreciator, but not seriously into it.

Mm, art history has always been a passion of mine. I would love to pursue it more, but it doesn’t seem to be in the cards for me. 

!!!! another artsy person! hi!

Hello, Cinnamon Simon.. What do you prefer to be called?

cinny or simon is fine! i’m a painter/illustrator/art person :D

Incredible. You must be very happy. 

mm, definitely! it’s not always a lot of money though :C

No, I would imagine not. Still, it’s always nice seeing someone doing something they really care about.

:D thanks! i mean, you’re doing something you care about too, right?

Indeed, most of the time.

most of the time??

Running a museum is hardly my dream job, but it does give me some good connections, at least I get to stay immersed in the art world.

that’s true. what would be your dream job then??

Don’t know, but there’s no use thinking about it, is there? 

…? huh? why not?

What’s going to come of it? I’m content with my life how it is.

but… if you don’t like your job that much, you can still get another job that makes you happier!

No, I can’t.

what why not

He’s trapped, can’t you tell? I’ve met a thousand men just like him. I’d be out of a job without them.

?? what does that mean

Trapped, stuck, no way out of a shitty life.

his life doesn’t sound shitty to me? just maybe he could be happier doing something else

Engaged to Agatha? Trust me, Angel. He’s miserable.

Can we all please stop passing judgement on other peoples’ choices???

Yes, I agree. 

Thanks Si... I mean, yes, I find a straight me weird too, but given the world bloody imploded when you and I didn't date... I just get irritated when people demand things of others.


Hello, tumblr.

An introduction seems standard, so here I am. Name’s Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch III, but like most of the other mes I’ve stumbled across, I rarely use my full name. Most of the time I just go by Basil or Basilton, although when I was younger I tended towards Baz. I’m 24. 

I live in a world without magic, to the best I can tell. If it is here, it’s impressively self-contained. I’m engaged to a wonderful woman named Agatha Wellbelove, who I’ve been with since my first year at uni. I have a degree in economics, though I’ve also studied art history. 

I work for my father, and I’m set up to take over for him when he retires in a few years. Currently, my main responsibility is managing London’s second-largest museum of modern art. If I had more of a say, I would love to be more involved in the art–maybe in the curation side of it–but I’m content where I am. 

Well, hello Basilton. You’re into art, then? That’s interesting. What exactly is a “hipster”?

You’re engaged to Agatha? Huh.

A hipster is someone who’s sort of.. ahead of trends? 

Agatha came up with my url, actually. I think it’s supposed to be ironic. 

As far as I can tell from my uni students, “hipster” is a cooler way of saying “poser”, Mum. Hello there, new me.

Hello. You’re of a similar age, yes? Pleased to meet you.

Yes, I’m also 24, as is my Snow. Pleased to meet you, too. I’m intrigued by your interest in art—I’ve always been a sort of vague appreciator, but not seriously into it.

Mm, art history has always been a passion of mine. I would love to pursue it more, but it doesn’t seem to be in the cards for me. 

!!!! another artsy person! hi!

Hello, Cinnamon Simon.. What do you prefer to be called?

cinny or simon is fine! i’m a painter/illustrator/art person :D

Incredible. You must be very happy. 

mm, definitely! it’s not always a lot of money though :C

No, I would imagine not. Still, it’s always nice seeing someone doing something they really care about.

:D thanks! i mean, you’re doing something you care about too, right?

Indeed, most of the time.

most of the time??

Running a museum is hardly my dream job, but it does give me some good connections, at least I get to stay immersed in the art world.

that’s true. what would be your dream job then??

Don’t know, but there’s no use thinking about it, is there? 

…? huh? why not?

What’s going to come of it? I’m content with my life how it is.

but… if you don’t like your job that much, you can still get another job that makes you happier!

No, I can’t.

what why not

He’s trapped, can’t you tell? I’ve met a thousand men just like him. I’d be out of a job without them.

?? what does that mean

Trapped, stuck, no way out of a shitty life.

his life doesn’t sound shitty to me? just maybe he could be happier doing something else

Engaged to Agatha? Trust me, Angel. He’s miserable.

Can we all please stop passing judgement on other peoples' choices???

Anonymous asked:

I mean I think it's cute you think you're straight Baz, but you're very, very, very gay. Just wait until you find your Simon.




I don’t have a Simon! I keep to myself, and have my few friends that I study and have dinner with. That’s all!


every baz is v gay this is Fact

There’s an exception with me. I’m going to date a beautiful girl one day. Hopefully I’ll marry a wonderful woman.


You do that, dear.

I will. And I’ll be happy. And one day I will be the headmaster of Watford with my wife and children. 

I will run the school as my mother has. She will be proud, one day.

The school may even improve.

I’ve no doubt that you’ll be a great headmaster. And that your mother will be proud.

Well, I agree that you will be excellent as Headmaster of Watford and your mother will love that. I know that it would mean so much to her for you to follow in her footsteps and run her beloved school.

As for your sexuality, the important thing is that you are happy. If you are gay, or straight or perhaps still figuring it out I wish you luck. I believe nowadays, people are much more accepting than they were years ago. Am I correct?

I’m sure there are some. But not in the circles that my family and friends belong in.

They’re very much in the past for many things. It’s exhausting sometimes. But it’s my life, and it’s not the worst one I could have.

I have to agree with Mrs Pitch - can we maybe all stop giving him shit about his sexuality? Thanks.

(been through this, kinda - I got a lot of shit for not dating my Simon)

Ah, yes. The Dark Age.

Haha, yes!

Anonymous asked:

I mean I think it's cute you think you're straight Baz, but you're very, very, very gay. Just wait until you find your Simon.




I don’t have a Simon! I keep to myself, and have my few friends that I study and have dinner with. That’s all!


every baz is v gay this is Fact

There’s an exception with me. I’m going to date a beautiful girl one day. Hopefully I’ll marry a wonderful woman.


You do that, dear.

I will. And I’ll be happy. And one day I will be the headmaster of Watford with my wife and children. 

I will run the school as my mother has. She will be proud, one day.

The school may even improve.

I’ve no doubt that you’ll be a great headmaster. And that your mother will be proud.

Well, I agree that you will be excellent as Headmaster of Watford and your mother will love that. I know that it would mean so much to her for you to follow in her footsteps and run her beloved school.

As for your sexuality, the important thing is that you are happy. If you are gay, or straight or perhaps still figuring it out I wish you luck. I believe nowadays, people are much more accepting than they were years ago. Am I correct?

I’m sure there are some. But not in the circles that my family and friends belong in.

They’re very much in the past for many things. It’s exhausting sometimes. But it’s my life, and it’s not the worst one I could have.

I have to agree with Mrs Pitch - can we maybe all stop giving him shit about his sexuality? Thanks.

(been through this, kinda - I got a lot of shit for not dating my Simon)


Hi. Basilton here.

Although some of my classmates call me Baz.

Wow, I didn’t know there would be so many…of me…here. Hello. I supposed I’ll give you a little introduction. Excuse any awkwardness, I’m new to this website.

  • I’m sixteen years old
  • I attend Watford where my mother is headmistress and runs things very properly. 
  • As her son and the heir to the Grimm-Pitch name, it is my duty to live up to the standards she has set at school and home.
  • I guess that’s why I’ve come here.
  • I live with my mum and dad and my little sister Rosemarie, who has just this year begun attending Watford as well.
  • I try to keep my distance from her when I can. And she from me.
  • I have a few friends at Watford, the kind of friends you would expect the headmistress’s son to have.
  • I’ve never had a girlfriend, but I am, in fact, straight. 
  • My mother tells me I intimidate the girls because of my status. 
  • It gets tiring…being her son.

@asknormalbaz @ask-the-oracles @askunibaz @ask-hufflepitch-baz@asklinguisticsphdpitch @askbasilpitch @askwholebaz @ask-melly-the-anon @asktheotherbaz

Hi!! Okay, excuse the exclamation points, very improper I know, but you’re the first me who’s even close to my timeline!! I have Mother and Rosemarie too - all the others seem to have lost her in a Watford Tragedy we didn’t have - so this is a bit exciting…

Anyway, hi, I’m you, I’m much the same except I get on okay with Rosy and I’m really gay. And Simon is my roommate and my best friend. Heyy. ^^

Nice to meet you! Erm, I’m a little confused though. What happened at Watford to the others? They don’t have mum? I don’t know how I’d have any direction in life without her. 

As far as I've worked out, their nurseries were attacked by vampires when they were five or maybe six; they were Turned, and Mum was killed. I can't even imagine - and for all she's being a little irritating and threatening to turn off the WiFi at school intermittently at the minute, I completely agree I would not know what to do without her.


Hi. Basilton here.

Although some of my classmates call me Baz.

Wow, I didn’t know there would be so many…of me…here. Hello. I supposed I’ll give you a little introduction. Excuse any awkwardness, I’m new to this website.

  • I’m sixteen years old
  • I attend Watford where my mother is headmistress and runs things very properly. 
  • As her son and the heir to the Grimm-Pitch name, it is my duty to live up to the standards she has set at school and home.
  • I guess that’s why I’ve come here.
  • I live with my mum and dad and my little sister Rosemarie, who has just this year begun attending Watford as well.
  • I try to keep my distance from her when I can. And she from me.
  • I have a few friends at Watford, the kind of friends you would expect the headmistress’s son to have.
  • I’ve never had a girlfriend, but I am, in fact, straight. 
  • My mother tells me I intimidate the girls because of my status. 
  • It gets tiring…being her son.

@asknormalbaz @ask-the-oracles @askunibaz @ask-hufflepitch-baz@asklinguisticsphdpitch @askbasilpitch @askwholebaz @ask-melly-the-anon @asktheotherbaz

Hi!! Okay, excuse the exclamation points, very improper I know, but you're the first me who's even close to my timeline!! I have Mother and Rosemarie too - all the others seem to have lost her in a Watford Tragedy we didn't have - so this is a bit exciting...

Anyway, hi, I'm you, I'm much the same except I get on okay with Rosy and I'm really gay. And Simon is my roommate and my best friend. Heyy. ^^

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