
the suitcase


Love quotes, koalas and people that can make me forget that I'm shy ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
There’s a Japanese phrase that I like: koi no yokan. It doesn’t mean love at first sight. It’s closer to love at second sight. It’s the feeling when you meet someone that you’re going to fall in love with them. Maybe you don’t love them right away, but it’s inevitable that you will.

Nicola Yoon, The Sun Is Also a Star (via weltenwellen)

Quando finalmente eu estou prestes a te apagar, me perco e começo a procurar por você

Crush - 잊을만하면 (Bittersweet)

When you drop a glass or a plate to the ground, it makes a loud crashing sound. When a window shatters, a table leg breaks, or when a picture falls off the wall, it makes a noise. But as for your heart, when that breaks, it’s completely silent. You would think that for something so important, it would make the loudest noise in the whole world, or even have some sort of ceremonious sound like the gong of a symbol or the ringing of a bell. But it’s silent and you almost wish there was a noise to distract you from the pain.

Cecelia Ahern, If You Could See Me Now (via books-n-quotes)

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