

@lucid-eyes / lucid-eyes.tumblr.com

i hope you find someone who makes flowers grow in even the saddest parts of you lucent-eyes.tumblr.com/face
I don’t miss you. I miss someone knowing me better than I know myself. I miss knowing that I was loved. I miss having someone to call at 3 am when my thoughts overwhelmed me. I miss feeling so much love for somebody that the thought of them hurting made me physically ill. I miss being consumed by love, but I don’t miss your love.

No One Significant, March 22, 2016 (via itusedtobedark)


Big Effing Reminder: If you’re adopting a healthier lifestyle, please don’t get discouraged after a damn week. You need to be patient and remember this is a slow, steady process and your body needs time to adjust. This shit doesn’t happen overnight or in a week. Chill.

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