
honestly! truly!

@oliveflavouredlambchops / oliveflavouredlambchops.tumblr.com

hi i'm olivia. i'm 16 and i love music, movies and popcorn.

Bottles of Gatorade Blue Bolt floating in a bath of Powerade Mountain Blast, 2013

I can’t tell if this is seriously art or if it’s just tongue in cheek sarcastic art or if it’s post-ironic ironic art, or ironic art, or literally just a joke and that is so not okay.



Your Honor, there is a clear contradiction in this photo. 


As you can see from this piece of evidence, Gatorade bottles are topped with an orange lid. 


But in the photo above, the lids are black. Which means that the bottles in this photo can’t be Gatorade bottles.


Mr. Wright, didn’t you go to art school? I sure didn’t, but I still know what happens when you mix orange and blue!

In case you forgot, take a look at this!

If you look closely, you can even see an orange tint! 


And what else can you see? The classic gatorade G. Your honor, I think this case is closed!

well that was much shorter than usual

she fucking destroyed him that’s why it’s short


imagine having sex with a ghost and then someone walks into your room and they see your asshole widening and narrowing for no reason

imagine praying to God and going to church



guys the first time I watched this vid I was blazed out of my mind and I thought I was actually dying and leaving my mortal body


if u put a stethoscope up to my heart u might think u hear a heart beat, this is a common mistake, u will actually hear the give ‘em hell kid bassline


what did this bird do

I wish i had context on this 

here u go

I don’t think the contexts helps in this case.


I’ve been collecting these for a while so here are all the ones you missed

I’ve had the ‘I’d sell you to Satan for one corn chip’ picture saved on my computer for years, and I have NEVER SEEN THE REST OF THESE.

I’m so pleased.


A punk stops during a gay pride parade to allow a mesmerized child to touch his jacket spikes.

I lost control about reblogging this picture. 

and this is the perfect “fuck you” to people who stereotype people like this. 

literally one of my favourite pictures ever

nothing more punk than letting small children touch your clothes spikes or hair spikes


If you think punks would miss the opportunity to be a good fucking human to kids you don’t know much about punks

Oh my gods, this is so cute.


i fr just got extra credit for drawing a cat on the back of a test

i had a professor that would always make the last test question “tell me an interesting fact” and would give credit for it

my prof gave us extra credit for telling him a secret on the back of our final

“I won’t tell, I’m just really nosy.”

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