
Not a bad life

@raxacorricofallapatorius-blog / raxacorricofallapatorius-blog.tumblr.com

Some people live more in twenty years than others do in eighty. It's not the time that matters, it's the person.
Anonymous asked:

Omg I love you ok I'm in a daze you just wow your url has taken me suddenly and then your blog is so fantastic I've been swept away I love you ok

This is so sweet. Thank you for writing this for me, I appreciate it! 


You know the sound the TARDIS makes? That wheezing, groaning? That sound brings hope wherever it goes.

Happy 10th Anniversary New Who!


10 years ago today (March 26, 2005), Rose aired for the first time making today the 10th anniversary of the Doctor Who reboot! Who-ray!

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