
The Moonlight Sonata

@moonlight69 / moonlight69.tumblr.com


i cant even make it past the table of contents im laughing too hard



It’s called “Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes: A No-Bullshit Guide to World Mythology” By Cory O’Brien, and it looks highly entertaining. :D




Give it here, now.

Sweet Fluffy Gods why is there not an audiobook version?


I need to find this book.


The first time Iv’e wanted to read something since Metro 2033.


guys…look what we did :D

I want this book

I kind of want this book as a belated birthday present now. XD


I have had this book on my Amazon wishlist for an age.


Star Trek + Social Commentary (context in the captions)

THIS is what the original Star Trek TV series and films were about. Not just about blowing up things in space and snazzy lens flares with a side order of casual sexism -.-‘.

dude do you know how many people I have pissed off by saying the exact same thing?

Not enough people.

This what all good Sci-Fi is about.


This is why anyone who claims women, POC, LGBTQ people - anyone not defined by being straight, white, and male - don’t ‘belong’ in Star Trek are not, and have never been, a Star Trek fan. 

The black and white cookie people ep. was a little heavy handed, but yeah


Rick Riordan won a Stonewall award today

for his second Magnus Chase book, due to the inclusion of the character Alex Fierro who is gender fluid. This was the speech he gave, and it really distills why I love this author and his works so much, and why I will always recommend his works to anyone and everyone.

“Thank you for inviting me here today. As I told the Stonewall Award Committee, this is an honor both humbling and unexpected.

So, what is an old cis straight white male doing up here? Where did I get the nerve to write Alex Fierro, a transgender, gender fluid child of Loki in The Hammer of Thor, and why should I get cookies for that?

These are all fair and valid questions, which I have been asking myself a lot.

I think, to support young LGBTQ readers, the most important thing publishing can do is to publish and promote more stories by LGBTQ authors, authentic experiences by authentic voices. We have to keep pushing for this. The Stonewall committee’s work is a critical part of that effort. I can only accept the Stonewall Award in the sense that I accept a call to action – firstly, to do more myself to read and promote books by LGBTQ authors.

But also, it’s a call to do better in my own writing. As one of my genderqueer readers told me recently, “Hey, thanks for Alex. You didn’t do a terrible job!” I thought: Yes! Not doing a terrible job was my goal!

As important as it is to offer authentic voices and empower authors and role models from within LGBTQ community, it’s is also important that LGBTQ kids see themselves reflected and valued in the larger world of mass media, including my books. I know this because my non-heteronormative readers tell me so. They actively lobby to see characters like themselves in my books. They like the universe I’ve created. They want to be part of it. They deserve that opportunity. It’s important that I, as a mainstream author, say, “I see you. You matter. Your life experience may not be like mine, but it is no less valid and no less real. I will do whatever I can to understand and accurately include you in my stories, in my world. I will not erase you.”

People all over the political spectrum often ask me, “Why can’t you just stay silent on these issues? Just don’t include LGBTQ material and everybody will be happy.” This assumes that silence is the natural neutral position. But silence is not neutral. It’s an active choice. Silence is great when you are listening. Silence is not so great when you are using it to ignore or exclude.

But that’s all macro, ‘big picture’ stuff. Yes, I think the principles are important. Yes, in the abstract, I feel an obligation to write the world as I see it: beautiful because of its variations. Where I can’t draw on personal experience, I listen, I read a lot – in particular I want to credit Beyond Magenta and Gender Outlaws for helping me understand more about the perspective of my character Alex Fierro – and I trust that much of the human experience is universal. You can’t go too far wrong if you use empathy as your lens. But the reason I wrote Alex Fierro, or Nico di Angelo, or any of my characters, is much more personal.

I was a teacher for many years, in public and private school, California and Texas. During those years, I taught all kinds of kids. I want them all to know that I see them. They matter. I write characters to honor my students, and to make up for what I wished I could have done for them in the classroom.

I think about my former student Adrian (a pseudonym), back in the 90s in San Francisco. Adrian used the pronouns he and him, so I will call him that, but I suspect Adrian might have had more freedom and more options as to how he self-identified in school were he growing up today. His peers, his teachers, his family all understood that Adrian was female, despite his birth designation. Since kindergarten, he had self-selected to be among the girls – socially, athletically, academically. He was one of our girls. And although he got support and acceptance at the school, I don’t know that I helped him as much as I could, or that I tried to understand his needs and his journey. At that time in my life, I didn’t have the experience, the vocabulary, or frankly the emotional capacity to have that conversation. When we broke into social skills groups, for instance, boys apart from girls, he came into my group with the boys, I think because he felt it was required, but I feel like I missed the opportunity to sit with him and ask him what he wanted. And to assure him it was okay, whichever choice he made. I learned more from Adrian than I taught him. Twenty years later, Alex Fierro is for Adrian.

I think about Jane (pseudonym), another one of my students who was a straight cis-female with two fantastic moms. Again, for LGBTQ families, San Francisco was a pretty good place to live in the 90s, but as we know, prejudice has no geographical border. You cannot build a wall high enough to keep it out. I know Jane got flack about her family. I did what I could to support her, but I don’t think I did enough. I remember the day Jane’s drama class was happening in my classroom. The teacher was new – our first African American male teacher, which we were all really excited about – and this was only his third week. I was sitting at my desk, grading papers, while the teacher did a free association exercise. One of his examples was ‘fruit – gay.’ I think he did it because he thought it would be funny to middle schoolers. After the class, I asked to see the teacher one on one. I asked him to be aware of what he was saying and how that might be hurtful. I know. Me, a white guy, lecturing this Black teacher about hurtful words. He got defensive and quit, because he said he could not promise to not use that language again. At the time, I felt like I needed to do something, to stand up especially for Jane and her family. But did I make things better handling it as I did? I think I missed an opportunity to open a dialogue about how different people experience hurtful labels. Emmie and Josephine and their daughter Georgina, the family I introduce in The Dark Prophecy, are for Jane.

I think about Amy, and Mark, and Nicholas … All former students who have come out as gay since I taught them in middle school. All have gone on to have successful careers and happy families. When I taught them, I knew they were different. Their struggles were greater, their perspectives more divergent than some of my other students. I tried to provide a safe space for them, to model respect, but in retrospect I don’t think I supported them as well as I could have, or reached out as much as they might have needed. I was too busy preparing lessons on Shakespeare or adjectives, and not focusing enough on my students’ emotional health. Adjectives were a lot easier for me to reconcile than feelings. Would they have felt comfortable coming out earlier than college or high school if they had found more support in middle school? Would they have wanted to? I don’t know. But I don’t think they felt it was a safe option, which leaves me thinking that I did not do enough for them at that critical middle school time. I do not want any kid to feel alone, invisible, misunderstood. Nico di Angelo is for Amy, and Mark and Nicholas.

I am trying to do more. Percy Jackson started as a way to empower kids, in particular my son, who had learning differences. As my platform grew, I felt obliged to use it to empower all kids who are struggling through middle school for whatever reason. I don’t always do enough. I don’t always get it right. Good intentions are wonderful things, but at the end of a manuscript, the text has to stand on its own. What I meant ceases to matter. Kids just see what I wrote. But I have to keep trying. My kids are counting on me.

So thank you, above all, to my former students who taught me. Alex Fierro is for you.

To you, I pledge myself to do better – to apologize when I screw up, to learn from my mistakes, to be there for LGBTQ youth and make sure they know that in my books, they are included. They matter. I am going to stop talking now, but I promise you I won’t stop listening.”

I actually cried reading this


So did I.


Part of my roadtrip tool me to Atlanta. And, the Civil Rights Center was amazing. Very powerful. They have this one exhibit where you sit at a lunch counter and close your eyes and put on headphones. And It plays sounds like you are at a sit in and people are yelling. And it times how long you can sit there for. I think i lasted almost a minute before i was almost crying.

It…made its point.

And most of those people were being physically assaulted too

That’s a brilliant exhibit

If you make it long enough, the chair actually shakes a little, along with the sound of someone hitting the chair with a bat. It was super intense. (It included a trigger warning for obvious reasons.)

What’s the address of this place? It’s now on my bucket list

100 IVAN ALLEN JR. BLVD Its right next to the aquarium and world of coca cola.

What’s also really great is there’s an attendant too. If a person gets overwhelmed or has a panic attack the attendant will sit with them, console them, and give them tissues. AKA guess what happened to me when I used the headphones 


Errr….. no. 1. The guy, Abu Zarin Hussin, is a Malaysian firefighter who has been working with snakes since 2007, and has been training other firefighters to handle and manage snakes, so that they can be safely re-released into the wild after being caught. (Because in Malaysia, if you find a giant python in your drain, who do you call? The Fire Department).

3. This is his Instagram.


As an entry-level DnD player can someone explain to me in the simplest possible way how to differentiate wizards, warlocks, and sorcerers from each other?

wizards is imbued with magic, you just need to prepare mentally your spells.

sorcerer studied magic, you need to physically prepare your spells and often need materials.

warlock has magic because of demon, you have access to mainly dark magic as well as eldritch blast as a free unlimited cantrip.

to be honest, play-wise wizards & sorcerers are very similar as they tend to have a lot of shared spells. sorcerers get to specialize in a school of magic more than wizards though. and warlock its pretty much just dark magic.

this, except reverse wizards and sorcerers.

sorcerers innately have their magic (usually because someone fucked a magic being. often a dragon)

wizards studied magic and learned accordingly. they also tend to be older, but not always.

warlocks get their magic from pacts with magic beings (which i don’t think necessarily have to be demons).


Like this?


Part of me is very fascinated with the idea of mmo rping that’s this complex/multi-layered and the other part of me is concerned that this person dedicated the time to do something this Fucked Up


But I want to know how the others reacted. And if this person had a good in-character motive for this.

ok i’m just going to ask

I got a response.

Oh my god it gets worse


i can no longer take any description of a male protagonist seriously if the writer describes him as ‘brooding’

because i used to think ‘oh, that’s sexy and mysterious, etc’

and now i think of this

once you’ve been loudly cussed out by 2.5 lbs of feathers, that word only ever means one thing


This is the kinda brooding i WANNA see

I just had to explain what I was cackling at to my roommate. It automatically passes the Laugh Rule.


She found her reluctant fiance, Erstad, brooding out on the rainy moors. 

“Is that a baby rabbit?” she asked, observing his huddled form. 

“IT’S SIX BABY RABBITS AND YOU CAN’T TOUCH THEM,” replied Ernstad, contriving to look twice his usual size and at least three times his usual fierceness. 

“Whoah okay damn,” she said, and backed away. 


how to be okay when I see my deadname

real talk tho, i actually have a strategy for this. it was my wife’s idea. the key is to change your default association with the name. that way, instead of automatically thinking of it as your deadname, you think of it as something else’s name, ideally something you like.

what I did was start a new game on Pokémon Omega Ruby and give my starter, mudkip, my deadname. after many hours of play time, whenever i hear or see my deadname, i think of my beloved mudkip, now grown into a handsome, strong swampert.

if pokémon isn’t ur thing, i think the same strategy could be adapted to a pet or a stuffed animal. just a thought.

this is a beautiful strategy

I have to show this!! To everybody I know!!!!!


SickFic Prompts

I’ve been craving SickFic, so have some prompts and feel free to tag me here at @wordmage because I would love to see your takes on the prompts below. Feel free to add more, or use it for RP/art, whatever. I plan to try and fill them all out, myself.

99.9% Immunity - (character) never gets sick, right? Wrong.

Elephant in the Room - (character) is sick, but for some reason - rank, personality, etc - no one is talking about it

Heroes Don’t Take Sick Days - there’s no time to rest when you have to save the world, so (character) has to push themselves even when miserable

Insult to Injury - as if being injured wasn’t enough, (character) is getting sick too

Ill Timed - it’s the worst possible time for (character) to be sick, but their body didn’t get the memo

Irreplaceable - (character) is the leader/boss and isn’t able to take personal time off, even when they’re under the weather

It’s Nothing - (character) insists they’re fine, right up until they collapse

Medic Down - every group seems to have a primary caretaker. How do they handle it when (character) is the one sick?

Milking It - if (character) has to be sick, they’re at least going to get as much pampering out of others as they can

Not a Word - (character) said they don’t get sick, and isn’t in the mood for anyone to remind them while they recover

No Rest for the Wicked - the big bad (character) has more to worry about than the good guys

Open Secret - everyone knows (character) is sick, but they’re trying so hard no one has said anything

Persuasive Partners - (character) is sick, and refusing to stay put; their partner(s) give them a good reason to stay in bed

Stepping Up - boss/leader (character) is clearly miserable, so the others go out of their way to take as much of their workload as possible

Suffer in Silence - for whatever reason, (character) doesn’t want anyone to know they’re sick, and does everything they can to hide it

Take One Down… - (character) gets sick, and spreads it to the rest of the group

Team Mom/Dad - (character) is the one to always take care of others on the team

The Wolf Cries True - (character) has been known to exaggerate or even pretend they’re sick, only this time they’re telling the truth

This is Your Fault - (character A) was clingy while they were sick, and now (character B) has it

Why Didn’t You Say? - (character) hasn’t been feeling well, making for some uncharacteristic behavior, and their partner(s)/team/friends are much more understanding once they realize why

This is somehow one of my most popular posts (nearly 400 notes on it, mostly reblogs) which I am 110%  behind and totally approve. So I’m also going to add more things. (Drop these in people’s askbox with characters or something! Mine, too!)

Behind Closed Doors - (character) has a solid public face, but in private they let themselves be taken care of when they’re not well

Bless You - (character) has a particularly sneezy cold, and may or may not be able to retreat from life to deal with it.

Don’t Speak - (character) has a horribly sore throat and is reduced to barely talking while they load up on hot drinks and soup to recover.

I’m Dying - (character) has a headcold and despite that not being anywhere near the worst they’ve ever been, they’re flailing about it to anyone who will listen

Judgement Call - (character) really isn’t feeling well, but has pressing obligations. Others could step up, but no one is as qualified. They choose to…

Painfully Polite - (character) has very strong feelings about how one should behave, and they are even more mindful when they’re not at their best, talking through a sore throat, trying not to cough, attempting to stifle sneezes, etc.

Misery Loves Company - (character) is under the weather and not up for much, but really appreciates having someone there. Even if that someone is sick too.

Stay With Me - (character A) rarely asks for help, but they’re feeling miserable enough to ask (character B) to keep them company a while.

With Kid Gloves On - it’s a known fact that (character) has trouble accepting help, even when they’re sick; the others have learned specific “acceptable” methods over time

You Heard Nothing - (character) is obviously coming down sick - sneezing, sniffling, coughing - and absolutely refusing to admit to it, let alone take things easy.

Born (possibly out of wedlock?) in a stable, this jobless thirty-something of Middle Eastern origin had had previous run-ins with local authorities for disturbing the peace, and had become increasingly associated with the members of a fringe religious group. He spent the majority of his time in the company of sex workers and criminals.
He had had prior run-ins with local authorities — most notably, an incident of vandalism in a community center when he wrecked the tables of several licensed money-lenders and bird-sellers. He had used violent language, too, claiming that he could destroy a gathering place and rebuild it.
At the time of his arrest, he had not held a fixed residence for years. Instead, he led an itinerant lifestyle, staying at the homes of friends and advocating the redistribution of wealth.
He had come to the attention of the authorities more than once for his unauthorized distribution of food, disruptive public behavior, and participation in farcical aquatic ceremonies.
Some say that his brutal punishment at the hands of the state was out of proportion to and unrelated to any of these incidents in his record.
But after all, he was no angel.

Both scathing current events commentary and probably the best media writing I’ve seen on Jesus’ death, tbqh.


“My mother-in-law was baking one of her awesome Black Forest cakes for my sister-in-law’s birthday. She left the cake cooling and when she went to look…” Photos/caption by Annie Becker‎


If not made for sits, why was it made of warms?

“If not made for sits, why was it made of warms?”

The ineffable logic of felinity.


my nayme is cat and wen is colde i sneaks in kitchen brayve and bold i jumps on counter tis my norme i tuck in paws i sits on warm


#SPN10 Countdown Challenge | 18 Days Left | S05E18 - Point of No Return

↳ “I mean, hell, if you’re grown-up enough to find faith in me… the least I can do is return the favor.”

Basically this is Dean saying “You’re being better than I was to you. Why are you being better than I was to you?” and Sam saying “Because I actually know how to treat my brother.”


Part of the reason this scene is so effective (and brings about such a huge change in the way Dean chooses to face the Apocalypse) is because it is a flawless inversion of the events of the last season. 

When Dean was in Sam’s place and feared Sam would go dark and do terrible things that would have profound effects on the world, he didn’t say “You’re still my brother.” Instead, he wondered, “I’m not even sure if he’s still my brother anymore. If he ever was” (4.22). Their separation in s4 opened both of them up to manipulation.

When Sam was in the position of power, he came over and unlocked the cuff around Dean’s wrist and freed him at a time when both Bobby and Sam feared that Dean would go to Michael and consent to possession. Bobby was adamant on keeping Dean locked up, but Sam still let him go. 

Similarly (and in contrast), in “When the Levee Breaks,” at a time when Dean and Bobby feared Sam would cause harm to himself and eventually cross a line he couldn’t come back from, they cuffed Sam and locked him in a room to undergo a detox that would likely have killed him. Bobby feared that Sam would die and told Dean it might be best to let him go. Dean was adamant on keeping Sam down there, even if it cost Sam his life. Dean recognizes and acknowledges this, acknowledges that the tables were turned and Dean did–in his own words–leave Sam to “rot” down there.

Dean, hurt and angry, told Sam he wasn’t strong. “This is about as far away from strong as you can get. Try weak. Try desperate. Pathetic” (4.21). He said to Sam in the very same episode this gifset comes from, “ I just…I—I don’t believe. In you. I mean, I don’t. I don’t know whether it’s gonna be demon blood or some other demon chick or what, but…I do know they’re gonna find a way to turn you. […]  Lucifer’s gonna wear you to the prom, man. It’s just a matter of time.” 

Sam, however, told Dean he knew Dean would make the right call, and Sam’s faith in Dean sort of made it a self-fulfilling prophecy.

That trust led to significant growth at a time when the brothers were at their lowest. Sam had faith that Dean would make the right choice, and over the course of the episode, Dean went from grim determination to consent to possession to desperate hope for the future, telling Sam, “I mean, hell, if you’re grown-up enough to find faith in me…the least I can do is return the favor. So screw destiny, right in the face. I say we take the fight to them, and do it our way.”

This episode was yet another example of the show driving home the age-old themes of trust and faith, and (most heart-breaking to me) one of many examples of Sam offering understanding and faith to others when he has rarely, if ever, received them when he was in similar situations.

Source: itsokaysammy
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