
👧The Poison Apple🍎

@amyisjolly / amyisjolly.tumblr.com

[Trigger warning] I'm depressed, I am overtly sexual NSFW, and I regularly post deemed offensive material. ♈♥♊, ♀21⛥Personal variety blog; I'm a new Witch finding her magik and casting her first spells. Trying to help myself. Finding amy, who I really am.

Tips on Grimoire Organization

Please note that if you are using a hard bound notebook or journal, adding in additional pages will bulk up your book, like so: (these are the exact same journals, btw)

- Envelopes. Let’s say you’re doing a section on Tarot in your Grimoire, and you want to include a few Tarot spreads, but you don’t want to waste two or three pages. Glue an envelope onto one of your pages to make a “pocket” where you can store little cards or papers with the tarot spreads written on them.


- Pockets. Similar to the envelope idea. If you have a page, or section for example, on herbal teas, you can make a pocket out of a piece of paper to keep your current favorite tea recipes in.

- Dividers, Cover Pages and Ribbons. If you’re like me and you like to have “sections” in your grimoire, you can easily make dividers by gluing a sheet of paper in your book (to make it heavier to make the sections stand out more). You can go further by turning your divider into a cover page for that section. And if you don’t like the idea doing that, you can always glue a ribbon, or a string, to the spine of your book to act as a bookmark.

- Double pages. I always had a problem with “wasting” pages in my grimoire. For example, my page on consecrating and charging. These two concepts are very similar to me, and I didn’t want two page stating the same thing. So, what I did was write out all my information on charging on a separate sheet of paper, then glued the top of that page into my grimoire. This way I could flip up the page on charging (as if it were on a clipboard) and have my page on consecrating underneath.

- Extended pages. Similar to the one above. In my Crystal section of my Grimoire, I decided to write out a chart that let me search for crystals by intention. So I drew my chart on a long sheet of paper, then folded it over (side to side) so that it fit comfortably in my book, then I just glued one side down into the book.


- Brochures. In my Elements section, I had a ton of information I wanted to write down, but I didn’t want each element to have more than two pages. So I used a piece of computer paper and folded it into a brochure (or into thirds) and glued it into the book so that the flaps would open and give me double the space to write.


- Clear Tape. There are many times where i finished a page in my grimoire only to find out there was a section that I left out. A simply way to fix this was with clear tape. I would write my forgotten bit of into on a separate piece of paper and then use clear tape to tape one side of the paper to my page. This allows me to flip the paper back and forth without covering up anything that I had written.


Other Resources on Grimoire Organization:

I hope this helps everyone with their Grimoire organizing needs! If anyone knows of any other awesome organizing tips, feel free to share!

P.S. Check out my Grimoire Masterpost for more tips on making a grimoire!



Wonder Woman Vol.3, #28 // Wonder Woman 1984

Golden Eagle Armor: In wartime, Diana will sometimes wear a distinctive metallic suit of body armor patterned after an eagle. These shining battle armors are the emblem of the Amazon royalty. In the comics, Diana’s Gold Armor gives her the ability to fly. The armor also has superhuman durability that makes Diana impervious to bullets, explosions, and other energy attacks. Diana is given the armor when going up against her most formidable opponents.


Tips for Manifesting pt. 1✨

Some tips I’ve learned along my path.

✨Make a vision board on Pinterest with things you want!

✨Be grateful! There are so many things we can be grateful for, so write it down or say it in your head/out loud

✨I prefer not using specific time like “…by Tuesday” etc. Use “in divine/perfect timing” instead. The Universe is always working to get you want you desire, so trust that everything will come at the right time when you are truly ready for it!

✨Scripting is very powerful and fun way to manifest! Don’t forget to write in present tense (I am, I have…). Do not use I want, I need etc.

✨Connect with the moon and do new moon rituals! New moon is the best for new beginnings and setting intentions.

✨When asking for money, use the phrase “money comes to me by happy means” or something similar. You need to be specific, because otherwise you could receive money through some bad accident or something unpleasant.

Little Everyday Witchy Things

💖Say a prayer while your still in bed, before you get up in the morning it counts as a simple offering.

💖Make some tea and add cinnamon to your tea to increase luck and energy.

💖Put thyme in your tea for good luck.

💖The type of tea you make should depend on your mood.

💖If you want alertness, energy, and to dispel negative premonitions of the day make black tea, chai tea, or oolong tea.

💖If you want to detoxify your energy and clear your conscious mind make green tea, jasmine tea, sencha tea, or matcha tea.

💖If you want help with clarity, serenity, and wisdom make white tea or an herbal tea.

💖For an easy boost place a crystal next to your tea cup to charge your tea.

💖If you want to boost clarity use a clear quartz crystal.

💖If you want to increase your chance of love and beauty use a rose quartz crystal.

💖If you want to stabilize and ground yourself use an obsidian, bloodstone, or onyx crystal.

💖If you want to intensify your awareness and spiritual powers use an opal or lapis crystal.

💖If you want to increase courage use a tigers eye crystal.

💖While your tea is charging do some yoga, exercise, or meditate. You only have to do this for as long as your tea is charging. So like literally five minutes, trust me it makes a difference.

💖If you make breakfast give a piece of your breakfast as an offering. If you don’t make breakfast give some of your tea you made as an offering.

💖While you get dressed and do your makeup light a candle. This way you start your day off with a little light, light acts as a positive omen, and wakes you up more.

💖If you want purity and beginnings light a white candle.

💖If you want courage and strength light a red candle.

💖If you want healing, luck, and prosperity light a green candle.

💖If you want calming and spiritual awareness light a blue candle.

💖If you want psychic powers and control light a purple candle.

💖If you want positivity and beauty light a yellow candle.

💖If you want beauty, serenity, and positivity light a pink candle.

💖If you want stimulation and energy light a orange candle.

💖While doing your makeup place a rose quartz crystal next to your makeup supplies. It’s a simple tactic that really ups your look for the day.

💖If you shower in the morning turn it into a cleansing ritual.

💖Color coordinate your outfit for your days intent.

💖Carry an appropriate crystal in your purse to help calm, stabilize, or motivate yourself.

💖Carry a rose quartz crystal in your makeup bag to increase your beauty for the day.

💖Carry a spell bottle you made for keeping calm in stressful situations in your purse.

💖Carry a spell bottle you made for good luck to come your way in your purse.

💖Carry a basil in your wallet to attract money.

💖Carry rose petals in your purse to help bring all kinds of love throughout your day.

💖Wear thyme in your bra to make yourself more alluring.

💖If you curl your hair enchant your curling iron.

💖For simple divination open a book to a random page and read it.

💖Enchant and wear a crystal necklace.

💖Everynight before you go to bed charge your crystal necklace under the moonlight.

💖Stir your tea clockwise to conjure up happiness and health.

💖Stir your tea counterclockwise to banish negativity.

💖Stir your tea for your days intent, while doing this you can chant a few words making a new little spell each day.

💖For your morning tea use sun water.

💖For your bedtime tea use moon water.

💖Try to always have an incense lit in your room for aromatherapy, positive energy, general witchiness, and reducing anxiety.

💖Use essential oil as a perfume.

💖Go for a walk to connect with nature.

💖Read your daily horoscope.

💖Write sigils in your planner.

💖Chew gum, use flavor associations.

💖Text yourself emoji spells when you need a quick boost.

💖Enchant your pen, marker, pencil, etc. Enchant the words you write.

💖Brush your teeth counterclockwise to banish negativity from your day.

💖Whisper a silent greeting to the sun.

💖Play some of your favorite music to invoke spiritual energy.

💖Whisper a “goodnight” to the moon before going to sleep.

💖Energy work, if you have the extra concentration to spare. This can go very quickly and is so versatile.

💖For protection carry a salt packet in your purse.

💖Carry a sugar packet in your purse to sweeten up your day.

💖Try weaving glamours into your foundation, clarity and true-seeing in your mascara, and authority in your lipstick. Red lends power to your words. Pink offers charm.

💖Put an appropriate tarot card in your purse or planner to give you a burst of energy.

💖Keep a Grimoire/BOS on your phone.

💖Wear a crystal to boost your energy while working out at the gym.

💖If you need to take a nap place your crystals under your pillow to charge with you. You need a break to recharge just like your crystals do.


Identity is a prison! Let yourself respond authentically to each moment as it arrives, without being bound to the narrative of who you think you are! The self is a construct! The truth of your existence is ever changing and infinite as the universe is ever changing and infinite! Abandon the stories of your past selves and be present and alive in this very moment! IDENTITY IS DEAD! THE SELF IS DEAD! YOU ARE ALIVE!


Thought: I do NOT think that 50% of the world’s billionaires should be women. I think there shouldn’t be any billionaires at all.

So you are saying 0% of the world should be billionaires?



Why shouldn’t their be billionaires? That makes no sense.

Because the existence of billionaires is predicated on the exploitation of human labor and unsustainable environmental harm.  That level of wealth hoarding is harmful to economies, as it reduces the amount of money in circulation. No one person, no family, could ever conceivably even SPEND a billion dollars anyway, and  it is inherently immoral to accumulate wealth so narrowly while so much of the world lives in abject poverty.  

Better then to create a wealth ceiling, a point at which all wealth over a certain point  is taxed at or very near 100% to incentivize people to actually spend their money rather than hoard it, stimulating the economy and bettering the lives of far more people. Better even still to create and regulate economic systems that protect workers and the environment in a way that such extreme levels of wealth accumulation aren’t even feasible. 


The problem with this is that it reduces the incentive to actually do fiscally well. What’s the point of starting a business if you can’t become wealthy?

There is a very real difference between “reasonably wealthy” and A BILLIONAIRE

No one is saying you shouldn’t have a nice house, we are saying that having multiple really, really ridiculously nice houses while your employees are either homeless or at serious risk of becoming homeless is immoral.

I’ll never understand why this concept is hard for people. I think it’s because they can’t actually fathom how much $1 Billion is.


Let’s say you have a badass job. A great job. You make $100 AN HOUR. You work 10 hours a day ($1000 A DAY), 5 days a week ($5000 a week!!!), every week ($20,000 A MONTH), thats $240,000 Every Year.

It would take you 4,167 years to make a billion dollars.

Keep in mind then, that if you got paid $1000 an hour, 10 hours a day, five days a week, every week, all year, it would still take over 400 years to make a billion.

You want to make one billion in a human lifetime? If you made $10,000 an HOUR, 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, every week, all year, it would take you 41 years to hit a billion.

(And that’s not counting, ya know, money you spend to stay alive on food or rent or anything. )

Jeff Bezos currently has 140 billion dollars.


Thank you. <3

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