
I'm tied to you.

@ohkate / ohkate.tumblr.com

"And even when we aren't together, I still feel the pull of you."

Thank you @twinklyylights for this weeks @galladrabbles prompt: Thank you. I tried a little AU kinda drabble this week.

“You hit really hard,” Ian says as he bandages Mickey’s hand. It’s not broken, just bruised. 

“That’s what this asshole desires for talking shit about my sister,” Mickey says and looks into Ian’s beautiful green eyes. 

“I have a sister too. If somebody would hurt her, I would probably do the same thing.” Ian tightens the bandage. “Done.”

“Thank you, Doctor Gallagher,” Mickey says with a soft smile.

“Are you flirting with me?”

“Would it be a problem if I do?” 

“Not at all. Would you like to grab a drink with me?” Ian asks, trying to play it cool.  


Thank you back.

Today's @galladrabbles courtesy of @twinklyylights' prompt: Thank you. Word count: 100


"Thank you." "For what?" "Coming back. You always came back. Even when I was a jerk or when I was sick. Even when I pushed you away. Now we're here. Married. Happy."

They didn't say grace or give 'thanks' before Thanksgiving dinner, but Tami thought it would be nice to go around the table. They hadn't all been together for almost a year.

"Wasn't that hard. I loved you."

Ian blinked slowly at Mickey. "Still, we wouldn't be here otherwise." Pause.

"Well…thank you back." "For what?" "Waiting as long as you did for me to be ready to do that."

Community Label: Mature: Sexual Themes
Anonymous asked:

For all of our sakes let’s hope you answer with a lil spice, ray because we love your work 🤩

Ian spits on mickeys hole and they both love it 🤝

mickey never imagined he'd be caught dead in this position - flat on his belly in bed, knees bent and back arched and ass up. it's an insane move, but he made peace with it long ago because he very quickly finds he'll do fucking anything for this feeling.

Community Label: Mature

Sexual themes



Written for this week's @galladrabbles! Thanks to @ianandmickeygallavich1 for the prompt : ) Word Count: 100


The lines had begun to blur.

Ian came, which always set him off, too. Then his mouth was at his shoulder, nipping like a claim but lived as something more affectionate. It's supposed to be a fuck. No kissing. No softness.

And then he started fucking it up.

It began with hands rubbing up the back of his hair. Hands slowly grazing softly down his back.

Then it was lips. Barely there.

His cock was buried now, pulsing inside. Filling him up. Messy and perfect. Then he felt that tongue. That heat. That devotion.

Now he can't live without it.


My Top Gallavich fics

So, under the advice of the lovely @iangallagherisadeadman I've decided to compile a favorites Gallavich fic list along with a brief rec of each, this won't be a strict top 10 cause I'm not gonna torture myself into excluding some of these stories on some made-up self imposed arbitrary rules.

A bunch of disclaimers: most of these fics are long fics, going from 30k words up, I'm not purposefully excluding shorter fics, I have read plenty of them, but they do have a harder time sticking in my head months after reading.

Most of these fics will be explicit, just read the tags on the fic itself if you want to find out more.

Some of these fics don't have links because the authors chose to lock them and as such make them unlinkable, in order to read them you will need to go through the author's page while you're logged in your AO3 account.

This ended up ballooning out of control and is A LOT longer than ten fics, I apologize in advance :p.


Personal rant

You guys don't know me, but I'm a pretty logical and rational person. I'm on the autism spectrum so most people who don't know me well would probably refer to me as cold or unempathetic. I tend to get all my feelings and emotional stuff out in writing or fanart. But it makes me good at my job as a bank call center supervisor because I can be logical, precise and patient.

Once a month I get screamed at and called horrible names by this customer who calls in. I'm really good about not letting people get me upset. I don't want to give them the satisfaction. And I get yelled at for a big portion of my day so it's nothing new. I can deal with it.

But this lady is unique. She's made 3 of our reps cry, 1 quit, and even the manager ended up needing to take a break after a call escalated to him. I tend to get shaky while talking to her because it takes all of my restraint not to just tell her the truth- that's she a horrible, despicable bitch who should get thrown into a fucking woodchipper.

I've been in some form of customer service for 30 years and she's the worst I've ever experienced. I've seriously thought about doxxing her or something because I've never met a more deserving individual than she is of that kind of thing. I try to take the high road. But I'm tired of having to be the bigger person.

And the part that bothers me isn't that she's the way she is. It's that my company won't just say No More. If someone was abusing our systems, we'd take away her access to those systems. But we're human punching bags and it's just okay.

I'm so tired of this because I see it everywhere now. These people who act like children who want a cookie and will throw a tantrum when they don't get it. But the problem is we're constantly giving it to them, so it reenforces the behavior. And then we wonder why the world is suddenly so full of these people. It bothers me more when I hear one of our reps being courteous and professional to someone after they called them a bitch or some racist or homophobic remark. It's more unnatural to me that this is the response we're required to have. It's not human.

Behavior does matter and just because you're a customer doesn't mean you're allowed to behave this way. Mike Tyson famously said: "Social media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” But corporations have made it that you are allowed to behave this way because they'd rather their own employees be abused than to say no to the toddler/customer.

If you are one of those people who yells and screams at customer service reps because you believe that's what they're there for, I hope you get hit by a bus, I really do.



Time for @galladrabbles! This week's prompt: "trapeze" by @crossmydna. Word count: 100


These were his favorite moments.

Franny sat in Mickey's lap as they watched acrobats soar through the air. Amidst the chaos and wonder, Franny's eyes lit up. But so did Mickey's.

They listened to Franny's ooh's and aah's as she watched the spectacle. Ian looked over at Mickey and saw how young he looked, pointing up at the trapeze artist swinging and flipping around.

Their hands found each other, fingers intertwining. He hated that Mickey never got to have a moment like this before now.

But he was so happy to got to be there to experience it with him.


thank you @crossmydna for this weeks @galladrabbles !

prompt: trapeze


It's hard to hold onto sometimes. What he and Mickey have.

Because it's there right in front of him but it's out of arms reach. Knees buckling on a platform with no safety net below. It swings closer and closer to him with every swing but he can't get the timing right.

He wants this. He's climbed the ladder and he's at the top but there's something holding him back from taking that leap. Mickey comes close and then he's far away again.

Mickey reaches his hands out and then Ian grabs them. And they're swinging together in the air.


drabble challenge #26 “The diamond in your engagement ring is fake.” if you feel like it!


Not gonna lie, I wrote this pretty fast during my lunch break today so I hope it's not too silly. I hope you like!


While grocery shopping, Ian and Mickey are accosted by a homophobic shopper who doesn't realize who she's messing with.

A short fic for a tumblr prompt challenge by katiewritesFollowers/Readers send numbers to your Ask. You write a fic/drabble using that line in your piece.


For the drabble challenge I humbly beg of you to complete #76: “Please put your penis away.”

Have fun!


thanks for playing along! it isn't *exactly* a drabble but idc:

Mandy isn’t leaving the house at night without something capable of making a man bleed. She shoulders her way into her brother’s room and is shocked into stillness. A naked, red-faced, bouncing Mickey is facing her when his eyes snap open at the sound. Luckily for them both, Mickey isn’t frozen. He rolls off the bed taking a tangle of sheets with him to the floor.

It only reveals a bigger shock.

“IAN? Gallagher?!”

His big green eyes are wide, glazed over. Hot, tight, wet. His brain hasn’t exactly caught up to what’s happening so he covers his face and tries desperately to break through the haze.

Mandy tries to look away but her eyes are drawn down.

Mickey stands, sheet firmly tucked into his armpits to take it all in. Mandy still has one hand on the door as if to keep herself upright. Her jaw has dropped and she’s gazing with amusement at Ian’s huge cock. They both watch as it sways low against his belly.

Mickey breaks first and sighs heavily, “C’mon man, can you please put your penis away?”

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