Latest batch including the biggest Thousand Sons mood.
When you log onto Tumblr.
TTS is brilliant
Do you watch TTS?
Why yes I do :)
Here, Anon, Have a Kitten Custodes
My favorite part of the new tts episode
Friend: I’m at Mickey D’s, what you want?
wow guys i cant wait for the next TTS episode where we explore kitten and shadowsuns past filled with young love, compelling relationship drama and the end of one of the greatest romances ever conceived in the 40k universe
All hail to one of the best If the Emperor had a text to speech device’s scene.
Sorry for the absence, guys, I’ve been bogged down with Chinese New Year and schoolwork. Here’s the last sketch idea that won - Fulgrim versus Ferrus, in the style of Dio versus Jotaro.
How abowt ya draw sum Ork ladz dabbin’ on da humie gitz?
I’ve got you covered fungal friend
Yeah, bring that Axe out, oh yeah. Need to get some appropriate musical accompaniment for this.
Got It. Oh Yeah.
Gundam art - Yoshiyuki Takani
Again, I fancy this as good art for early Battletech, before the Star League
Faction play careers concept art for MechWarrior Online