
Compliments ♥

@spreadthelove-rpc / spreadthelove-rpc.tumblr.com

Spread the love. Just another blog joining in the love movement for RPing. We tend to focus on the negatives in the RP community, but there's so much good as well!

Hey Loves, so I haven’t been on here for awhile. But I would love to spread some love to the community, just send something in about someone you admire from a far   Just sending love makes my day darlings.

Anonymous asked:


Chiara, wow what a cutie you are.  I mean you are so sweet and kind. You are so considerate of everyone in the community. Also I love your love for Sam and Ryder from Glee. That is just amazing and Keep being true to you’re self.  I want you to know that you are generous soul and you’re amazing just by being you. 


Hey Loves, so I haven't been on here for awhile. But I would love to spread some love to the community, just send something in about someone you admire from a far and maybe a url.  Just sending love makes my day darlings.

Anonymous asked:

amortentiawrites needs some love and positive vibes!

Oh wow, amortentiawrites. How amazing you are! You're writing is just so poignant, and you are such a strong person for holding on like you are. Seriously, you are amazing, and I am not just saying that. Just with the things you post (and they are not irrelevant. You are not irrelevant) I can tell that you have tried so hard for everyone else, and I hope that you've also done so for yourself (because it seems so). Even though my opinion doesn't matter as much as your opinion of yourself does, I think you are smart, beautiful, and you are going to get through this. You're strong and amazing, and I hope you know how much I care about you, and how much this anon and most probably your partners care about you, and we are here for you if you ever need to talk. You deserve everything you want!
hufflepuffwriter I wanted to post a little something for you since I've seen you down on my dash lately, and I wanted to send some love your way, because I love you dearly, even if we've never spoken before. You are wonderful and an amazing RPer and you should never forget that. I care for you, your partners must certainly care for you, and we are there for you with whatever you need. You do not deserve rude anons and you are allowed not to want to take them on with a good smile. You are irreplaceable and don't you forget it, okay? 
Anonymous asked:

carriebradshawspeaks needs some love!

Then love she will get!

Okay, carriebradshawspeaks, someone loves you and would like you to feel a little more loved than you do right now. And it's no wonder why! From your unique mascot to the content of your blog, I'm falling in love with every single twist and turn. Honestly, Carrie, you seem absolutely phenomenal. I follow you on my own blog, and your content is just what I'm looking for. You're helpful, and definitely an asset to us around here! Sending all my love your way.


Do you have a blog or person you want to give a little love to? Come send them a valentine! We'd love to hear from YOU about the people who've made your RP experiences great!

Anonymous asked:

yes, exactly and i have gotten compliments from others. I find it just really rude how she said it. Thank you for answering so honestly, makes me glad there's a least some decent RPH's out there who will give proper and good critizism.

Not a problem, Anon! Honestly, I feel like if we all just remember that there are people behind the screen, it will help exponentially. 

And in the words of Kid President: "If it's not going to make the world a better place, DON'T DO IT."

Anonymous asked:

Hello. I wanted to ask you something. How do you feel about rph's who get opinions who tell you, you have no skills when it comes to photoshop? Like, in my rp I've made the header and everything and I feel it fits, but one rph I asked didn't. I saw though that she loved gradient rps and I cannot like them. Do you think people should be so rude?

Well, this is a really tough question to answer! I think that everyone’s entitled to an opinion. There are things I like and don’t like, and I know that there are things other people like and don’t like. However, I think that everyone should always be cognizant of the fact that whether or not you like it, someone took time and effort to make this thing, whether it be a plot, bio, or a graphic. I think it’s okay to give opinions as long as you’re being constructive about them and understand that your own opinion is not the end-all, be-all. As far as you go, Just keep your chin up and remember that even if an RPH doesn’t like something that you’ve made, it doesn’t take all the merit out of it. As long as you’re proud of your header, then your enthusiasm and dedication to your game is what people are going to be drawn to, and there are going to be people who do really like your header. 


To add on my own opinion, although it might seem like I'm repeating our other beautiful cupid:

I think people have the right to their opinion, but not to be rude as they sound they seemed to be. RPH's are meant to help people, not bring them down. They should bring constructive criticism, as well as ways to help the person they think is in need. If you feel it fits, if you are proud of what you made and you don't agree with that person, who has not given you any help and insulted you, then you should do as you wish, not what they wish. Even then, in any part of your life, you shouldn't let other people's opinions dictate how you go about your decisions and your own state of mind.
Although I am late with this (as I have gone through the events myself), I wanted to give all of my best wishes and hopes to those who were present or were affected by the events that occurred on Wednesday, October 22nd at the Parliament in Ottawa. If you don't already know, there was a shooting at the Parliament, although the number of shooters is still unclear, Ottawa practically shut down to contain the shooter, and another one of our soldiers was killed. The events were followed with panic, even outside of Ottawa, and we now know our military personnel is being targeted. If you are ever in need to speak to anyone, to just be listened to or to be comforted, I, and I assume my fellow cupids, am here to do so. Or if you simply want to comfort another, whether they have gone through this event or not, or to send them love, our askbox is always open.
Anonymous asked:


What can I say about you Kelly,  Just you seem like a amazing person with a great spirit.  A strong willed person who can get can get Puck  down to a t. I don't know ho how you do it love.  I just love love watching you interact with others and you sweetheart are such a doll. Just keep being yourself, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Anonymous asked:

I'm not sure if this is a place to do this, but I know that ericareyesroleplays could use some positive vibes sent her way, she's going through some hard times.

It's definitely the place to do it! If you want, you can even send your own positive vibes her way, on or off anonymous!

Okay, Charlotte, I'm about to pep talk you up. 

We all go through hard times, and sometimes people can be more or less empathetic when someone else is struggling. But you have people who love you and care about you, so don't stop fighting and trying ad being happy! It obvious people care about you, so try to focus on the positives, because so often, it's so hard to see the good when there's bad happening. I know all too well how it feel like there's nothing but negativity coming your way. 

It's not true! Someone cared enough to send this in; people have been sending you messages; and I care

You are a talented writer, when I see you on my dash, you make me laugh and smile, and I know that your partners think you're irreplaceable. Keep going, get some good sleep, and take care of yourself. Don't forget to take a minute to breathe, and you're going to be so great, Love. So, so great. 

Charlotte, I'm sending you all the positive vibes, prayers, and good thoughts I have. 

Anonymous asked:


Hannah my lovely , your such a lovely generous person.  I can tell you been a cute little busy butterfly.   Darling you have such a lovely spirit that gives incredible love to others when feeling down on their luck.  Also your writing is super adorable dear as I seen your blog a few times and still love the person behind that cute computer screen of this url.  Stay true to yourself dear heart as we love you so much.

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