
Anjelika Sinclair

@nights-angel75 / nights-angel75.tumblr.com

Selective/indie Nightbane OC/ OC's and AU's accepted/ NSFW can happen/ Mun and muses 18+/ This blog has pledged against ship wars and bullying in general/ triggers...

Do The Doctors Drink?

One: Yes, but only a small glass of brandy. Never in front of his companions. 

Two: No. He gets panicky enough as it is. 

Three: This guy drinks wine. But not cheap wine; it has to be vintage and immensely expensive. Not that he ever seems to pay for them, though. 

Four: Would you give this creature alcohol?  

Five: This dorky dad only drinks tea. No alcohol whatsoever. Whenever one of his kids friends wants to drink (usually Tegan), he gives them a lecture on being responsible; he has to set a good example, after all. This is normally about five seconds before he falls over a priceless vase (breaking said-vase) and knocking himself unconscious. Again.

Six: Likes a glass of scotch on occasion but tends to prefer being alert. He needs all the alertness he can, given what he has to deal with most days. 

Seven: This little Machiavellian does not drink, but pretends to do so as to keep everyone off their guard. Has had to pull drinks away from Ace on several occasions, as she’s still underage. 

Eight: Only on occasion, only wine, and only socially. Normally in a bohemian French café. 

War: He needs a drink but doesn’t have the luxury of doing so very often.  

Nine: A couple of pints. No nonsense about it, and never drinks too much. Will sometimes start quoting the Vimes Boot Theory of Socio-Economic Unfairness, depending on who he’s with. 

Ten: This twink has woken up in random alleyways after a night out so often that he had to invent a homing device on the TARDIS so he could find his way back. Somehow, this actually managed to get worse after Donna turned up. 

Eleven: Would like to drink, but everyone keeps refusing to serve him because he looks, like, nine years old. Even the psychic paper doesn’t help. 

Twelve: This man has been drunk at more music festivals than he would like to admit. Although he does start to limit his intake after Bill shows up. 

Thirteen: Too neurotic to drink and tends to get very clingy around Yaz on the rare occasion that she does (not that Yaz is complaining too much)

Fugitive: Holds her drink very well and will drink anyone under the table. Always something cool and sophisticated without being expensive. 


Open - Eddie Munson

“You’ll seriously play Dungeons and Dragons with me? YOU?! Wow… I’m impressed. Alright, let’s head to my lair then!”

Anjelika rolls her eyes at the riotous boy in front of her. Though she has to admit to herself, that personality is what drew her to Eddie in the first place.

“Don’t tell me you’re one of those boys that believe girls don’t play DnD.” She scoffs.


@c3m21: what are your thoughts on vampire eddie? this picture has me weak😭

i actually haven't thought too much about him? but now that you bring it up...

i do like the idea of him coming back from the upside down as... something else.

like maybe he fused with the hive mind somehow

and maybe it gives him this unsatisfiable hunger for flesh. blood. he's a halfway creature between one of vecna's monsters and a human.

and when he finds his way back to you he's a wreck because he doesn't know what's wrong with him or how to control his urges and you smell so good he just wants to consume you.

definitely becomes a clumsy, goofy goth. like richmond from the it crowd.

sleeps most of the day to avoid the sunlight. it hurts his eyes. when he does go out during daylight, he has to wear sunglasses everywhere.

eats chunks of raw meat straight from the pack. like you've woken up in the middle of the night to find him sitting in front of the fridge, eating pieces of raw stewing beef like they're chips.

you have to teach him how to live comfortably with your cat (rip mews) which he's totally guilty about because like. that cat is also his baby. and he hates the thoughts that run through his head every time he's close to it. but he ends up bonding, finding his humanity again, and local pets are no longer in danger of becoming his next meal. (your cat is happy too. he missed is dad.)

likes to hunt in the woods twilight style. will come home drenched in dirt and blood with a wild look in his eye. it's kinda hot.

nothing curbs his thirst for human blood, though. that's what he craves more than anything.

Oh I love this

Please, give me vampire!Eddie!


Not all venom fans are monster fuckers 😞 some of us are just aroace disasters who like the idea of a platonic soulmate who likes to murder annoying people for you, is that so bad?

Guys I’m part of the club 🥺



We got you, OP.


Ace monster-romantic.

My muse and I are absolutely monsterfuckers, just ask Teine @timelxrd-victorious. But you better believe that if you fuck with my ace friends/RP partners, I will kick your ass


so you hate rose tyler

There are probably lots of valid reasons to hate, or at least dislike, Rose Tyler. One of the most valid is probably “I just don’t like her”, because personal preference is a thing that exists and saying “I just don’t like her” doesn’t contain any bullshit sexist or classist reasons for it. So it’s not that everyone needs to love Rose. If you just don’t enjoy her storyline or her personality, hey, it happens. There are, however, a lot of really invalid reasons to hate her. Such as:

  • “She’s useless!” OR sometimes “She was great in s1 but useless in s2!” No she’s not. There are about 30 episodes to contradict this. And her entire series 2 character arc is about her becoming more of a competent hero, not less of one.
  • “She’s the reason the universes were collapsing in Journey’s End!” No she’s not. This is never suggested in the entire s4 arc. You’re selectively taking bits and pieces of the text while ignoring others in order to paint Rose as the villain.
  • “Her clothes are ugly and I hate her stupid horse face.” Fuck you.
  • “She isn’t good enough for the Doctor! It’s unrealistic that the Doctor would love an uneducated shop girl.” Sorry, this right here is some classist bullshit. Love isn’t based on someone’s CV. Being working class and not having a high level of formal education does not mean Rose is unworthy of love, or (perhaps more specifically) unworthy of love from her “betters”. What the fuck? Stop.
  • “She was obsessed with the Doctor.” This argument is invalid for a couple of reasons. First, it’s intentionally downplaying/demonizing Rose’s love as “obsession” – and also implying that it was entirely one-sided, as if Rose is latched onto his leg with her claws while he tries to shake her off. That’s a blatant misreading of the text that also has sexist undertones, because if Rose was “obsessed” with the Doctor, the Doctor was sure as fuck even more “obsessed” with Rose. What makes her “obsessed”, anyway? Wanting to be with him? By this same reasoning, pretty much all the companions are “obsessed” with him. Donna wanted to be with him forever, too.
  • “She was so mean to poor Mickey! He was such a good boyfriend and she treated him so badly!” It’s really the second part of this that kills it for me. Yes, Rose’s behaviour towards Mickey tended towards selfishness. But you know what? So did his. The Mickey/Rose relationship was dysfunctional and doomed from the off, even if it had once been a sweet and simple teenage thing. Mickey, to put it simply, is not the “perfect boyfriend” that fandom often wants to believe he was. Mickey was selfish, too, desperately clinging to his relationship with Rose and trying to hold her back even after it became clear that it wasn’t working and clear that she wanted someone else. Should Rose have ended it sooner, cleaner? Sure. But Mickey could have, as well. Mickey even starts dating another woman, but is eager to “get a hotel room” as soon as Rose comes home. PERFECT BOYFRIEND, right? But I think the most telling moment in the Mickey/Rose relationship is in the Slitheen two-parter in s1. Mickey is invited to come along on the TARDIS with them, and he turns it down because he’s scared – and then he has the Doctor lie so that he can save face, and continues to guilt-trip Rose over her decision to keep travelling. Sorry, Mickey, but no. If Mickey were really the perfect boyfriend everyone says he is, he could have either a) gone along for at least one trip to see if he could be with Rose in the new direction her life was taking, or b) declined by admitting it wasn’t a lifestyle for him and wishing Rose luck. Instead he chose to lie and guilt-trip her out of pursuing something she’d come to love. That’s pretty shitty. So no, Rose didn’t treat him well. But Mickey is a grown-ass man guilty of many of the same things, so hold them both accountable. Painting Rose as the villain and Mickey as the helpless innocent is, frankly, kind of sexist.
  • “She’s mean to her mum! How could she leave her alone like that?” Okay, I love Jackie, and definitely one of the intentional tragedies in DW are characters like Jackie, “the ones who get left behind”. Jackie is lonely and that’s sad. But Rose is nineteen years old; she’s growing up and she’s going to leave home. And it’s not as though Rose disappears with the Doctor, never to return. The first 12-month gap is a mistake (and exclusively the Doctor’s fault), and from then on Jackie knows where her daughter is, can call her, and the Doctor and Rose come around for visits sometimes. It’s a bit like taking a job on the other side of the world – is it sad they don’t get to see each other as often anymore? Sure. But Rose has no obligation to stay at home in a life she doesn’t enjoy just because her mother wants her to. Which leads me to…
  • “She had everything she wanted in Doomsday and she still wasn’t happy with it!” No, she had everything you think she should’ve wanted in Doomsday. Rose NEVER says she’d be happy in that alternate universe with her mum and dad, or that this is what she wants. She says literally the exact opposite in “Doomsday”, telling Jackie that she wants Jackie and Pete to be happy together but that her life is with the Doctor now. Deciding that because she has money, parents and an ex-boyfriend she should just sit back and be satisfied with something she did not want in the first place is gross, and hey, also kind of sexist. (Are you seeing the pattern here?) This argument says that Rose should just settle for losing the man and the lifestyle she loves because, hey, she has her parents and money and an ex-boyfriend. What? No. No one gets to decide what’s “good enough” for Rose except Rose, and she very plainly did not want the ending she gets in “Doomsday”.

I could go on, honestly, because there are so many (“Rose is the reason Ten went crazy in Waters of Mars!“  …wat) but I think this covers a good portion of them.

So go forth! Hate Rose! Just don’t try to justify it with any of the above bullshit.


they’re just not that into you: tumblr rp edition

So we need to talk about things, we do.

I keep seeing people complaining about feeling ignored. And some weeks I feel ignored, too. And sometimes I talk to people who have tried to say ‘no thank you, I’m not interested’ in 546378 different ways, and people take that as ‘I need to be more creative and persistent’.

It’s time we were honest;

Sometimes, an RPer is just not that into you.

They are begging for threads when it’s their turn on replies. They have a wishlist but they turn you down when you ask. Communication has drawn to a halt. You start every message with ‘hi sorry to bother you’. You nudge them repeatedly and they are unresponsive.

… they are just not that into you.

Here are some reasons why this might be the case:

  1. You’re trying to write yourself into their background and it doesn’t work well with their headcanons.
  2. Your writing styles are just unmeshy things. Oil. Water. Bam.
  3. They don’t agree with some aspect of they way you play your character (and this doesn’t make you wrong; just incompatible). <– especially canons tbh. We all see them differently. Which is great.
  4. They don’t mesh with some aspect of the way you run your blog generally - more ooc than they are comfortable with, too much negativity about fandoms, characters, ships or people, too many photos of your stamp collection.
  5. Your styles clash. One of you likes heavy formatting and structure and the other likes things plain.
  6. What you initially discussed is not unfolding right for them.
  7. They just don’t feel it.
  8. They have a lot of threads and they don’t want to cut down on others for one they’re lukewarm about.

None of these things are likely to be the case:

  1. They hate you.
  2. They think you suck.

This is NOT about ‘quality’ (i hate that word being used around here). It’s about compatibility.

Let me ask you… can you really enjoy a thread knowing you had to harass someone into it? I doubt it.

I am not talking about people who take a little longer than usual to reply, because our lives fluctuate. Or people who have long breaks (hooray, they have lives!). I mean when someone is around a lot and it’s just a constant impasse. Or your messages never get answered.

This does not mean you are a bad RPer. This means one thing: You are not compatible with the other writer.  That is all, and it doesn’t reflect badly on you, or on them.

If someone goes on a date and it flops, we don’t blame them, right? And they can still be friends, or civil, or leave on okay terms.

This is a huge world. Really there are thousands of us. It sucks when someone you want to RP with just doesn’t seem that interested. But someone else will be interested. Stop chasing people who aren’t. It will be easier for you both.


friendly reminder that “Otherfucker” is, in fact, a legitimate insult/curse word on Gallifrey

which gets hilarious real quick when it’s directed at the Doctor and all the companions that really want to shag xem

This has to lead to one of his human companions asking if he meant motherfucker and then Teine has to explain it to them.


oh man, imagine Teine explaining it to Jack, Rose, or Anj, rofl

Oh, gods…😂

Jack and Rose are like, “Da fuq?!

Anj *shrugs her shoulders* Whatever

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